My Super Estate

Question 2844

Chapter 2672

Seven Love Devil.

Wang Yang didn't know this special boundary.

However, he followed the breath of death and walked all the way, finally seeing such a special realm.

In the same way, he also saw the battle between the god of death and the ancestor of the heart demon and the seven emotions.

"What kind of place is it so powerful?"

In Wang Yang's eyes, this is an extremely fierce place, hidden in it, with a terrible Dao Yun hidden in it.

The more you advance, the more you can feel a terrifying oppressive force.

"How can their strength not be broken through?"

It is clear to see that Bleach and Heart Demon Patriarch were beaten back again and again.

"Here, what is it?

Why did they come here?"

There are only two reasons for the death and the ancestor of the demon.

Is to escape.

Just ahead, there is a huge danger, they want to seduce themselves to take risks.

That is, here is the way to leave this desperate demons.

No matter what time it is, you can't let it go.

Even if there is great danger here, it cannot be ignored.


Thinking, the god of death and the ancestor of the demon over there were just shot out.


This is your dependence?

Is this a show for me?Or, if you want to perform a drama, can you trick me in?"

The two guys rarely saw what happened when he was down, and he couldn't let it go.


Seven Love Devil, they are definitely not strangers.

However, I never imagined that I would encounter such a thing, and would even repel myself.

The most important thing is the lord of the Quartet.

"Sovereign Lord, you must be arrogant!"

It was really mad, but Bleach jumped up from the ground, pointing at Wang Yang and shouting loudly.

"Hey, Lao Tzu is about to be arrogant, how can you take me?"

If possible, if you take all the gods of death and heart demons, then you really can solve any problems.

Obviously, such a good thing cannot be easily achieved.

In order to win them, in addition to absolute strength, it is only surprising.

Unexpectedly, trolls, Huangquan ancestors, Hell Venerable, they are the most obvious examples.

However, with their three role models ahead, it is obviously impossible to create such a good thing.

Step by step, pressing towards death.

Since there is no possibility of surprise, then crushing with strength seems to be a good method.

As long as you get closer, everything is possible.


At this time, the god of death and the ancestor of the demon are in harmony.

No one can withstand the attack of the Quartet.

It's cool to calculate the other party for a while, and as a result, he is weak alone, and once he is caught up, he will die.

This is not the same as advancing together.

There is also a helper who can share the pressure with yourself.

Faced with the step-by-step push of the Sifang Kingdom Lord, the two of them had no choice but to retreat into the Seven Devil's Devil's Land again.


A roar showed that there was an inexplicable existence in the Seven Demon Devil Fields, struggling desperately, charging back and forth.

Just retreating into the Seven Love Devil's Land, the two gods, which were completely formed from the collection of Seven Love Flowers, naturally formed and launched the most direct attack towards the enemy of the offender.


Just entered, and was attacked by the terrible Qiqing spirits, the death spirit was furious, and the death scythe, carrying a violent force, attacked towards the Qiqing spirits.

How can I be easily defeated if I am a god of death?

In any case, one cannot withdraw.

Nor can it fail.

Two moves at the same time.

Reaper's sickle carries the power to cut life, and is slain towards the seven emotion gods.

Such a knife can reap the life of any soul.

However, such a sword, it is impossible to treat these seven emotions.

These seven sentiments are not creatures at all, and no life is harvested.

Slashed and swept across the Seven Love Gods, there was no effect, just to break it up.

Then, again quickly, they came together again.

Towards the death, quickly and again.

In fact, swords and swords, as the most common weapon blades, except for some special roads, basically, most of the magic soldiers have chosen these two types of blades.

At this time, there are no special skills, and no surprise surprise attacks. Everyone pays attention to their own behavior, and pays attention to their magical powers.

Therefore, in the face of the sword cut by the Seven Love Gods, Reaper responded calmly.

However, the moves were handled calmly, but the power contained in the sword was beyond the expectations of the god of death.

Then, Reaper was beaten back.

"How to do?"

Such a terrible magic soldier is simply beyond imagination.

The most abominable thing is that the Sifang Lord who is in the rear and has been chasing after death.

"Huh, if the lord of the Quartet dares to come in, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat."

The two of them were beaten back and forth by the Seven Love Demon Soldiers. Is it true that the strength of his Quartet is really so powerful?



Seven Love Demon Soldiers?

Are you talking about these things?"

Staring at that, whether it is together or scattered, seems to be broken at any time.

Looking at it, it seems like a breath, it can be blown away.

However, it is such a floral scent that such a terrible power will erupt.

"Can you tell me, what are these things?"

"Huh, do you think we will tell you?"

I've already wanted to watch him out of luck, can I still tell you information?

Are you thinking too well?

"who are you?"

A huge head like Taishan Shenshan suddenly appeared from the void.

"and who are you?"

This huge head.

Is it the owner of this Seven Love Devil?

What special projection of will?

He is a human race, will he not know?

Wang Yang's thoughts flashed in his mind, staring at this huge head, always vigilant.

Although, I don't know, what exactly does it mean, but Wang Yang already knows that the two guys in front of him must know.

Even, they are waiting to read their own jokes.

"Across the magic land, what is ahead? Will it be related to the way out?"

There are two Hongmeng purple qi, which is enough for the sword master.

Now, just go out.

However, where is the way out, it is necessary to find out for yourself.

Perhaps, right in front of this magic field.

Or maybe, not at all.

It's just that now you have no choice.

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