My Super Estate

The 2850th ancestral body training

Chapter 2670 The Zuyang Refinement

Zuyang came.

The big devil's'Ying Xin Ying Tian Di' broke immediately.

The level of Zuyang is too high and too high, even if it is just a slight projection, for the creatures in the unreal universe, it is an irresistible and terrible existence.

Even if there is such a big devil, in the face of such a projection, it is also shattered.

It is a pity that the level of Zuyang is too high, even if Wang Yang can summon it into a projection, but it is impossible to really use the power of Zuyang to kill the big devil in one fell swoop.

Again, this is something that makes Wang Yang feel a bit pitiful.


Without this characteristic of "Reflecting the World with Heart", his great devil, Dao Xing will not be much stronger than me.

Moreover, his spiritual power is far inferior to me.

Compared with Grim Reaper and Heart Demon Patriarch, there will be no more than half a point."

With a great deal of purple spirit, the big demon king cannot be completely killed by the town. This is enough to disappoint Wang Yang.

However, it was enough to break the biggest card of the big demon king, so that he didn't have the characteristic of "reflecting the world with his heart", which was enough to surprise Wang Yang.

In this case, how much can I ask for?

What's more, but there is a big demon who is not much stronger than the god of death and the ancestor of the heart demon, what is it worth to surprise me?

Just kill it!

No, when did you float like this?

The existence of the god of death used to be regarded as the biggest horror character.

Now, in his mouth, is it just a "but" title?

Or, just kill it?

Do you have such a float?

Well, it doesn't mean much if it doesn't float.

It was most appropriate to kill him.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The devil is really almost spitting blood out of anger.

How confident is it to kill yourself?

But how did it become like this now?The biggest hole card-the "Ying Xin Tian Tian" feature, was it broken?

But what does he mean by this human race?

He walked towards me like this, step by step, he, is he going to keep me?

"Human, don't mistake yourself.

Here is the Devil of Despair. You are a human race. As long as you dare to kill, you will be targeted by the Avenue of Despair.

At that time, your spiritual world will be blinded by a shadow."


That is to say, if I don’t kill you, what are the benefits?"

"As long as you don't kill me, you will naturally not be targeted by that desperate avenue."

"But, I am a human race!"


I can't answer this question!

The Big Devil almost cried.

Why am I so unlucky!

Looking at a guy, it seems very bully.

How can Xiao Baixian become a ferocious jackal in a blink of an eye?

"You have nothing to say?

Or, you have no choice?"


"You, you fart!

You have no way, what are you talking about here?

To die!"

At the moment, it is just a sword!

Such a sword is so fierce. Slashing it out is directly holding all the emptiness, time, even the true spirits, and the soul, and then chopping off the sword, and everything. It was broken!

A great demon king, in this desperate devil land, has professed to be more than a hundred eras, and it is a real old antique.

As a result, he was just like that, he was beaten to death!

how is this possible?

The situation here is all seen by everyone.

For example, the ancestor of the demon, the god of death.

For another example, Longyang Dazun and Guangfa Dazun.

One by one, they are closely watching the situation here.

They were even prepared, and when the great devil defeated the human lord of the Quartet, they would jump out immediately.

Save people?

This is impossible.

However, if you can kill this human race and get a lot of luck, it is a very good choice.

In any case, this is an unexpected income.

Your big devil wants to eat solitary food.

We do not agree.

But how could it be like this now?

You are the one who was beaten to death?

For a time, all people stopped naturally, and no one dared to move at all.

It seems to be that, for fear that it doesn't know where it exists, it will suddenly jump out and press them all to the ground, rubbing back and forth.

No, it cannot be generalized.It must be said that if there is no movement at all, it is certainly impossible.

For example, the god of death and the ancestor of the demon.

Probably, they suffered a blow, and it was too much. When Long Yang Zun was all sluggish, they stared at the Sifang Kingdom Master, and after the death of the great demon, the whole source of Dadao was withdrawn. .

It was a purple air with endless charm and endless mysterious atmosphere.

This is an integral airflow that is indivisible.

As if it were, it represents one.

Is a whole.

Lord Sifang took it in his hand, nodded with satisfaction, and his sincere smile appeared on his face.

That was the smile of the peasant uncle facing the bumper harvest in the autumn.

Once, also born from the bottom of the Demon Race, he also broke into the realm of the Human Race. There, he had more than once seen the smile of the farmers of the Human Race on the face.

At that time, he was even infected by this sincere smile.

Of course, in the end, he beheaded all his family members.

The two, as if they were psychic, retreated naturally.

They chose to leave from Qi Qing Demon.

At that time, they wanted to follow behind the Sifang Kingdom Lord and wanted to see how this arrogant Sifang Kingdom Lord died.

However, now they seem to be terrified and naturally choose to retreat.

I dare not follow again.

"Humph, you're leaving early."

The two gods of death and heart demons will choose to retreat, and Wang Yang is quite surprised.

However, he wanted to catch up again, for fear that it would not be so easy.

"Since, they have chosen to retreat.

So, this Zuyang projection, is this just wasted?"

Staring at the purple sun in front of him, Wang Yang felt some pains.

You know, this was summoned by Hongmeng Ziqi, but after just using it, there is no object.

Whoever is changed will not be reconciled.

However, there are no enemies, is it still impossible to drag on?

Obviously, this is impossible.

"How to do?"

Of course, if you can break this seven emotions, it is also very good.

Even if the whole desperate demons can be broken, it is very, very good.

But, obviously, this is impossible.

Wang Yang couldn't think of a way.

However, he was not willing to waste so much.

Extravagance and waste are shameful.

Suddenly, the projection of Zuyang seemed to feel what Wang Yang thought, instead of coming, he wrapped Wang Yang in its entirety.

Then, you can feel that the infinite power comes from all directions.

His own creation of the body of God, ascending quickly.

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