My Super Estate

The 2881th chapter big liquidation

Chapter 2709 Great Liquidation

The demons present are not in a minority.

The giants alone are at least seventeen or eighty.

Before, everyone made a unified move, they did not make less effort.

It's just that they never thought that their power hadn't really come out yet. The battle over there seemed to have ended.

Seventeen or eight cosmic giants.

However, as far as Daoxing and the realm are concerned, the five ghosts and demons are the strongest.

Daoxing, the avenue is complete, there are at least three derivative routes.

In the realm, "Tao Ying Ying Tian Di" is only two steps away from the immortal.

Such strength, no matter where it is placed, is the level of mankind.

However, such an existence is directly abandoned by others.The physical body is directly destroyed, and the avenues are already broken, and the real ones belong to the half disabled.

Even apart from the Five Ghosts and Devil Kings, other ones, such as Longyang Dazun, Guangfa Dazun, Big Evil King, Big Demon King, and each of them, which one is not the completion of his avenue, or even a derivative way?

Even in the realm, they have already initially entered the road above that avenue.

'Ying Yingtiantian', just just appeared, Tiandi naturally corrects its name.

What a big card.

Unfortunately, what can be done?

A good game, as a result, it was like this, it was beaten into a mess.

Being packed up, it seems like a waste.

In contrast, other cosmic giants, it is really much worse.

They are one by one, even if the avenue is perfect, not many.

It is said that it is a cosmic giant, but more of it, like Wang Yang, has one or two additional ways, showing a little strangeness.

Just ask, how dare they confront the fierce and wicked Sifang?

Therefore, on the scene, such a face appeared.

The prince of the Quartet is only one person.

However, in the face of the seventeen or eight cosmic giants, plus less to say, there are also eight hundred demon overlords, stepping forward step by step.

"What's the matter, do you still want to move?"

Unexpectedly, no matter who he faced, it was a devil who was awesome, shouting and killing, and facing the lonely lord of the Quartet, it was the presence of a crowd of demon who were forced to be forced. Have to retreat again and again.

"Why, now, is this going to fight?"

"Human race, you want to be extravagant!"

As a demon, where is this kind of persecution?

There was already a fire in my heart.

"Ouch, this is already the case, dare to be so good?"

Who is this guy?

Wang Yang shook his head and said that he didn't even know.

Although they are both cosmic giants, his strength is much different from that of Longyang Dazun.

Want the world to rectify its name?

Stop dreaming.

In this case, what are you still alive for?

It's better to die!

At the moment, Wang Yang's Ziwei Divine Sword flashed in his hand, and a strange sword light was drawn towards the Demon Race who didn't even have a name.

If there is no accident, no one will resist this sword for him.

Similarly, this sword, he is absolutely impossible to afford.

In other words, if there is no accident, under this sword, he will die.

Seeing this scene, even the demons are ruthless and selfish and selfish, but all demons, including the five ghosts and demons, are a little bit upset.

Similarly, there is some sorrow.

As a Mozu, when was it so oppressed?


Isn't that the leek planted in the field?When it is needed, it will be cut once.

Besides passive defense, where else do they have other means?

However, where can one think that there will still be such a day for these people?

He was bullied by the human race?

When you say it, you want to be joked.

But this is reality.

One by one, with a long sigh, silently lowered his head.

At this moment, no matter whether they are cosmic overlords or cosmic giants, one by one, it seems that they have broken their bones and can no longer stand up.

A hongmeng purple qi was in hand.

Wang Yang secretly surprised.

This time the action is really twists and turns!

Just because of a request from the sword master, he sent a powerful team into the hinterland of the demon to hunt the demon overlord.

Who can know that so many things will be discovered?

First, Venerable Bone appeared suddenly.

In order to understand the powerful team led by the Momo Army, Wang Yang had to go deep into the Mozu hinterland.

As a result, he encountered a siege from five demon giants including Bone Venerable, Dragon God, and Heart Demon Patriarch.

Fortunately, Wang Yang's strength is strong enough, otherwise, under such circumstances, I'm afraid that I have to be killed.

However, these demons are really abominable.

If you can't beat it, you'll be ridiculed.

However, he thought of such a shady move, confining the space and bringing himself into a desperate demons.

Thanks to them they can figure it out.

Otherwise, according to their own strength, I am afraid that they must be killed.

Desperate Devil's Land.

A 10,000-epoch catastrophe is a special place that cannot be shaken.

A special place where people can feel horror.

Similarly, this is also a place where everyone can live in peace.

No one has thought about such a place. It will one day be completely destroyed.

Unfortunately, no one thought of it.

However, the reality is that it has already appeared.

That's how Wang Yang's extremely confident sword was interrupted directly.

I saw that the moment before, I was still in that desperate devil's land, and in a blink of an eye, I was already in a familiar starry sky.

I saw that, not far away, I had a broken star zone.

There is a mysterious Pluto area.

Here is where I entered.

Of course, now, the most attractive thing is that in front of it, that is, where the demons stayed.

I saw that a supreme will suddenly awakened.

It can be seen that a light breeze swept through.

Whether it is the five ghosts and the devil, or Longyang Zun.

Or, Guangfa Dazun, Big Demon King, and Big Evil King.

Or else, some other Demon giants, even the Devil's hundred and eighty overlords, one by one, seem to be extracted from a single creature.

Soon, all creatures died.

There was only a light breeze and no trace of it.

Even the demon overlords were swept away by the light breeze, and there was no trace at all. Similarly, there was no trace of residue.

You know, these are universe overlords.

A cosmic overlord stands for the origin of a avenue.

The overlord of the Eight Hundred Demon Races had no residue at all.

Seeing this scene in front of me, it was making Wang Yang's heart go crazy.

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