My Super Estate

Question 2845

Chapter two thousand six hundred and seventy-three fire of seven emotions

"What's the matter, can't you tell me now?"

The powerful spiritual power is indeed very obvious for the improvement of strength.

Everyone took another step on the basis of the success of the avenue.

The two gods of death and heart demons were beaten back and forth, but Wang Yang broke it three times.

This kind of strength is really much stronger than death and other people.


Death is dumbfounded.

The plot should not be like this!

In his own imagination, this guy, even if he is powerful, should be defeated by these seven sentient gods!

It doesn't make sense. You can't beat him if you join two!

"Huh, it seems that you have to try my patience!"

The exit has been blocked by myself. The two of them, except for going deep into this magic land, then there is no reason to choose.

Deep into the magic ground?

I am afraid that their strength cannot be supported.

By then, when powerful forces erupt, it is really impossible to escape.

"If, this seat tells you, you can't embarrass this seat!"

Reaper took a deep breath and stared at Wang Yang, saying so.

This is a shame.

Think of yourself, the magnificent Demon giant, leading the Demon race, and repeatedly into the hinterland of the human race. It has only been the part of killing yourself. When will it be oppressed by the human race?


It's a pity, think about the strength of the other party, even if you have no more dissatisfaction in your heart, what can you do?

Finally, you can only gritt your teeth.

With hatred, he said: "After the Seven Demon Devil Grounds, this is where the Devil Order is.

Only after passing through the Seven Love Devil lands, can you enter the position of the Devil Order.

Only by entering there can we find a way out, otherwise, it is impossible."

Wang Yang stared at the god of death, holding each other tightly, without moving away.

Reaper is also staring closely at the princes of the Quartet, without any flicker, nor any dodge, some, only endless self-confidence.

For a long time, Wang Yang finally nodded and said, "Well, I believe you!"

With that said, Wang Yang walked towards those seven emotions.

"Human, die!"

The endless colorful fragrance of flowers forms a deep fog that cannot be melted away.

I saw that in the endless deep fog, bursts of strong waves and a god of seven emotions were born quickly in the thick fog.

This guy, who is also an anxious person, was just born, and he didn't speak out very much. He launched the most violent attack towards Wang Yang.

Unexpectedly, the seven emotion gods did not use the sword technique, but seven fire dragons, roaring, they were rushing towards Wang Yang.

The terrible power seems to have a shocking power.

Wang Yang clearly felt that his own spiritual world seemed to have a force to invade and wanted to stir up the storm in his own spiritual world.

Even such a force far exceeds the limit of his own spiritual world.

However, such a force, just invaded, was directly suppressed by a more overbearing force.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of Zuyang, and power is vast!"

This result did not surprise me.

Suppress everything with Zuyang's projection.

Even if it is the strength of the Seven Love Gods, it is far beyond one's own, and it cannot be overturned.


Before the Seven Fire Dragons had arrived, Wang Yang shouted, and a strong will suddenly came.


As if it were a bubble, the seven fire dragons directly burst.

"Hey, this, this is the fire of seven emotions, infinite power, definitely not a small human race he can resist.

Let's see how he can resist it!"

Seven fire dragons appeared, and the death was an eager opening.

He did not think that the Quartet's sovereign could easily resist in front of such a force.

Even if it can be resisted, it must take extremely great force, and it should be extremely embarrassed.

Want to resist easily?


"That is……"

The ancestor of the demon is also very cold.

If it is in peacetime, he and the death are together, there is absolutely nothing to communicate.

The two of them, that is, iron is fixed in less than one pot.

However, in this place, the two arrogant and cold guys have chatted happily.

In fact, with their strength and status, basically, it is impossible to conduct in-depth exchanges because of these boring things.

Different status and different identities often determine them, and the topic of communication is usually different.

The emperor would never say to the prince: Today, there is no more rice in our house. Where do we go to borrow some?

It’s not just their identity, it’s already decided that their topic cannot be these two simple things.

Even more so, because of their status, even all the people in the country are starved to death, and it is absolutely impossible for the two of them to have nothing to eat.

Since the natural conditions have been decided, they cannot eat without food. Naturally, the two of them are talking about things, and naturally there will be no such topic as "my family has no rice".

In the same way, the strength of the two of them has already been determined, and most things between this universe will never stop them.

Naturally, they will no longer be like ordinary mortals, just seeing a very ordinary business, they are amazed.

They have seen a lot of weird and strange things, whether it is a singular picture of the universe, or a sprite, they have all seen it.

If you want to let them see anything casually, just exclaim.

is it possible?

It’s just a fight. Even though it’s such a fierce battle, haven’t they seen it?

Where can you really, as if you haven't seen the world, talk aloud?

All this is just because they have thoughts one after another in their hearts, like a mountain, they overwhelmed themselves.

At this step, they need to find a vent for themselves.

However, their discussion has just begun, and the development of the battle has exceeded their budget.

Originally, basically, it was already a battle under their observation, and all the details should be under their observation.

However, the entire battle was greatly changed during their observation.

Such a powerful seven emotions demon fire, even by his words, was just dispelled.

how is this possible?

Qi Qing Mo Huo, what a terrible magical power?

You can even drink it directly?

So, does it mean that these two of you, even a voice from others, can't be beaten?

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