My Super Estate

Question 2874

Chapter 2702


The competition is psychological.

The heart is very mysterious.

In the practice of martial arts, the development of spiritual power is actually a kind of heart and a kind of power derived from will.

It is also the forces derived naturally from soul, spirit, thinking, etc.

Under the support of such various forces, a very special force will be formed.

This is the first step out of nothing.

And psychology, in fact, can also be regarded as a kind of all kinds of power.

Can be regarded as a kind of thinking.

Because, what kind of thoughts do you have in your heart, most of them will naturally derive various images.

Even an ordinary person, as long as you are thinking in your mind, naturally, there will be all kinds of images coming out.

Thinking of the sweetheart, the sweetheart's beautiful appearance will also clearly appear in the mind.

Inquiry to Longyang Zun, there is no special purpose in itself.

The only purpose is to show that you are so calm.

Long Yang Dazun, answering or not answering, is not so important in itself.

In this case, whether Longyang Zun is entangled or not is not so important.

Before coming to the Magic Well, look carefully.

"You said, this devil can see everything in this desperate devil.

So, if, I want to see, is the exit of this desperate magic field ok?"

The film emperor will always be more like an ordinary actor.

Not because they really experienced real events, nor because they were once the masters of real events.

Just because they pay more attention to details.

To understand more, to grasp people's hearts in details.

The same is to watch the magic well.

The purpose, the same, is to show their calmness.

However, did you perfunctory in front of the Mojing, or did you seriously explore the Mojing?

The effect is completely different.

What is the role of Mojing?

You can observe the entire Despair Devil's Land anywhere.

What does Wang Yang need most at present?

Exit the Desperate Devil's Land safely.

So, can you see in the Mojing, where is that safe exit?

All this should be what I need to know most.

So, Mojing is right in front of you. Did you choose to turn a blind eye?

Or choose to study seriously?

This series of questions quickly flashed through Wang Yang's mind.

Dressing is always difficult.

There are too many things that need attention.

Export, I already have a little idea.

However, if you can see the answers you need in this magic well, then of course it is the best.

That being the case.

So, try it yourself!

-What kind of thinking is not very important.

The key is how do you do it?

To try in this magic well, this idea is very correct.

However, whether or not to give it a try is a major issue.

In fact, is Wang Yang pretending, or is he really so calm, in the end, he has so much confidence?

These problems are also the concerns of many Mozu giants present.

This human race, under the outbreak of cards, is extremely scary.

However, if there is no hole card, or if the hole card has a cooling period, then it is his death period.

So, is it the cooling period?

In other words, does this card still exist?

These are all things that many Demon giants need to confirm.

Wang Yang looked at the magic well.

However, nothing was seen.

"Huh, you are a human race, and you want to see things from the Mojing?"

Long Yang Dazun was just forced to interrogate by Wang Yang, and he always remembered it.

Now the opportunity is here, of course, to find it back.

This human race's hole card is very scary, but it can't last forever.

It's just that lasting deadlines are the key.

Whether he can stay in this desperate magic land within the deadline is the key of the key.

Whether you can find an exit is to disassemble and recognize this critical life door.

You can see everything in Devil's Devil's Devil's Land.

In case, let him see the exit. When the power of his hole card has not completely dissipated, he is forced to break out.

Well, they will be unlucky.

Desperate Devil's will will not let go of his existence.

Not letting him find an exit is the best and most effective.

"Hey, you think, I can't see, how is this magic well used?"

Wang Yang sneered.

Thought this way, you can stump me?

Too small to look at people.

If you want your mind to succeed, of course you need to use the power associated with your mind.

This magic well is very likely to be inspired with spiritual power.


Wang Yang invested in it with his spiritual power, and it was in it, and saw what he wanted to see.

That is a tall step.

Above this step, there is a special place, where there is a portal.


Wang Yang was overjoyed.

Actually, I really saw the exit.


Wang Yang laughed for a while.

Such a thing is really great.

"Human race, you cross the border!"

It was when Wang Yang laughed, in that magic well, he did not know what to do, but a face appeared.

At the same time, the entire desperate magic land, boundless wind and clouds gathered.

An endless stream of power is constantly emerging.

It seems that suddenly, there is a master in the whole Desperate Devil Land.

"Magic fairy?"

Wang Yang was frightened and backed off again and again.


Feeling the terrifying breath behind him, Wang Yang was decisively choosing to leave quickly.

damn it.

I was killed, but I did not expect that there would be such a super horror hidden in this magic well.

"Human race, do you think you can leave?"

Along the way, there was no demon blocking.

However, Wang Yang did not relax at all.

There is no demon blocking, it can only prove that in front of it, there is already a stronger force to guard.

Sure enough, when Wang Yang came to that magic level, a little blocking power was not seen.

However, when he arrived and saw the portal in the magic well.

Before, the projection of the magic well was already here.

"Where do you want to go?"


No, where do I want to go!

No, I just entered this Desperate Devil's Devil's Land, and I heard that this magic level has a great reputation. I wanted to come and see it.

Yes, just take a look."

With that said, Wang Yang was naturally retreating toward the bottom of the demon order.

It is a pity that before the three steps have been quit, a large number of demons have already blocked the retreat under the leadership of King Ghost and Demon King.

"Why, now want to leave?"

"No, absolutely not!

There are so many places here, how can we just leave before we have visited?"

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