My Super Estate

The 2795th chapter magical effect

Chapter 2663 The Magical Effect of Jindan

Extract gas transport?

Thinking of this terrible possibility, pride is like the king of the white jade dragon, but he was also scared to tremble for a while.

What is luck?

That is the only collection between all creatures and the heavenly way.

The prosperous help the poor and the widowless.

The human race Tiandao is the referee who weighs up and down.And luck is the entry ticket.

It can be said that no matter how exciting and intense it is on the field, you must have an entry roll, otherwise, even if you have the most powerful strength, no matter how exciting the technology, you can not enter, There is no use for a little fart.

However, entry is difficult, and exit is even more difficult.

Admission, as long as it is integrated into the unified system of the human race, basically, all admissions are possible, but if you want to exit, it is a bit difficult.

Even if you are killed by someone, your admission ticket cannot be returned.

Once killed by someone, your luck will naturally be consumed.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the personal luck.

Therefore, the same human race, fighting each other, the most consuming luck.

Being a strong human race, killing the strong people who are also human races, naturally, will be reduced by luck. Even when you kill too many strong human races, the human race will naturally fall into bad luck, just like a The natural fireflies attract everyone's attention and make people go forward.

Therefore, the more powerful the top, the less dare to shoot casually, otherwise, once Tiandao was marked with a red label and a red scarf on, he was afraid that since then, there was no moment of tranquility.

However, the problem now is that even though the White Tiger Venerable is improper in his speech, he did not cut the red scarf!·

So, if you kill him like this, how can the human race be lucky?

The same human race, if you kill the most top pillar characters like Venerable White Tiger, will you not be marked in red?

Won't you cut the red scarf?

We are still waiting.

It depends on whether you are doing too much and causing sky anger.

As a result, you are like this, no movement at all?

You are when we don't understand the market!

Well, I don’t understand the world of local tyrants.Mr. Tyrant, we know that we are wrong, just let it go, can we?


Bai Yulong and other three strong men are still hesitating for the luck of the luck. Wang Yang's attention has been attracted by his own refined Jindan.

The strength of Venerable White Tiger is extremely strong. It is really a very distant role on the road to the completion of the avenue.

This kind of existence, except for the extremely long time, can only be achieved by a person like himself who is a genius.

His strength, of course, is of course extremely powerful.

In fact, it is possible to succeed in refining Jindan, just because of the death of the Xuanming ancestor and the loss of the original source.

An Xuan Ming ancestor is already a great opportunity. No matter how many thoughts, Wang Yang does not have that thought.

Well, it's because he didn't dare to think more.

But what is going on now?

Venerable Bai Hu has fallen. How can his path be taken up by Jindan Chuanghua himself?

Jinhua Jindan, there is such a function?

Wang Yang said that he studied less and did not understand.

I saw that the golden pill in front of Wang Yang only exuded a touch of golden light. Naturally, it contained a trace of Taoism. Whether it is an emperor, a sage, or even a divine lord, it is natural. It is sinking into the ocean of Tao.

You can't extricate yourself.

In a very short period of time, all the indigenous people in the world have greatly improved their strength.

However, this is already the limit!

No amount of welfare, even if there is such a wicked existence like Wang Yang, I dare not think about it.

Now, what is going on?Why, the origin of Venerable White Tiger's avenue, is naturally integrated into the Jindan of fortune?

I saw that it was just the golden Jindan, which exuded a light golden light, and suddenly a bright golden light burst out.A layer of Jindan's flame rises naturally, setting Jindan even more extraordinary.

Even between the faint, you can feel that a supreme deity is sitting cross-legged in Jindan, one after another exudes endless mysterious patterns, looming, bright and eye-catching.

It's not like a golden pill, it's more like a spirit.

Close your eyes, and naturally, you can hear a sermon.

It seems that there is a Taoist ancestor, preaching to all living beings in the highest place in that real world.


Feeling the joy in my heart, many people, all of them, are shouting into the sky.

They, all of the top beings in the world, are based on the living beings, overlooking the world.

Just like the Central Divine Emperor and others, all of them clearly felt that imprisoning themselves and others did not know how many years the realm would be, and naturally, as long as they persisted, their future strength would be even more incredible,

Looking at such a golden Jindan, Wang Yang does not know why, there will always be a feeling, eat, this is a crime.

"This, this can interfere with everyone's spirit?"

Wang Yang felt something incredible.

This is just a golden pill, it is not a creature, but, to give yourself a feeling, his own spiritual world is disturbed by him.

A golden Jindan is different from the ordinary god tree, and no spiritual wisdom is born at all.

However, his own spiritual judgment was disturbed by it.

"Here, this is the source of the avenue is too ample, naturally, there will be some magic?"

Wang Yang is even more curious about such a golden Jindan.

What kind of use will such a golden Jindan take?

In other words, Wang Yang is very natural, so he took it.

The hole cards have already been used, and after use, they no longer have any hole cards.

At this time, you should accumulate some more cards for yourself.

Future opponents are at least one level of the Demon Ancestor.

If you don’t have enough strength, I’m afraid that you will have to be more careful when facing them in the future.

However, after taking Jindan, Wang Yang naturally can improve his own behavior.

"Help me protect the Fa!"

With that said, Wang Yang sat down cross-legged.

Sun Dasheng and the Three-eyed God of War naturally surrounded him.

It can be clearly seen that Wang Yang's breath is constantly rising.

This is just that his strength is constantly recovering, but also that his strength is rapidly improving.

In the past, his way of doing things is only at the sixth level, and he can contend with the giants of the universe, only because, in his body, he has a powerful derivative way.

However, at this moment, his way of doing things is rapidly improving.

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