My Super Estate

Question 2868

Chapter 2696

After a lot of massacres, a large amount of vitality was absorbed by Wang Yang.

Mass killing and absorbing vitality, this method is no different from magic.

However, this method is also very normal for Wang Yang.

He is not directly absorbed.

People and demons don't care about means, they just care about one mind.

How cruel your means is, it can't be said that you are a demon, but if your heart can't hold it, then, no matter how well you pretend, you will also get caught in the devil and attract magic energy, It is also a necessary step to achieve Demon Race.

The Demon Race was originally raised by nature.

No matter whether you are a human or a dog, as long as you are enchanted and attract the magic energy, then you will definitely make a complete change from then on.

Even the blood within you, the source, will be transformed.

However, if you can hold your heart and stick to your beliefs, even if you are killing excessively, you are on the killing avenue at most, and there are some extremely terrifying progress.

The killing avenue, upright, is the most powerful avenue between heaven and earth.

There is a good saying: where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

There will be no less fighting in the day when the world and the people live.There will be no less killings.

Endless years, vast void, every moment, between killing and being killed?

Such long years of accumulation, the terrible killing road, can be seen in general.

Therefore, the killing avenue can go.

However, this method of swallowing and absorbing vitality is a bit dangerous.

Devouring and absorbing, this behavior is also not wrong.

When you are born, you have a mouth, and the mouth is used to eat.

Eating is to devour a part, devouring the avenue. I am afraid that it is more terrible than killing.

However, devouring most affects the human mind.

Once uncontrollable, enchantment is a matter of minutes.

Wang Yang knows the danger, how could he not pay attention?

"Finally recovered."

Devouring vitality, it is easy to affect the heart, Wang Yang certainly will not do it.

However, there is no problem in extracting the source of the avenue and using the source of the avenue as the source to support the overloaded operation of the cultivating mind and restore itself quickly.


Suddenly, Wang Yang stopped his pace.Lift your head and look forward.

I saw that, in front of it, there was a big ladder leading to the sky.

Of course, Wang Yang already had some understanding of the existence of the magic order, and there was nothing surprising.

However, before the magic level, so many powerful breaths, what is going on?

Even, there, dark purple breath, vast and mighty, I don't know how many thousands of miles there are.

Even indistinctly, there are many inexplicable messages. Naturally, they come to mind.


Such a phenomenon is simply a reflection of the world with the heart.

However, how is it possible that there will be so many of these characteristics?

Moreover, there is a "magic world" magic?

The distance is a little far away, and the space is a little long. Even though Wang Yang's eyesight is amazing, there is a desperate avenue blocked by a long distance, and it is impossible to see the people in front of him.

"is it you?"

Having figured out the truth of the Desperate Devil's Land, Wang Yang of course knew that there was one of the most terrifying existences in this Desperate Devil's Land.

This is a avenue left by a magic fairy.

It's just that this demon fairy has fallen, and only the avenue remains, forming this desperate devil land.

This is the magician's backhand, and it is the proof that he intends to come again.

These evacuated demons can be called the most outstanding genius characters of all demons in an era.

The magic fairy opened up the magic land to accommodate many outstanding genius characters who remained in the era of disaster, in order to use their power to reignite their own avenues, so that they can return to the real world again.

I am a human race and slaughtered in this desperate demonic land. Desperate Demon Immortal will definitely not let go.

"However, what terrible am I?"

There are many obstacles ahead. If there is a lot of thunder, all your roads will be blocked.

But what about this?

From the current situation, at least, it is still within the acceptable range.

If it really takes too long.

I'm afraid, when the time comes, such a camp will be even more terrible.

Wang Yang is not stupid, he will not be naive to think that there is only one great devil who has reached the point of "Tao Yingying Tiandi" in the whole Desperate Devil Realm.

What's more, the completion of Dadao does not mean that Daoxing can no longer be promoted.

Going out a few more steps, Daoxing can still be improved.

However, every step of Daoxing's improvement is more difficult, and every step is ten small steps.

How easy is it to improve?

After all, there is only one Sifangxing District, and not everyone has the sauce like the Sifangxing District.


Wang Yang rushed towards the magic order.

Unfortunately, halfway through, there was no surprise that there were robbers.

This is a shadow demon. Before he shot, Wang Yang didn't notice his existence at all.

In fact, if it wasn't for him, he was afraid that he wouldn't have any feelings.

It's a pity that it's just Daoxing, not so good.

"A ninth stepped universe overlord, dare to shoot?"

With a backhand, the shadow demon who just jumped out didn't show a bit of prestige, and was directly blown away by a slap.


Through the magic mirror, I saw the scene in front of me, many demons were swearing.

It's just that they also know how reality will not be controlled by them.

"Damon, how is it now?

This human race, his strength, has all been restored, do we, see him so rampant?"

As a demon, of course, there is no such noble character.

Human race massacre?

What about us?

It is a pity that the mission this time came from the supreme road of despair.

If you dare not take it seriously, wait for the desperation road to liquidate!

"Otherwise, what should I do?"

It is possible, of course, to do him.

But is there no way?

"No, we seem to have overlooked a problem.

we.This time, it was a task of the desperation road.

If, we cannot complete the task, then, can the Avenue of Despair easily let us go?"


This is a big problem.

The mission has not been completed, Avenue of Despair, will you come with us for a fall accounting?

"What should we do?"

This is really a big deal.

A useless existence, there is no need to continue to survive.

Isn't it normal to clean up some trash?

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