My Super Estate

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Chapter 2801 Wang Yang's Calculation

"Senior, I have notified the Demon God Tree.

He will lead nearly three hundred cosmic giants over.

To help the seniors to break through, 108 hongmengs are needed, arranged in large groups.

Otherwise, even if the Demon God Tree came over, presumably, the help for the predecessors is also extremely limited."

Wang Yang watched all the movements around the Demon God Tree.

When he saw that the ghost king of Montenegro was so kind, he was shocked when he sent the Demon God Tree to this wild land.

There are such good people in this world?

No, how can such a good person do something to make him obscured?

Wang Yang decided to sing praises for such good people and good deeds.

Daoxing is to tell the news.Good people and good things, if you don’t say it, how can everyone know?

"In the Yinling family, there is a ghost king of Montenegro. Under his command, there are 108 cosmic giants, one by one, all of which are of extraordinary strength.

The most important thing is that they all have a special skill.

Put together, it is a group of ghost kings.

Now, under the leadership of the ghost king of Montenegro, he is coming towards us quickly."

"You mean, the Avenue of God Tree is coming?"


Not only is the deification of the avenue coming, but also the arrangement of the large array and the people who need it are also sent to the door by themselves."

"it is good!"

The Chaos God Tree also has a seven-knowing exquisite heart. At Wang Yangyang, he understood what Wang Yang meant.

"Relax, since they have already come, then, of course, I will not let them leave again."

This word, Chaos God Tree, said extremely confidently.

"Oh, by the way, there is a centipede behind the ghost king of Montenegro, and the four real demons.

In addition, their number, I am afraid, is not too small.

If you can, return this group of offenders, you can kill them all.

Perhaps, Ziyang Group, mighty, will be more powerful."

Wang Yang is ready.

This time, perhaps, it was an opportunity.

In the universe, even if all the cosmic giants are all gathered together, can it exceed one hundred, this question, Wang Yang does not know.

If you want to arrange a large array of Ziyang, you must have 108.

For himself, the general Ziyang formation has little effect.

That is to say, if wandering in the universe, I am afraid that the Ziyang formation that I once regarded as the foundation is simply a decoration.

In other words, it can only play an auxiliary effect.

Unfortunately, at this time, it is already the end of the era.

All kinds of demons and monsters, all kinds of ghosts and ghosts, will appear together.

With his own strength now, I'm afraid it's already impossible to suppress the scene.

Even, Wang Yang has an idea.

A very bold idea, he wanted to save his four-square universe star zone.

A long time ago, he had such a method in his mind.

At the beginning, when the Quartet Cosmic Star District, the birth of the universe, established the eleventh universe, he already had a very obvious feeling.

Space in the Quartet Cosmic Star Zone has become stronger.

The cosmic star zone is more powerful.

In the same way, the heavenly path of the Sifangxing District is even stronger.

What does the era tribulation look like?

Wang Yang does not know, but he only knows that, within the era of the Great Tribulation, it cannot be resisted.

Just because, ordinary star domain, can not resist.

As long as the space is strong enough, the cosmic giant collapses, the whole collapses, and the powerful force is enough to support a world.

Desperate Devil Land, confounding the star field, how many epochs have they experienced?

However, after the epoch, they still stand.

Such vivid examples have already told everyone that the so-called cosmic era of catastrophe can be supported.

If you cannot support it, you can only say that your strength is not strong enough.

"If I can get some more hongmengziqi, will it get some more qualities by then?

Or, get more demon clan's origins to decompose the ability of the demon god tree. Perhaps, it will bring more artificial god trees to yourself.

Demon God Tree, also known as: Make God Tree, can't let it down!"

In such a very short period of time, Wang Yang's thoughts quickly flashed in his mind.

However, in the same way, he also knew that he would not be their opponent.

To achieve such a wish, we must also borrow strength.

"Seniors, helping seniors get promoted is the supreme honor of juniors.

It’s just that the younger generation has a ruthless request, can you answer it?”

"what do you want to do?"

"I'm in trouble. Seniors have suppressed the four true demons, the ghost king of Montenegro, and the centipede.

Other existence, perhaps, can be handed over to the juniors!"

Wang Yang’s current strength is also at the top of the universe.It is also the pioneer of the Quartet Star District, and its status will not be worse than anyone.

The martial arts practice takes thousands of years, and there is no such thing as non-human age in one night.

Pay attention to a'reacher first'.

Just a chaotic god tree, in terms of identity, it will never be higher than itself.

However, here is a very wild continent. Here, his own strength is not as good as human beings.

Similarly, here, if you want to achieve your wishes, you must rely on the power of others.

The time is right and the people are harmonious, all of them are on the other side. If you don't recognize a short, how can it work?

"it is good!

I will try my best!"

Chaos God Tree's return is very simple.

Wang Yang smiled suddenly.

He knew that his calculations could not be concealed.

Even, the Chaos God Tree agreed, then, that is to say, his kindness has been accepted by the Chaos God Tree.

Finally, the idea of ​​the ghost king of Montenegro, with a large number of powerful men, entered this wild forest.

"Senior, we are dark, they are bright, we grind them.

This barren continent, endless gravity, Star District v. perseverance, it must consume huge effort."

The most obvious manifestation of mental power is spiritual power.

Mental effort is huge, and it will inevitably have a great impact on their strength.

Wang Yang wanted Frost to take advantage of this opportunity to grind.

Of course, this can be better arranged.

"Okay! Just watch it!"

Sure enough, the Chaos God Tree, in this wild land, the survival time is really too long.

The entire old forest, all the ancient wood, are all descendants of it.

In the entire old wood and old forest, all under his control, with the movement of its ideas, suddenly, the entire old wood and old forest quickly changed over.

And, unconsciously, in these four weeks, I don’t know how many ancient existences existed quietly, and they all stared at their opponents.

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