My Super Estate

3000 The Benefit Fees Can't Be Missed

Chapter 2808: Benefits are indispensable

"Hey, you are one by one, that's it. Borrow here?

Not at all?"

The Chaos God Tree is directly an energy shield, which resists all ghost mists.

The great shore of the Chaos God Tree can be seen in general.

However, the Chaos God Tree is strong enough to resist the tumbling ghost fog. That is also the ability of other people’s Chaos God Tree. Why do you guys live here and not leave?

Wang Yang feels that he has a great need to do a good calculation with these guys.

Borrowing, although it’s a name, it’s borrowing, but don’t you need to pay for accommodation?

Seriously others are your father and mother!

"what do you want to do?"

Other people haven't responded yet. The magic sword is really devil, but it is the first time, it is nervous.

Just now, he was really impressed by the power that swept everything and was irresistible!

If he can't go through the second time, he will definitely not want to go through the second time.

"Oh, the magic sword is really happy.

Let's not tell secret words.

In the mortal world, if someone else wants to borrow your house to live, they also need to pay accommodation fees.

We, Tianya, are also fallen people, so don’t worry anyone.

The accommodation costs should be honest, so let's be more direct and don't look down on them."

"what do you want?"

Was given a knock.

"It doesn't need much.

Chaos God Tree, he wants to display such a protective cover, it is also a great consumption of itself.

What's more, it must also resist that ghost fog's attacks again and again.

This consumption is too big.

Just now, Lord Chaos God Tree sent me a message that you have to pay a fee.

Otherwise, all must be chased out!"

Listen, is this what people say?

If it weren’t for the ghost and mist attack again and again, do we need you to open a protective cover?

Or, to put it simply, you open a protective cover, not to resist the ghost and fog attacks again and again, what do you open?

Should you play with it?

Besides, protective cover, isn't this a necessary skill for every kind of artifact above the tree of innate gods?

Isn't this their natural energy?

What is different from being born to breathe and eat?

Open it, what's wrong?

Do I still need to pay?

"Human, don't you want to bully too much!

Who do we pay for?

Is it for you?

Besides, you two human races are not the same here, how come you didn’t pay?"

After all, you settled down for a while, and you are a bastard, and you just came up with such a fart thing?

If it weren’t, the lesson of the magic weapon of the magic knife is still in front of you, and Lao Tzu must pinch your mind.

Wang Yang sneered: "Hey, maybe, you can communicate with your seniors."

The Chaos God Tree cooperates very well, constantly shaking in the void.

A crystal clear green branch swept across.


The four true demons, the centipede centipede and the ghost king of Montenegro, are all overbearing powers, which are directly swept away.

At this moment, they are not cosmic giants, nor are they near cents.They are just a little table tennis, directly swept back and forth.

For a time, large trees in the entire protective cover moved quickly.

They have been greatly suppressed on the wild continent, but he himself is a cosmic giant and a near immortal.

There is a lot of Dao Yun in their blood.

For ordinary creatures, these are the most powerful opportunities.

In this wild ancient wood forest, a large number of plants, basically, are like smelling cats, plundering blood quickly.

In a moment, the four true demons, the ghost king of Montenegro, the centipede centipede, the six masters, and the blood spewed out, all disappeared.

A master of nearly cents level, a drop of blood can be transformed into a sea of ​​blood.

A hair can cut through a starry sky.

The real power is infinite.

However, this is the case, a mouthful of blood of immense power is directly looted.

"Huh, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Yang greeted with concern, always in time.

"Would you like to take a break?

However, I have to kindly remind you that this protective cover has a time limit."

Sure enough, Wang Yang's words just landed, and the protective cover that can resist the attack of ghost fog naturally fluctuated.

It seems like it really can't be supported.

"what do you want?"

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.


The ghost king of Montenegro turned out to be such a ghost king.

"Ghost King of Montenegro!!"

Are you so good at counseling?It's really despising.

"Speak, what do you want?"


You can't afford to look down on your heart. You must admit that this time, you won.

"I want Hongqi Ziqi!"


Hongmeng Ziqi, there is only one for every cosmic giant.

With their strength, if you want to plunder a few more, it will not seem so unacceptable.

But why should I give you!

This is what we have accumulated.

"If you don't give it, I can't help it!"

It seems there is really no way.

Wang Yang also had no further claims.

But, he was slowly receding. Similarly, the protective cover was slowly fading.

"Where are you going?"

"Where am I going, do I need to report to you?

Say again.

You can follow me wherever I go!"

Wang Yang just sneered.

Hearing the words, the magic knife's face was so blue.

Just now, he was too close to this lord of the Quartet, and as a result, he received the most severe attack.

Follow along?

Then, I don't know where to shoot a green branch, and then, I just beat myself to death.

In fact, Wang Yang's approach is very depressing.

Looking at the usual, just in the legend, there are no four real demons I have really seen, such as the immortal existence of the Black Mountain Ghost King, the Centipede, and all of them are very popular.

Obviously, I want to kill myself, and the result is helpless.

It's really a relief.

"What should we do?"

Degassing is degassing, but after degassing, how to deal with these things, but you must think about it.

It's very cool to think about the skin with the tiger.

However, tiger skin is good, but Huwei is not good!

"Relax, wait!

Put a little blood on them.

Then, we can act. At that time, with the help of the Chaos God Tree, even if they are not dead, they will have to take a layer of skin."

Wang Yang is already done.

Originally, he had no such idea.

But who knows, this ghost king formation, in the end, will actually help himself this one?

How can Heaven not give it?

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