My Super Estate

2867 The Gathering of Demons

Chapter 2959 The Congregation of Demons

Before the Devil Order, a large number of Mozu Powerhouses have gathered.

Basically, as long as you are in this desperate magic land, and as long as you don’t completely cut off all your connections with the outside world, all the devil powerhouses are gathered here.

To say that this desperate magic land, the gathered strong people, is really a lot.

One by one, the cosmic overlords are honestly like children, and the atmosphere is not afraid to breathe.

More than a dozen Demon giants are scattered.

Except for Longyang Dazun and others, there were nearly ten other people, one by one, all of them were suddenly notified that some human race broke into the Devil's Devil's Devil's Land and killed them.

No one knows how long Desperate Devil exists. How long it really is.

One epoch, one epoch, maybe, there will not necessarily be a devil giant who chooses to enter it, but the accumulation of a long time still reaches an extremely terrible number.

A notice, in a very short period of time, it has already gathered more than a dozen of them, this amount is already scary enough.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is still at the forefront, the five ghosts with five heads.

The existence of the five ghosts and demons is old enough.His name, long and long ago, may be very big, but, for a long time, this reputation has already been ruthlessly washed away.

Therefore, before today, no one knows the name of the five ghosts and devil.

However, at this time, they are known one by one.

Even, one by one, looking at that existence, all eyes flashed.

As a demon, of course, there is no blind worship of others, but one by one, they also flashed envy light in their hearts.

'Tao Yingyingtiandi'!

Such a realm is really what everyone dreams of.

Reaching such a state, basically, it can already be determined that as long as it can stand loneliness, it can survive forever.

Although, it must be an era of tens of thousands of years, all choose to sleep, and can not leave the magic land closed by half a step.

However, as long as it can live, it represents hope.

As long as you can live, self-proclaimed self-proclaimed, who cares?

Lonely gaze, swept over the five ghost demon king.

The ancestor of the black robe came forward and walked to Longyang Dazun. With a thought, he blocked the surroundings and limited his voice to between himself and Longyang Dazun.

"Longyang Dazun, we, just watched the human race killing?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Isn't there such a big demon as the Five Ghost Demon Kings?

A human race, deserves such a close battle?"

As a demon, you should be arrogant, but when you look at others arrogant in front of you, you can’t stand it!

It is absolutely impossible to say how deep the connection with Longyang Zun is.

However, he was in the same era as Longyang Zun, and he also chose the Desperate Devil's Land. The relationship between them was good enough.

Okay, it's pretty good if it's just a word, it's a devil.

It is simply impossible to have a deep relationship.

Obviously, Longyang Zun did not want to take care of him at this time.


Ask yourself kindly, why did you ignore me?

"Come here!"

The ancestor of the black robe stared at Longyang Dazun resentfully, thinking more about how to report this holiday to him.

As a demon, the heart is not wide, it is normal.

It is a pity that he has not thought of any good way. The old antique left over by the unknown era has already been opened.

More than a dozen giants, no one dare not follow.

Being in the Demon Race and being killed, you are also dead in vain.

If you want to survive well, you must learn to recognize the facts.


Damo, this lower-level demons, is a respect for the upper-level demons.

Not only at their level, even in many newly born little demons, they will also call such demons that are more powerful than themselves.

Even though these demons are just great supernaturalists.

"see it?

Desperate Devil Land, a holy place for our Devil Race, how can a human race be allowed to spit there?

Which of you are willing to take action and kill him to Laozi?"

The eyes glanced at the many demon giants present, the Five Ghosts and Devil King asked.

If possible, he is absolutely unwilling to appear again.

It's just that I have walked out of self-proclaiming, and I want to self-proclaim again.

Desperate Devil Land has issued a notice that must kill this human race.

Dare to escape, just wait for it to be cleared!

No one answered the question of the five ghosts and demons.

"You are a great demon, with the highest state and the strongest way.

You don’t shoot, are you still waiting for me to shoot?"

A group of demon giants, what shrewd people are that?

For each heart, one more hole is required.

As a big demon, the five ghosts and devil kings, you don't plan to shoot, but you want to let us shoot. Isn't this when we are fools?

"With the power of the great demon, it should not be difficult to kill this person!"

The ancestor of the black robe was originally in doubt. Before that, he planned to get some information from Longyang Dazun.

Now, since the big devil asked, he certainly has to raise his doubts.


The five ghosts and demons answered very confidently.

This is not a lie.

Before, just by his own projection, he had already made this human race half dead.

If you insist on shooting, if you want to kill this human race, there is absolutely no problem.

However, this human race will have nine colorful fairy lights.

Can such an existence be taken against him?

Staring at the ancestor of the black robe, the hearts of the five ghosts and demons are full of violence.

"what do you want to say?"


Ancestor in black robe dumbfounded.

Did i do?

Am I not doing anything, that is, just asking, do I need to be so angry?

Ancestor of black robe certainly felt it.

The big demon in front of him was extremely angry with himself, and even had a very strong intention to kill.

In other words, the big devil wants to kill himself.

Is this necessary?

In fact, in the magic mirror, the human race that has been killed in the desperate magic land, and has gathered here, the present giant of the demons, is very curious.

Obviously there is a big demon like the Five Ghosts and Demon King, how can he be so arrogant?

Even, there are several, already want to ask.


Of course, I dare not.

However, an ordinary inquiry should be fine!

Of course, at this time, Longyang Dazun and others had already regretted it.

This human race is very difficult to deal with.

Unfortunately, in the Devil of Despair, orders have been issued to kill this human race.

They want to escape, too late.

Of course, the most depressing is the five ghosts and devil.


How did he come out of the nine-color fairy light?"

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