My Super Estate

2991 Born-2 Nov 1905 Hastings

Chapter 2799 The Plan of the Ghost King of Montenegro

Sure enough, Qiankun moved, the speed is fast.

The four great straight demons are blocked horizontally and unscrupulously. However, there is no hope of truly succeeding in blocking the ghost king of Montenegro.

At that time, Wang Yang didn't know how long it had been since he arrived in this wild continent. However, there was definitely no shortage of time.

In contrast, the speed of the ghost king of Montenegro is really too fast.

"Wild Continent!!"

In the confounded star field, there is a vast and wild continent. These are the four forces, all of which are clear.

The wild continent, legendary, is the center of the entire confounded star field.

There is even a legend that this wilderness continent was the one where several wars of immortals directly smashed the real world.

The wild continent is the fragment of the real heaven.

Of course, no one believes this legend.

However, in this wild continent, with huge opportunities, there is no fake.

"Ghost King of Montenegro, what on earth do you want?"

It is worthy of the existence of Jinxian, all of which are very fast.

The real demon of Montenegro has just stayed in this wild continent for half an hour. The four real demon behind them, the centipede, one by one, led a large number of powerful people to come together.

One by one, surrounded the ghost kings of Montenegro.

"The ghost king of Montenegro, you have to give me an explanation."

The four true demons, one by one, all looked sullenly, staring at the ghost king of Montenegro, so much so that you wouldn’t give me a confession, and I would break your ghost body.

"Well, what is this place, the magic sword is really demon, you don't know, don't you know the centipede, you don't know?"

Dominate the Demon God Tree?

Do not be silly.

There is no entanglement between the Yin Clan and the Devil, except for a bit of entanglement between regions.

However, for the existence of a cosmic giant and a near immortal, do they have the concept of region in their eyes?


Honestly, there are still.

The larger the area, the larger the ethnic group.

It's just that the entire Chaos Star Zone, the Yin Clan, can't be counted, and the Devil Clan, in addition to those top-notch existences, how long?

One hundred million?Ten million?

Even if the three forces are combined, how many can there be?

Such a small amount has no meaning in front of the extremely huge Yinling family.

On the contrary, with the addition of these guys, the entire Chaos Star Zone, especially the Battle of Hundred Battles, has played a greater role.

It also has a huge effect on the Yinling family.

In this case, control the demon tree?

In addition to making enemies, what's the use?

The three forces are powerful, but in comparison, the benefits they bring are greater for the Yinling family.

"Wild continent??"

The centipede reacted first.

The Ghost King of Montenegro took the Demon God Tree without returning to the underworld, but came to this ancient barren continent.

Legend has it that it was because of this ancient barren continent that the confusion of the stars was slowly formed under the accumulation of time.

Moreover, the confusion star field is still expanding.

"Dark King of Montenegro, do you want to?"

Looking at the ghost king of Montenegro, the centipede exclaimed.

He did not expect that the Ghost King of Montenegro was actually having such an idea.

At this moment, the centipede is also short of breath.

In contrast, the four real demons, they are all new to each other, they have a sufficient understanding of the confusion star field, and even, they know that there is a very old continent in the confusion star field.

But how did this continent come about?

They also have a certain understanding of this issue. In short, all kinds of guesses are very complicated.

However, what kind of secrets are there in this continent, they are not so clear.

Perhaps, there is a mention in the information that I have understood, but the number is too large and the variety is too wide. Where can they really understand it so clearly?

"Aren't you going to tell us something?"

The Demon God Tree is the nemesis of the Demon Race. No matter who it is, dare to touch the road-level Demon God Tree, it will be the enemy of the entire Devil Race.

The Yinling family may be very powerful, with their own strength, they can be against the three major forces, but there is no comparability with the entire demons.

There are a family of demons in the confounded star field, and the desperate demons are also the five true demons. Who can know that other parties, are there demons hiding?

"Humph, what do you think, what does this king do to capture the demon tree?"

"What you want to do, only you know."


The ghost king of Montenegro is angry.

Upon seeing this, the centipede quickly uttered: "Here, it is a wild continent..."

"This, I know this!"


The hundred-footed centipede glared, almost uncontrollable.

Damn, if it's not your Demon forces, Laozi must let you know, what is the power of the hand!

"In the wild continent, there is a mutant chaotic god tree."

"You mean?"

This time, the magic knife is really demon, but some can't sit still.

The mutated Chaos God Tree was mentioned in the information he controlled.

Yes, the mutant chaotic god tree.

That was a huge opportunity.

If you can control this mutated chaotic god tree, can you raise one level?

This question, the magic knife is a bit jealous.

This was hit by a demon god tree, but he had a belly fire.

If, with the help of the mutant Chaos God Tree, is it possible to suppress this Demon God Tree?

"Go, let's go in now!"

The magic sword is really not a human being.

If you haven't finished speaking, you are leaving.

Before, which one is shameless, you have to say it yourself?

Which animal is it still angry?

Looking at the magic sword, the centipede almost couldn't control it.

"Ghost King of Montenegro, after entering, let's join forces."

"it is good!"

The four real demons are too much.

There is really no compliment to the character of Mozu. Be careful, it is always good.

"Good guys, they are, come to mind with me!"

With the help of the imprint, Wang Yang sensed everything around the Demon God Tree.

He had absolutely no idea that with the help of the mutant Chaos God Tree, such an idea turned out to be more than just his own. These demons and ghosts, one by one, even had such a thought.

"Since that is the case, then everyone compares, who is the final winner."

In Wang Yang's eyes, all kinds of thoughts flashed.

Originally, he intended to make the Demon God Tree break through.

Anyway, the ghost king of Montenegro has been seriously injured.

However, it seems that it is unnecessary.

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