My Super Estate

The 2796th chapter made God's heart

Chapter two thousand six hundred and twenty four

Practice Ziyang Divine Skills and create your own avenue of fortune.

Along the way, the road is far away and difficult.

In contrast, Wang Yang has some different ideas about the road of creation that he has created.

"Chenhua Jindan, I never deduced it and never thought about it, but, I don’t know what happened, I was in my head, naturally, I just flashed such a thought, and then, I have already Know the steps to make Jindan."

Out of nothing, this is the most familiar means of cosmic giants.

In normal times, Wang Yang will definitely not care too much.

In fact, even the Dadao Road, in theory, was completely non-existent.It also belongs to the scope of nothing.

However, there is nothing out of nothing, it does not mean that others can see through at a glance.

A stranger can see through at a glance, then, basically, there is nothing out of nothing, but reality already exists.

So, who created Jindan?

Why do you naturally have your head?

In other words, the Dadao Avenue was not created by oneself at all?In the universe, there has been a long time ago.

In fact, in the mortal and mortal spoken language, there is the word for fortune, and even the meaning of all about fortune has become very clear.

So, isn't it, in the universe, in fact, there has already existed the avenue of fortune?

Is the self-made avenue created by yourself just a derivative way?

Thinking of this, Wang Yang was in a bad mood.

"damn it!"

If, in the universe, there is already a road of fortune, then it means that the master of fortune already has a master.

The self-cultivated Dadao Avenue will be strengthened by one point each time its strength is increased. Naturally, the strength of the Daoist Taoist Master will be correspondingly stronger by one point.

Even, if, when the Taoist Taoist needs it, he must take action for him.

Even his own power may be borrowed by him at any time.

Don't talk about human rights, there is no human rights in front of absolute power.

Human rights are a question of the soul, not an expression of power.

"No, the Dahua Avenue needs to be improved, but my derivation must also be improved quickly."

Wang Yang knows very well that the world of rooftops has appeared, and many old monsters who do not know how many years since they were proclaimed are born.

The strongest of the entire universe, the level of which is plain, will rise several levels.

The avenue is complete, and soon it will become standard.

And that possible Taoist Daoist is very likely to be such an old monster.

Not to mention, self-styled, without the kingdom of the universe, it is difficult to improve its strength.

Such a situation is only for ordinary cosmic overlords, and for cosmic giants, they are basically already on the road to completion.

As long as they don’t die, even if the road doesn’t show up, however, the road they created can still exist in the universe. Under extremely occasional opportunities, someone will create such a road again.

Naturally, following a certain cause and effect, naturally, it will enhance the strength of the master.

It is very likely that Taoist Taoist is such an existence.

Perhaps it takes a very long time. Ten epochs and a hundred epochs may not go further.

However, under the confession, time pauses, for them, it makes no sense at all.

Some people plan to fight a bit, can't stand loneliness, but some people are much more tenacious, and they just don't come out, what can you do with him?

The universe is vast, can you know where he is buried?

The Dahua Avenue, nowadays, is already on the sixth step.

There are ten steps at each step, and each step increases the strength by a certain amount.

Under the ten-step accumulation, we ushered in a transformation and condensed into a supernatural power.

Create God Fire, Make God Light, Make God Realm, Make God Body, Make God Claw, Make God Eye.

Unconsciously, Wang Yang already has six supernatural powers.

No matter what kind of objects, as long as they are calcined, they can undergo an essential transformation.

Before refining and manufacturing Jindan, it was a kind of application of the Shenhuo.

Make God Light.

This is a kind of supernatural power that is very similar to the God of Fortune, but, in comparison, the scope of application of God of Fortune is much larger than that of God of Fortune.

The creation of God of Fire is subjective improvement and transformation, and the creation of God of Light is more inclined to passively change an environment.

Being shrouded in the God of Light is giving you an opportunity to improve, but whether you can improve depends on your own talents and talents.

The God of Creation is a field opened up with the Avenue of Chemistry. However, within this field, there is a special force of creation. As long as it is within this field, all matter, or energy, can naturally It must be created or evolved into a soul.

Even if it is a person's skin, still growing on the flesh, it can be naturally separated from it, and form a kind of soul.

If it is said that these three supernatural powers mainly act outside of themselves to form a powerful auxiliary means, then the creation of the divine body, the creation of the divine claws, and the creation of the divine eyes are a kind of transformation and promotion aimed at oneself.

Now, finally, there is a further opportunity.

If the avenue is not consummated, naturally, it is impossible to sense the connection between the real world and the unreal universe, and it is impossible to form a bridge between the day and the earth.

Now, finally, it is possible to go further.

A group of demons have left, and the three strong players of Baiyulongwang, Jiuwei Tianhu and Tongbiao Linghou are scared to stay.

With Sun Dasheng and the Three Eyes God of War protector, Wang Yang felt relieved.

Now that Jinhua Jindan is mature, of course, it is the time to take it.

The powerful source, with the fortune Jindan being subdued by Wang Yang, suddenly exploded in the body.

With this huge source of support, Wang Yang's spiritual world suddenly changed drastically.

I saw that in Wang Yang's spiritual world, a vast expanse of heaven and earth, innumerable creatures, survived naturally.

These are all a kind of induction from the mind, naturally a kind of projection.

In this projection, various worlds are formed and various scenes are derived.

Either have a direct relationship with yourself, or have an indirect relationship with yourself.

Different people have different constructions of the spiritual world, but with different constructions, their functions are very similar.

However, in contrast, Wang Yang's spiritual world is too large and too much. As a cosmic giant, Wang Yang is at least twenty times more powerful than that.

The nine-color fairy light, barely visible, naturally diffused in the spiritual world.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful source naturally flows in, and various lights and shadows naturally form in the spiritual world.

A god of soul gathers all the light and shadow and is born in the spiritual world.

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