My Super Estate

The 2851th chapter law, natural brand

Chapter 2679 Laws of the Avenue, Natural Brand

Make the god body.

This is the avenue of chemical creation pioneered by Wang Yang, and the fourth avenue is magical.

The avenue magic power, all the power, all converge on the self avenue.

Therefore, the physical body collapses, as long as the self-mainway is still there, and as long as your own mental will is not extinguished, naturally, you can quickly recover.

The physical injuries cannot be recovered successfully, not because they cannot recover the injuries on the flesh, but only on their bodies with extremely serious injuries.

On the injury, there is a remnant of the breath that suppresses it, and it cannot be recovered quickly. It can even devour the vitality in the body and consume the remaining life yuan, thus completely killing you.

This is a characteristic of cosmic dominance.

This characteristic is given to them by the self-initiated road they created.

Therefore, many cosmic overlords have an immortal body.

However, the immortal body does not mean that they have an indestructible body.

The immortal body is only because of its powerful resilience, no matter what kind of injury it is, it can be recovered quickly.

Therefore, the most important means for cosmic overlords to confront each other is to destroy the vigor of their opponents.

It is the most common method to wipe out the carved beams of the paintings and explode the flesh and body.

Zuyang projected, suddenly, a surprise attack came, and Wang Yang was caught off guard.

Immediately after being shrouded by the projection of Zuyang, he immediately felt that the endless road signs, the appearance of nothingness, and the emergence of nothing, then quickly imprinted on his own physical body.

Each mysterious road rune contains a very mysterious atmosphere.From this breath, Wang Yang felt a sense of familiarity.

Ziyang Shenquan...

Ziyang Shenquan is the starting point of Wang Yang’s rise, and his familiarity with it has already penetrated into the skeleton and integrated into his own people’s consciousness.

That familiar breath is definitely wrong.

"Is it, this is the source of the Ziyang Divine Skill that I am practicing?"

Long ago, Wang Yang had such a consciousness.

But, all along, he never dared to guess.

No, it's not dare, but there is never any reason to convince myself.

Zuyang, how does that exist?

According to legend, its light illuminates the entire universe of heaven and earth, and its footprints permeate every corner of the universe of heaven and earth.

What a great existence is this?What a terrible power?

The Ziyang Divine Skill that I have obtained comes from such a great existence?

The more you understand the power of Zuyang, the more you look forward to the mighty power of Ziyang.

If, one day, you can let your own strength reach the level of Zuyang, the universe of heaven and earth, the heavens and the world, and all places can feel their own light!

Well, maybe I can already be detached.


Not just detachment on the level of life, but also get rid of all entanglement.

For example, as a human race, no matter what kind of strength you have, there must be a human race heaven above you.

No matter how powerful your strength is, the Human Race Heavenly Path will always have one more Human Race Heaven Path volume than you.

Even if your strength has become immortal, and even reached the earth immortal, even the heaven immortal, the human race heaven, will always have one more human race heaven than you.

If you want to be detached, you have to withstand the repression of human nature.

In the past, Wang Yang had always thought that the detachment was so far away.

However, at this moment, Wang Yang truly felt that hope was so real.

Under the power of Zuyang, it has been called the perfect creation body, and has quietly changed.

If we say that in the past, the power of the God of Creation came from the Avenue of Creation.

If, without the support of the Dadao Avenue, the entire Daquan body will belong to a piece of dead wood.

Then, under the guidance of Zuyang's power, the god body was transformed, and the whole place changed.

The avenue of chemistry that was nurtured in the spiritual world disintegrated naturally.

When he first discovered this problem, Wang Yang was also taken aback.

You should know that the Dadao Avenue is at present, and all the strengths of Wang Yang are fundamental.

The disintegration of Dahua Avenue means that he is going to perish.

However, his anxiety did not last long.

Because, he clearly felt that his strength is still there.

It seems that the Dahua Avenue has been disintegrated. In fact, more of it was guided by the power of Zuyang and was naturally copied.

The so-called disintegration is more of a copy, and then the copy disintegrates, guiding, and merging towards its own physical body and body.

In fact, this process is also the process of Wang Yang's self-improvement.

Normally, when encountering strong enemies, if you want to show off your fortune-made gods, you must use the spiritual power as a bridge, and guide the fortune into the physical warfare body, so that a terrible defense and powerful force erupt.

Even in this process, it uses its own spiritual power as a source to copy the forged runes and temporarily integrate with the physical body to obtain extremely terrible power.

Because of this, in the Devil of Despair, when the spiritual world was covered by a shadow, Wang Yang flesh did not see any injuries, and there was no collapse of the Dadao. However, he is a body of strength, which is difficult to exert.

In fact, any kind of great magical powers, if you want to use it, you must use the spiritual power as a source to copy a temporary make-up rune, and release it with such a temporary copy of the make-up rune. Erupting powers that can open the earth.

At this time, under the guidance of Zuyang's power, such a process seems to have been naturally exempted.

In other words, direct relief is not too appropriate.

It can only be said that such a great magical power of creation, such as the creation of the god body, directly reduced such a process.

"Okay, okay!"

Wang Yang was excited.

Such a process, when placed in peacetime, has absolutely no effect at all.

Because the power of the mind is very mysterious, and it seems to exceed all forms of speed.

But now, in a desperate demons.

Killing is inevitable.

However, the power of burning one hundred and eighty cosmic overlords is very limited.

If there is no such power, perhaps, he will be like a bird in a cage.

Although he has a pair of wings and has enough power to destroy everything, it can't be displayed at all.

The final result is that in this desperate magic land, the endless demons are directly killed by consumption.

However, if there is such a great magical power that can be directly integrated into the physical body, then there will be no situation of catching one's hands.

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