My Super Estate

The 2853th chapter even has such benefits? ? ?

Chapter 2681 has such advantages???


I thought it was like this, but in fact it was like that.

In the past, Wang Yang always thought that he was a smart person and would not make such a low-level mistake.

However, he now understands that many special circumstances will not change because you are smart or not.

This is the question of personal behavior.

You are high and deep, and naturally, the external disturbances of many times will be solved by you.

Your way of doing things is not good, and is affected by the external environment, so you don't blame other people.

Wang Yang came out of the seven emotions and found out that he turned out to be'self-righteous'.

I thought that I had successfully come out, but, in fact, it was, not at all.

Looking up, in front of it, there are still the bright seven erotic flowers.

In other words, I thought that I had come out, in fact, I did not come out at all.

Still in the "Seven Love Devil's Land".

"Eh, Qi Qing Mo De, there is such a place?"

As the demons, they are in the desperate demons, and they are all conscious, and they choose to proclaim themselves in the desperate demons.

Killing in the desperate demons?

How can I be a man without being educated?

Then, of course, they must have a deeper understanding of all the special existences in the Desperate Devil's Land.

Seven Love Devil Land is a necessary way to the Devil Order, and no matter how much it is valued by many demons, there will not be any excessive.

However, they have never heard of such an in-depth understanding of Qi Qing De Mo, and there is such a special place in this place!

"Everyone, you have entered this era of desperate demons, much longer, but have you heard that there is such a special place in Qiqing demons?"

Longzun Dazun and Guangfa Dazun existed in the same era.

They were earlier than the Big Devil, but they were extremely limited, but the other three were much older than them.

Even in many demons, their legends are gone.

In many places, it is even rumored that they have sat down.

"Huh, you have come in, it's more than a hundred eras, even you don't know, how could I know when I wait?"

The age is much older, but the strength is equal to everyone?

In the Demon Race, there are no predecessors and juniors, only capable and mediocre.

Therefore, the questioning of Longyang Dazun made the three giants such as Tianyao and others, all of them unhappy, one by one, all sneered.

If not, this is a desperate demonic land, I am afraid that they will not suppress their tempers, and have a good contest with this Longyang Dazun.

Qi Qing Mo Di actually will have such a special existence?

It's really beyond everyone's expectations.

"You said, what's the chance there?"

The existence of Desperate Devil Land is definitely not a certain magic fairy. It really has such a good heart. It is necessary to specifically open up a special space to save the descendants of the Devil in the Unreal Universe.

Besides, there is no such kind person in Mozu.

Desperate Demon Land can attract so many Demon Universe Overlords into it, there must be great temptation to lure these Demon Overlords.Even the cosmic giant.

At this point, the Demon Race is so, the Human Race is even more so.

There is no benefit. In this universe, there are too many hidden magic grounds and secret realms, and there are weak ones. Maybe there is no choice. Option.

This kind of information has long been out of everyone's heart.

Even if it is a newcomer like Wang Yang, they have heard about this kind of cosmic secret.

Therefore, the first time to enter the magic land and the secret realm is to find opportunities to improve yourself.

Then, find another place and choose to self-proclaim.

Occasionally, get a lot of luck, and use the power of luck to enter the illusory universe. In the new era, pass on your own way and leave your own inheritance.

Finally, he returned to the magic land at the fastest speed to reduce the consumption of his own luck, but also to avoid his own life yuan and consume a large amount.

The Unreal Universe, an epoch-by-epoch past, such a process has long been in the universe, forming a specific process.

Even many people have speculations in their hearts.

Perhaps, in that real world, there are extremely difficult wars. These so-called demon immortals, human immortals, one by one, are living in the illusory universe. I am afraid they are already dead.

These worlds opened up in the illusory universe are afraid that they are all behind.

Which of these universe overlords, even universe giants, is not the most genius in the current era?

The accumulation of epoch by epoch, I do not know how many geniuses there are.

Even if it is just a seed, with so many genius watering, there must be a hint of germination.

They are using these people to resurrect themselves.

But, even if everyone knows, what can it do?

The supreme magic fairy needs them to continue.They need desperate magic to continue their lives.

Between the two, no one owes anyone.

Whether you can look at it depends on the respective means.

In the end, everyone is just asking each other for warmth.

"Seven Love Avenue?"

Qi Qing Mo De, came out, but did not go out.

What surprised Wang Yang was that, in this Seven Devil's Devil's Land, he got a great magical power.

The magical power of the avenue can only be understood, not spoken.

However, for the existence of Wang Yang, it is enough.

However, here, it is the Seven Devil's Devil, but he is a human race.

You are a demon, want me to continue for you?

Are you afraid you are wrong?

As for this seven emotions, there is no consciousness?

In this case, whoever believes is a fool.

However, it is precisely because of knowing that the Seven Affections are conscious, then, in the face of the good intentions from the Seven Affections, can you refuse?

Cangyuan Daxian is also seeking a continuation, but when he knew that the Nine Nine Demon Immortal had arrived, he still ignored everything. Naturally, he gave up everything and fought hard.

Perhaps, Cangyuan Daxian has other followers.

However, if you use one of these things, you will permanently lose one.

When all the backhands are really used up, perhaps, it is time to cut off all hope.

Cangyuan Daxian can choose to fight for the Nine Spectral Demon Immortals, then, will this Seven Demon Demon Clan come out in the same way?

Okay, can't afford to lose.

Then, this seven emotions supernatural power, accept it!

I'm not afraid, but just sincerely.

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