My Super Estate

The 2852th chapter finally came out.

Chapter 2680 is finally out.

Seven Love Devil, how big is it?

This question cannot really be explained clearly without going deep into it.

Even in this place, the more intense your emotional fluctuations, the more powerful it will burst out.

In peacetime, the gods of death and heart demons want to get through the seven emotions and demons, and it is definitely not too difficult.

However, when Wang Yang was chasing behind him, and his life could not be controlled by himself at all times, they wanted to break into the Seven Devil's Devil's Land and also suffered extremely fierce resistance.

With the strength of the two gods of death and heart demons, they were beaten out easily.

Even, even a little bit of resistance has never been possessed.

However, when Wang Yang entered it, the soul world had the power of Zuyang, and his emotions did not fluctuate significantly. Walking in it was like the emperor passing through the border.

Seven Love Devil, how big is it?

This problem, when Wang Yang really broke into it, he really found out that it turned out to be something to watch.

If your mood is not stable and the fluctuations are extremely intense, then it is endless.

Obviously, at first, Wang Yang suffered a lot.

His emotions also fluctuated greatly, and even some were violent.

However, with the suppression of Zuyang's power, this extremely intense emotional wave could not be revealed at all. Therefore, he entered the Seven Evil Devil Lands, which can be said to be invincible.

Or, it can be said that it is rampant.

However, this kind of power can't be revealed, and I don't know what is going on. It seems that Seven Devil's Devil can know that his emotions are extremely unstable, but he can't show it.

Therefore, Qi Qing Mo Di still has no end.

In this Seven Devil's Devil's Land, he has no obstruction and can run wild, but he just can't get out.

When he truly realized this problem, a time had passed in time.

Perhaps, it was for a long time that he could not be separated, but his heart calmed down.

Then, the Seven Love Devil's Ground became more blurred.

Then he successfully came out.

"Everyone, do you see something?"

"See it.

His emotions were not as calm as he showed.

Otherwise, he could not walk for an hour in these seven emotions, and he could not come out."

There is no cover in front of the magic mirror about the situation in the Seven Love Devil lands.

Longyang Dazun, Guangfa Dazun and others, all stared at each other.

They, like the Great Devil, are reluctant to give up such a rare opportunity.

However, they must accept the lessons of the great devil, and then repeat the same mistakes and lose their lives. That is a very unworthy thing.

Therefore, for everything in the magic mirror, they must not allow a little bit to be missed.

"Yes, this situation is extremely abnormal.

The size of the Seven Love Devil's Land varies from person to person.

If the emotions are stable and the fluctuations cannot be maintained, then the seven emotions will be less than half a mile away.

However, if the mood fluctuates greatly and fluctuates steadily, then the seven emotions will be endless.

What is the situation now?

He is rampant here, but can't he get out?"

"That is exactly the reason.

Being able to run wild in the Seven Love Devil's Land, he just couldn't get out, what the hell is he doing?"

The human race, the behavior of the Quartet, is extremely puzzling.

Don't know what he is doing?Why, he was in the Seven Devil's Devil's Land and refused to come out.

The Demon Race, originally a solitary word, may attack each other at any time.

Friends-style communication?

In the circle of the demon, that is a legend.

It is the key to their careful comparison to draw the right knife at any time.

Under such circumstances, even if everyone sits together, they will never communicate with each other.

In front of the magic mirror, it is definitely not just Guangfa Dazun and Longyang Dazun.

As far as Longyang Zun sees, in addition to the dead big demon king, there are also big evil king, big demon king, and heaven demon, these three very difficult characters.

However, the two of them communicated with each other and talked more than the other three, but they were silent.

Of course, excluding the five of them, before the Mirror, there were many cosmic overlords, even the giants of the universe.

However, in comparison, they are simply not qualified to be included in their circles.

"Isn't this the Seven Devil's Devil's Land? What are the chances?"

Unexpectedly, he has always been high above him, as if he is invincible, and he is speaking in a posture of a worldly expert.

"Tian Yao, what do you mean?"

Long Yang Da Zun stunned and said, "You mean, what are the chances of this Seven-Love Devil Land? We resident residents of the Devil Race have not discovered it. He has discovered this human race?"

Isn't this a face-slap?

Although everyone is a demon, shameless, it is already the basic situation.

However, I can shameless, but, you can not beat my face!

The face thing, do you want it, it's my business, definitely not for you to fight.


Long Yang Dazun asked, the demon was just sneering.


This is the Demon Race, and if it is a human race, in the face of such a question, it must be considered: this is provocation.

How dare you provoke me?

I beat you to death!

This is that'Xia Yiwu is forbidden'. When something happens, it can be resolved by violence, and then by violence.

Unfortunately, this is the Demon Race.

For Mozu, ask?

What is that?

You don’t have to be a face. Your face is trampled on by yourself. Who cares if you drink it or not?

Of course, if you have the opportunity, you can secretly give him a blow, and a blow will kill, then this choice is also entirely possible.

In fact, Wang Yang was very depressed at this time.

He can clearly feel that this Seven Devil Magic Land has no effect on himself at all.

However, he just couldn't get out.

It's like that desperate demons.

Of course, with the guidance of Zuyang's power, the physical body of the gods has made great progress, and initially has a trace of immortality.Self-protection has been greatly improved.

Therefore, he gradually let his intense emotions slowly calm down.

Then, it was discovered that in front of it, the void slowly rippled.

"This, this is finally, going out?"

Always found a way out.

The two gods of death and heart demons also chose to escape.

There is no way for Wang Yang to find someone to ask questions.

At the moment, it is finally possible to leave.

After going out, will there be a large number of demons waiting?

Wang Yang doesn't think about this problem.

In this desperate devil's land, he is the Tang monk meat.Whether there is a Demon Race ahead, this question is worthless.

As long as he doesn't die, the demon will not be without.

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