My Super Estate

The 2997th chapter of the ghost king to show power? ?

Chapter 2805 The Ghost King's Grand Celebrity??


Ghost King array suddenly showed such superb power.

The magic knife of the magic knife was also startled, and quickly backed away.

While retreating, he even found out conscience that he had done something that was completely inconsistent with his demon identity.

He even started to remind everyone to retreat together.

Wang Yang had taken the great Luo Emperor Zun and retreated towards Chaos God Tree.

At this time, only Chaos God Tree can fight against this ghost king formation.

The magic knife of the magic knife found this with a conscience, but it made Wang Yang startled. Unconsciously, he stopped for a while.

Surprisingly, he turned his head and looked at the magic weapon of the magic knife, with a hesitant look in his eyes.

Could it be that this magic knife is a real demon and has changed its mind?


At this time, it is important for everyone to keep their lives. Whether the true demon of the magic knife finds it by conscience, it cannot be entangled too much.


The three tall ancient trees lost all their vitality. Just now the ancient trees are still full of vitality. In a blink of an eye, they become the dead wood without any moisture.

Gently, a gust of wind blew past.

The ancient wood, such as Wang Yang’s steel and iron bones, which could not be broken, was actually fell by a light breeze.

Hundreds of ghosts are in a large array, filled with dense ghost mist, and there is a tendency to expand between them.

"In legend, the giant is a fairy.

Before, the strength of giants, we also have some knowledge.

Now it seems that the problem is really very big!"

An unprecedented surprise flashed in his eyes.

Giant, is it a fairy?

In other words, what is the fairy family?

Wang Yang, in fact, doesn't have any big ideas about these problems.

However, as a reference object, then, this meaning is a bit bigger!


What kind of existence can it be called a'clan'?

The blood of the fairy?

Or the immortality?

Or is it the people of the fairy world?

Wang Yang did not know about these problems.

However, no matter which aspect, it seems, it has been shown that this fairy family has a huge beginning, a very deep background, and a very thick root!

However, such three existences are directly swallowed up by this ghost king formation!

So, how powerful is this ghost king formation?

"what should we do?"

Ghost King formation, turned into a black ghost mist.

The ancient trees thick and thin were devoured with vitality, and the wind blew, and suddenly, the entire lush ancient wood forest showed a vast empty land.

This posture has a tendency to become stronger and stronger.

How did that happen?

Could it be that he was, lifted the stone and smashed his own foot?

Is this... screwed up?

"Damn, this, what the hell is going on?"

Not only Wang Yang and Daluo Emperor Zun, but also the four real demons, but also the embarrassed, the magic devil is really angry.

This piece of Wang Dazhen is simply attracted by the rich vitality.

Here, in addition to the Chaos God Tree, the vitality is the most intense, that is, the four true demons, and the centipede!

At this time, the four real demons, centipede centipedes, one by one, were chased behind a buttock by a black ghost mist, and then they burst into madness.

In just a moment, the five of them were almost untouched by the ghost fog.

Even the magic sword is really unlucky. I don’t know if it is because of a wound on my body.

The other guys were all escaped, but he was only scratched.

After coming out, the whole body was covered with blood and flesh, which was miserable.

With the power of the magic weapon of the magic sword, let alone the skin being pulled out, even if it is a physical battle body, it will be directly exploded. As long as the thought is moved, generally speaking, it can be instantaneous. restore.

Such strength is absolutely not surprising.

However, the magic weapon with such powerful strength, several times in a row, encourages mana and restores itself.

Time and time again, he did not succeed.


"How could this be?"

The wounded is the true demon of the magic knife, however, it is all the members concerned.

"Sovereign Lord of the Quartet, this, this ghost king array, so horrible?"

Emperor Da Luo was scared.

On a wild continent, gravity is super strong.

For the first time on this continent of super-gravity, the strength was greatly suppressed.

However, the strength of the Magic Sword Straightener has been suppressed. Isn't his own strength suppressed?

What is this law?

Everyone is under repression. In comparison, the power of the magic weapon is much stronger than yourself.

The magic sword is still suffering so much, what about us?

"No, this ghost king, he wants to circle us all."

One by one, how powerful is your eyesight?

Quickly discovered that the ghost king array is constantly strengthening and expanding.

Even, even behind him, has been wrapped up.

In other words, I don’t know when I was surrounded by myself and others.

"How could it be so fast?"

Just now, there is still no siege.

Everyone, one by one, is always paying attention to the Quartet.

It is not just Wang Yang, but the four true demons, the centipede, one by one, always paying attention.

But no one found out, just now, what happened, how could it be surrounded?

In fact, how many of them panic at this time?

Even though they belong to the Yinling family, the ghost king of Montenegro is also somewhat dazed.

Because, I don't know when, he was swept by a haze of mist.

Although, it was just a moment, but it also sucked him alive.

How could this be?

"What do you want to do?

I am the ghost king of Montenegro, you even shot towards me?"

Ghost King's formation suddenly burst into such a terrible power, his feeling was the most pleasant surprise.

But how could this happen?

Suddenly, isn't the ghost king's breath strong in himself?

Why would you shoot at me?

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this scene, Wang Yang suddenly felt only a burst of joy.

This type of frame, this ghost king array, may even be out of control?

It turned out that I was the only one who lifted a stone and hit my foot!

"The Ghost King of Montenegro, please tell everyone, what's wrong with this ghost king formation?"

It turned out that all of us are still friends 1

That's really great.

Well, now, let's talk to all of us, what does this ghost king array mean?

Well, well said, we are still friends, badly spoken, I'm sorry, but everyone wants to be punished.


There was already a kind of darkness, the magic sword of the ghost king was out of prison, and suddenly felt that this world was full of friendship.


Have we ever played against each other?

Don't make trouble, we belong to friendship between friends.

Yes, it is absolutely pure friendship.

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