My Super Estate

2992 Mr. R.S.

Chapter 2800 I have been waiting for you for a long time

The wild continent is famous for a long time.

The entire confusion star field, all creatures, the four forces, one by one, all know that the most important core of the confusion star field is the wild continent.

However, how many people really dare to set foot here?

Super gravity, possible fairy, and various old trees, ancient vines, and even some fierce beasts that live in old trees and old forests.

One by one, none are simple roles.

"How far is it?"

In this ghost place, gravity is too powerful.

Just now, it was just a black-scaled red-horned caterpillar, a claw, and the magic sword almost didn't get scratched.

"No one knows how far.

This ancient wild land has long been listed as a forbidden land.

In an extremely ancient era, I belonged to the Yin Family, the nine main hall masters, and they all shot together just to find a chance.

In the end, only the main hall lord escaped by chance."

The Nine Lords?

The magic knife was really shocked.

It is also the existence of Jinxian, but Daoxing has different heights and different strengths.

Jinxian is just because, above the realm, it has reached the level of "Yao Dao Tian Tian".

Every move and every action can induce the universe to bless oneself.

However, how much power you can gain depends on how good you are.

Forty-two pounds, you must have those fours.

You are short of catty and want to pull the catty. In your dreams, there will be no such good things.

The four great demon, or rather, the existence of the ghost king of Montenegro, and their years of existence are old enough.

However, whether their way of doing things has reached a top, but no one dares to be sure.

However, the main hall of the Nine Great Halls is the highest leader of the Yinling clan except their first ancestors.

The Master of the Nine Great Halls, also folded in this wild continent?

The magic knife is a little surprised.

Between the steps, there is some caution.

Man is the spirit of all things.

People have no characteristics, but people are good at learning.

People are all cautious and save survival.

The magic weapon of the magic knife feels that he must learn from others in this respect.

One line, three major forces, the number, I'm just afraid that there are no less than three hundred.

One by one, the strength is extremely strong, there is no weak one.

However, in the same way, apart from the four real demons, the ghost king of Montenegro and the centipede, there is no real strongman.

One by one, they are all giants of the universe, and they are divided into the Yinling family, the Devil family, and the Zengling family.

They were assigned one by one, and the biggest reliance was because they all used special means to arrange special battle formations.

The battle array, with the help of heaven and earth, has the same qualities as "Yi Dao Yu Tian Di".

Generally speaking, weak to strong is synonymous with them.,

However, when they really entered this realm, they felt despair one by one.

There is really no reason to say that this special land boundary, super gravity, a crushing down, even if it has the most powerful force, at this step, it is also difficult to move.

"This, this is not a solution!"

Three days, one by one, all exhausted.

Even if it is a real magic knife, there is some shortness of breath.

"Damn, the gravity here is too strong!"

Don't say that the sword is the real demon, that is, the ghost king of Montenegro, at this time, it is also a bit angry.

This pressure is really too much.

"Ghost King of Montenegro, where is the Demon God Tree?"

Suddenly, I don't know what I thought of, and the magic knife of the magic knife suddenly opened, such an inquiry.

"What do you mean?"

"Three days, our speed is a bit slow.

But, I don’t know, we didn’t find any shadow at all!"

"What the hell do you want to say?"

"I want to ask, is it possible that the human race has already found the Chaos God Tree in advance?

Will this ancient forest have been controlled by the Chaos God Tree?

Will we have been calculated?"

This kind of search was not found, and the magic knife doubted it. This is because he and others have already been held by the human race.

Even, all these people, all of their trips are stared by the human race.

That is to say, all of these existences are turning around under the eyes of others.

If it is outside, they have absolute self-confidence in their own strength, they will never believe it, and there will be someone who, in front of their own eyes, counts themselves to death.

However, all of this cannot be counted as such.

This wild continent, the ancient rules, is really terrifying.

With their nearly immortal strength, it was also difficult to suppress breathing.

If it is really calculated, then everyone, I am afraid, no one can say anything.

"Don’t forget, he is a superb potion planter.

He is the best at dealing with various god trees."


It is not necessary to investigate whether the speculation of the true magic of the magic knife is correct.

At this time, the most important thing is to leave here.

The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall.

It’s just a possibility, but the ghost king of Montenegro doesn’t dare to gamble!

The ghost king of Montenegro does not dare to gamble. Similarly, the four real demons do not want to gamble.

"Just give up like this?"

As an orc, in this wild continent, I only felt that I returned to my home.

Although, he is also carrying a mountain-like gravity.

"If you want to stay, stay alone, let's go!"

At this moment, it was the ghost king of Montenegro, and he went even more simply.

It is really hard to believe that this is the one who, even if it is besieged by the centipede and the four real demons, must also take the demon god tree to escape the black mountain ghost king.

Toad, so decisively, wants to run away.

In this scene, Wang Yang was taken aback.

He also wants to sharpen the temper of these guys!

What's the matter, now, that's it?

So, how do I save the Demon God Tree from you?


There was a burst of laughter in the ancient forest.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Why do you want to leave now?

Don’t you think it’s too late?"

"No, this is the human race, the voice of the Sifang Lord.

We really counted on him!"

This voice, they will not forget.

At the beginning, in the battle of the battles, the lords of the Quartet, in the end, how to kill everyone, all to the town.

"Find him, hurry!"

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Wang Yang has not yet appeared, but his laughter has brought tremendous pressure to everyone.

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