My Super Estate

Question 2873

Chapter 2671

At this time, Wang Yang is betting.

The hole card is because it is unsustainable.

There are even some cards that are unique.

Used, there is no more.

Rely on the bottom card to play the world?

That was a very painful idea.

I have such thoughts, and I am all killed.

In the former hometown, the earth, the once huge Soviet Union.

How powerful was the armed force?

There are a lot of mushroom bombs. Compared with the environment at that time, which one is not the bottom card among the cards?

The results of it?

When you say disintegration, you disintegrate.

Such a lesson, Wang Yang had to remember.

That's a big deal for a country. Mushroom bombs are the cards.

However, today's self, personal strength, can match one side of the star zone, under his command, it is an endless creature, the sky and stars, at his feet.

I need to remember this lesson.

The bottom card is the greatest deterrent only if it is placed on the launcher.

This must be remembered firmly.

Today, the cards have broken out.

This is a compulsory choice, otherwise, only the five ghosts and demons will be killed.

However, after the choice, what is the result, then it is worth working hard to measure.

One sword slashed the black-robed ancestor who dared to take light risks.

Obtaining a great deal of purple energy, in comparison, can only be regarded as small gains.

However, whether it can play the role of killing chickens and respecting monkeys is the real gain of this'gambling'.


Gambling, the biggest mystery is calm.

The competition is the state of mind, the one you see is your hole card, and the performance is calm.

You are scared, you are scared, and even, you backed down... You must have all these actions, but you must be calm.

First of all, you need to count.

You can act, you can pretend, but, you know, your purpose.

No matter what you pretend to be, you have to be like first.

At this time, you are loading your own big cards, you can ensure that you are in the world, and you can make yourself invincible.

Well, your first priority is to calm down.

It's not just about being calm on the surface, but also a kind of calmness that comes out of the bottom of my heart.

For example, a sword beheaded the black robe ancestor.

Is the option to pass quickly?

Or, choose to stay calmly and collect Hongmeng Ziqi?

Everyone knows the effect of Hongmeng Ziqi.

I have come all the way, I have collected more, I believe, can't hide these demons.

Then, in front of everyone, beheaded a black robe ancestor.

Is it a collection?Still not collecting?

"A reasonable choice can bring a burst of cards to the limit."

Therefore, Wang Yang calmly stopped.

From the ancestor of the black robe, a hongmeng purple gas was extracted.

Then, with a provocative glance, swept across a group of Demon giants.

Longyang Dazun, Guangfa Dazun, Big Evil King, Big Demon King, and, many of them, even a little breath, are giants that have not sensed.

"What's the matter, don't you plan to try it?"

It is said that Longyang Dazun and others, all of them, have dark skin.


This is to put all these people's skins on the ground and step on them hard.

Even after stepping on it, sprinkle urine on your face.

At the end, I have to ask you, do you agree?

It's just too deceiving!

One by one, they clenched their teeth angrily, and there was always a flash of anger in their eyes.

One by one, they wished to kill this guy directly.

Even torn apart.


Who dares to step forward?

Who dares to step forward with such beautiful ideas?

Obviously, there is no shortage of bold people in Mozu.

However, if these bold performances are to become the wedding dress of others and the touchstone of others, then everyone will lose that enthusiasm.

Watching Wang Yang draw Honghong Ziqi from the ancestor of the black robe, although one by one can't wait to kill him.

But in the end, no one dared to jump out.

"This, is that magic well?"

Pointing at the magic well, Wang Yang asked.

In front of him, at this time, there was no one blocker.

However, he himself did not plan to leave anymore, pointing at the demon well, and even going to see it.

"I heard that this thing is a treasure, and it can reflect any trace of the entire desperate magic land?

Is it real?"

Wang Yang was very kind at this time.

At least, he was smiling on his face, watching, very sweet.

It was a kind of gentle, with a little sunshine smile.

Even, you can see the harvest season.

However, this kind of laughter brought endless pressure to the demons.

"What the hell do he want to do, damn human race?

Why didn't he leave?"

In Long Yang's heart, he was already scolded.

Let this human race leave?

This is certainly not possible.

Desperate Devil's Land has already issued a killing order.

Do you dare not obey the survivors who live in the desperate demons?

I'm afraid not to be killed.

However, he should not be allowed to leave, but also a strategy!

Everyone knows the strength of this human race.

If, not counting his hole cards, before I waited for such a magnificent camp, he would die.

However, now his hole card has exploded.

So, in the end how to do it, you must know how long his hole card can support.

Otherwise, the lessons of the black robe ancestors, I am afraid, everyone will have to bear it again.

No one can bear it.

It's just, what do you mean by staying here and staying here?

Is this telling us?

Are you so confident?

Or are you waiting for us to shoot?


In any case, Wang Yang's strategy seems to have been successful.

The more calm he is, the more these daemons dare not act rashly.

In the Demon Race, only the pursuit of interests will not talk about dedication.

Even in the whole Demon Race, there is no such tradition.

"Long Yang Dazun, can you explain it to me?"

Before coming to the Mojing, Wang Yang turned his gaze to Longyang Dazun, so asked.


Long Yang Zun almost scolded his mother.

There are so many Mozus present, you don’t pick anyone, just pick me?

Is it when I am bullying, or what?

Okay, anger comes back to anger, and the necessary response is still needed.

In case, people give themselves a sword because they don't cooperate?

Could it bear this sword?

It's unlikely!

In this case, then, in the face of such eyes, you still have to be serious.

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