My Super Estate

The 2882nd chapter harvest

Chapter 2710 is fruitful

The overlord of the eight hundred demon clan represents the origin of the eight hundred avenues.

At the beginning, for the origin of 108 roads, he resolutely sent a large number of men and women from the territory of the human race to the heart of the devil.

Now, looking at it with my own eyes, the origin of the 800 Avenues is just like this. In front of my own eyes, it just disappears.

That kind of heartache is simply beyond description.


Suddenly there were more than 800 cosmic overlords, and Mo Jun was almost not scared.

In fact, before, Wang Yang had a war with the five giant demon giants, and, while playing, he just disappeared.

Mo Jun was already very worried.

Even the tenth primary school is extremely self-blaming.

'If it were not for his own dominance, the owner would not be in danger personally, and now he will not suddenly disappear!'

At that time, Guan Yue was almost self-defeating.

Wang Yang, but the God of the Four Kingdoms.

It is a real day.

Without Wang Yang, the lord of the Quartet universe would simply collapse.

Because, the entire Sifang Universe Kingdom is all supported by Wang Yang's Dadao Avenue.

Taking the Dadao Avenue as the main theme, the idea of ​​bringing together all the spirits of the entire Sifang Universe Kingdom naturally forms the Sifang Tiandao.

The Sifang Tiandao is the supporting point of the Sifang Star District.

The entire Quartet Star District, the twenty universes, represents twenty avenues.

Taking the Sifang Heavenly Dao as the node, these 20 avenues are twisted, and a large net of Heavenly Dao is woven.

This is the Sifang Heavenly Dao supporting the entire Sifang Star District.

It can be said that the Taohua Avenue is the main supporting point of the Sifang Tiandao.

If there is a problem with Wang Yang, the Sifangxing District will inevitably collapse.

At that time, the prestigious Sifang Star District will be like that epiphyllum, only the brilliance of that moment, and then it will quickly dissipate.

Twenty universes.

Either, drifting in the universe, or, in this disaster, collapse on its own.

There is no third way to go.

Wang Yang turned out to have lost track, and how much pressure Guan Yue and others were under can be imagined.

"Calm down.

The owner is the sky of the Sifang Star District.

Now, the sky in the Sifangxing District has not collapsed, and the owner represents it, and it has not yet happened 1"

Fortunately, Mo Jun was fast and responded extremely quickly, otherwise, Guan Yue had already retrenched himself.


Are you brainless?

Or is it that your brain was eaten by a dog?"

Hearing everyone's remarks, Wang Yang suddenly turned black.

Staring at Guan Yue was a sting of curse.

"I spent such a big price, cultivating you regardless of the consequences, is it just want to watch, you are such a meaningless self-discipline?

If I am missing, you will have to punish yourself. If, one day, I am really down, are you pulling the entire Sifangxing District and all going to explode?"


"You fart!

Don’t you know that as long as the avenue does not collapse, can you return?

In other words, you have no brains at all?"


Oh my god, why is there such a brainless thing out there?

Just to be missing, he has to punish himself.

Such an idiot was actually taught by his own higher education.

"Owner, I, I know wrong!"

After Wang Yang's speech, Guan Yue was also panicked.

She did not expect that she would make such a reaction at that time.

Now think about it, there is really enough idiot waste.


"Master, let's talk about this later!

Now, the most important thing is these guys, what happened?"

The overlord of the Eight Hundred Demon Races is a rhythm that scares the dead!

What's more, the dozen or so people, looking at the breath, I'm afraid that they will not be much worse than Zhuang Shi, their strength can be imagined.

These guys are all together.

"Yes, what happened to these demons, how did they get together?"

"Shit, we don't even know these demons.

Get together?

I'm afraid, the question now is, where did they come from?"

If not, with the owner, where would they be so relaxed?

Actually, he keeps asking questions.

"They are all demons in a place called Despair Devil Land.

Legend has it that this desperate magic land has existed for 10,000 epochs.

Every era, there are many demons, either voluntary or involuntary, into it.

One by one era, slowly, it is such a huge strength.

In fact, this number is only a decimal, because many existences are in a deep self-style."


Ten thousand epochs?

It's just not dare to imagine.

What kind of existence can actually survive 10,000 epochs?

"Are you serious?

They actually existed in ten thousand eras?

Oh my god, are they all immortal?"

Martial arts practice and improvement of strength are always incidental. The only real purpose is evolution.

Evolution to gain eternal life.

It's just that, even when the Unreal Universe has an era of catastrophe, how could a creature not die?

"Master, he, they all exist for ten thousand eras?"

"Of course not.

Ten thousand epochs, I don’t know how many of them exist, and they have all fallen.

They are just demons elites of nearly a hundred epochs.

But, now it seems that I am afraid that they will all escape."

In fact, Wang Yang and they can talk freely here, they already represent that their situation is already very safe.

Eight hundred demons overlord, all fell.

However, the eighteen giants of the universe are still continuously supporting them.

Although, their support is simply a tribute to the car, but even if it is just like this, it is already showing a bit of toughness.

Wang Yang stared at those demons who resisted extremely hard, and he was already looking forward to it.

The eight hundred demon overlords have all been destroyed, and there is no residue left.

What about these demon giants?

Will they leave something?

Wang Yang stared at the Quartet cautiously, and the safe assured that these residues would definitely not be anything else, and was taken away halfway.

"what should we do?"

Despair is broken.

It was so shattered, the two gods of death and ancestors of the demon were almost killed, and they would never be willing to believe.

At the beginning, I had to wait for others to involve the lord of the Quartet in the Devil's Despair. The purpose was definitely not to let them wipe them out.

It's not about wanting to destroy Despair.

But how could this happen?

"Damn, how could this be?"

Such a thing happened, and the two were almost scared to death.

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