My Super Estate

Chapter 2999 Chaos God Tree

Chapter 2807 Chaotic God Tree...

"Fuck nonsense.

If we drag on, we will all die!"

Shot again, and walked towards the ghost fog.

Bang Bang Bang...

A powerful attack struck the space, bursting burst after burst.

Such a move alone is enough to show the power of his cosmic giant.

Shame is the existence of Jinxian, even if it is heavily suppressed, its strength is still so strong.

It is a pity that such a powerful attack has no use at all in the face of that ghost fog.

This ghost fog is really terrifying. It seems to be moment by moment, all containing a trace of the mysterious mystery.

If there is no such super-gravity suppression, the strength of the magic weapon of the magic knife can certainly be dealt with.

Under the suppression of the avenue, all the void was suppressed.

Without breaking one's own avenue, it is simply impossible to perform a great move.

Even if you move in a big way, in the end, the avenue can still be found.

Even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of stars, they can still catch up as long as the avenue is shrouded.

Therefore, the ghost king array, the great movement of the universe, the strength is a bit too strong, but it is also compared to this special wild continent.

It is a pity that there is no if, no comparison or calculation.

Reality is reality.

The reality is that all of them are in a wild continent, and they are suppressed by super gravity. Even their own avenues can only protect themselves, but they cannot cover all sides.

Under the great move of Qiankun, it should be moved, or moved.

For example, the magic knife is a devil's overbearing sword, which can change the world, open up chaos, and spawn a large world, but it is a matter of leisure.

However, in the face of this ghost king array, he was born with a knife and attacked himself.


The magic knife was really shocked.

If such a knife falls on one's own body, is there still life?

At the moment, the magic sword is made with two swords.

In a hurry, even with two knives, he almost hurt himself.

It is a pity that the ghost king array is indeed a bit scary, not only the Qiankun movement, but also the ghost fog that plunders life!

In a hurry, two knives were broken out, breaking the one that came from the sudden attack.

But with this knife, think carefully, isn't this your own knife?

Breaking his own sword, the big trouble of the ghost king array, still not solved??

Too late to be proud, the magic knife was really shocked, and backed off again and again.

It's a pity that the ghost mist is too fast!

Where can I retreat?

Apart from attacking towards that human race, where else can I go?

"Human race, you die to Lao Tzu!"

Speak well, you are my vegetarian!

That being the case, don't blame you!

The magic knife doesn't matter.

He intends to force it!


Magic knife is really devil, you think, here is your territory, allow you to wantonly?"

In terms of strength, Wang Yang is definitely not an opponent for this guy.

However, this is the site of the Chaos God Tree. Can you be arrogant?


A small human race, how can you be a demon?

Sen Leng's knife light was killed towards Wang Yang.

Under the sword light, the world of one side naturally emerges in the void.

In every world, there are endless creatures.

These creatures, or people, or demons, or monsters, or beasts, or spirits...

There are thousands of creatures of all kinds, but their only resemblance is their swords.

Their knives, either straight cuts, or horizontal cuts, or thorns, or cuts, or hooks, all kinds of but all contain the same kind of knife meaning.

Strong or weak, the knife and knife communicate with each other.

This is the avenue of the magic weapon of the magic sword. All the power comes from the magic weapon of the magic sword.

This place is weird. The lords of the Quartet are not foolish.

He dared to be so presumptuous, and he would have to rely on it.

His own avenue was greatly suppressed, and here he had to borrow from the heavens and the world.

Dao Cun does not die.

He can live to the present, and, one era after another, he can live well.

It is enough to show that his avenue has spread extremely well in the illusory world.

In this illusory universe, I don’t know how many of them are his apprentices. At this moment, under his thoughts, no matter what he is doing, he is inspired by him. All the power in the body is all. He was brought together.

This is the highlight of'Yi Dao Yu Tian Di'.


Heaven and earth do not exist, wildness does not appear, only boundless chaos.

In the boundless chaos, the Heavenly Sword opened from above, the chaos shattered, Hongmengpiaiyi, the Dadao did not exist, the Tiandao appeared.

And Wang Yang is the only strong enemy in between.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth, the universe, everything, everything and all spirits are hostile to Wang Yang, and all the powers, under the unity of the powers of heaven and earth, fuse together into a world-destroying magic knife, toward Let's kill Wang Yang!

Unable to break the blockade of the avenue, there is no life.

At this moment, Wang Yang really lives and dies.

The power of terror is even more integrated.

Wang Yang seems to have seen the moment when he died.

Suddenly, I don't know where it came from. A branch of crystal like a jade, a sharp edge like a knife, and a lush green tree branch, I don't know where it came from and swept across.

The world, the universe, the universe, everything, and all spirits, under the sweep of this branch, there is no resistance.

It seems that a flood of water has washed away and is unstoppable.


All visions disappeared.

Wang Yang once again returned to his original place.

The magic weapon of the magic knife is a direct blow.

Only a little bit, it is flying into that ghost fog.


The magic sword was so scared that the hair was upright.

The blow just now will never be worse than when he was full.

But how is it possible!

According to legend, is this not a chaotic god tree?

How could it be so powerful?

For the blow just now, if it was not forcibly stopped by myself, I was afraid that I would be hit by the rolling ghost mist.


No, why did the ghost fog stop?

The true magic of the magic knife is absolutely correct. There is only a few meters between him and the ghost fog.

At the speed of ghost fog, a few meters, is there any distance at all?

However, how come you still have nothing to do?

Suddenly turned his head.

I saw that behind him, it was not the ghost mist that was honest, but that behind him, there was a layer of turquoise energy hood, which directly stopped all the ghost mist.

"This, so powerful??"

The magic knife was frightened.

He is too clear how bad the ghost mist is.

But how could there be such a scene now?

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