My Super Estate

Chapter 3002 The Purple Sun Formation Extends to the Sun

Chapter 2880 The Ziyang Great Formation Extends to the Sun

"You said, what should we do?"

As cosmic giants, no matter what role they used to be, but since they grew up, either consciously or passively, they have become a generation of owls.

In each hand, either active or passive, their hands are already covered with blood.

Step by step, it is said that it is blood and blood.

Behind him, it was already a bloody sea of ​​corpses.

Such them, one by one, where can be simple?

Looking at the damn human race, it has gradually deepened and gradually disappeared into his own sight.

The sound of the magic weapon of the magic knife naturally sounds in the spiritual worlds of the three great magic, such as Fazhi, Faren, and Sanguang.

"The ghost king of Montenegro has nothing to do with this ghost king formation. We don't know.

This centipede is now seriously injured and is considered to be half disabled.

Now, if we want to save ourselves, we can only lead ourselves."

No one should think that anyone will be a fool.

What you see is also possible, but that is what others want you to see.

That's all.

If you want to search for information, listen more and think more, it is always the truth between the world and the world.

"The human race has entered this tree world.

I saw that there is the body of the Chaos God Tree.

Our time is running out."

There is a hint of eagerness in the true magic tone of the magic knife.


You said that we have paid our own protection fee?

Are you too naive, or are we too stupid?

Human mouth, black heart, smile on face, knife behind.

Do you even believe the mouth of a human race?

Are you still a demon?


From the beginning to the end, none of the people of the human race Sifang, including the magic weapon of the magic sword, believed.

The reason for the surrender of Hongmeng Zi is only because, if you don’t, you will die immediately.

As for the handover?

At least, it will not die now.

If you can drag it, just drag it.

The difference between early death and late death is always so huge.

"not good!"

What to do, the four real demons communicated deeply with each other, and there was no answer.

But now, from that tree world, there is a huge movement.

Such a huge movement.

So familiar.

The four real demons felt shocked.

"This, what is this?"

The ghost king of Montenegro yelled in panic.

He has never seen such a vision.

I saw that in the void, it seemed to be a supreme fairy, and opened a door, so that as mortals, they could peer into that door, a more real world.

I saw that there were endless mysteries.

The endless thunder, constantly rolling, seems to be the source of thunder.Step on the heavenly elephant, bathe in the thunder sea, accept the baptism of the original god thunder.

However, no matter how violent the thunder and the sea, how to violently, step on the heavenly elephant, you can calmly and freely march in the void.

A proboscis like swallowing an immortal python, swaying at random, without knowing how much space was broken, you can see that a sea of ​​the universe is manifested naturally in that space.


The ghost king of Montenegro was shocked.

Because, in the ocean of the universe, he saw an existence with endless great shore breath.

Seeing that one exists, the whole body exudes endless yin.

Behind the existence of this great shore, there is a universe formed entirely of yin qi.

The existence of this magnificent shore is the only master of that universe.

"Jiangxianxiang, what are you going to do?"

After not knowing how many time and space there were, seeing the heavenly immortal elephant, the master of Wei An, made a loud noise.


Facing the master of Wei An, stepping on the heavenly elephant, I saw a long roar, and then, you can see that endless power came from the long nose that swallowed the heavenly python.Then, you can see that a universe with endless mysteries collapsed naturally, all the yin, all the ghost fog, all the rules, all the origins, all were sucked out by the long nose of the swallowing fairy fairy python. .


The great shore master, who dominates the universe, roared angrily.

After not knowing how many time and space there are, the ghost king came with a sword.

It is a pity that no matter how hard he struggles, in the face of the long dragon's water-absorbing heavenly immortals, it has no effect at all.

Then, the entire universe, I don’t know how many time and space are permeated, how many universes are contained in it, everything, all collapsed in an instant.

All the powers are all taken away by the heavenly elephant.


The ghost king of Montenegro is really scared.

The master of that great shore is definitely a greater existence than himself, or even the first ancestor he once met occasionally.

It is very likely that the ancestors have been pursuing, but I don’t know how many eras have passed, and they can’t reach it.

That is definitely the existence of ghosts.

Even that ghost fairy controlled a vast universe.

However, it is this kind of existence that even a force struck by a person who doesn't know where it came from directly collapsed.

How could this be?

At this moment, the ghost king of Montenegro only felt that he had calculated everything. At this moment, all of them had no meaning at all.

No matter how powerful it is, can it be more powerful than that?

But, how does that exist?

A force that does not know where to break from the sky is just to smash the whole universe, it is to destroy it.


I don’t know what happened to the ghost king of Montenegro. At this moment, it completely collapsed.

Even the body of his ghost king exploded directly.

It turned out that he had lost his mind and the trauma in his body was directly overwhelming, and he had an attack.


The corner of the day was amazing enough.

But how did it become so powerful?

Looking at the ghost king of Montenegro that suddenly collapsed, the four real demons were also taken aback.

But, in contrast, they can barely accept...

A fart!

What the hell is this!

Could it be that this world is not the one you know?

Otherwise, how could it be, it seems that it is, it is completely incomprehensible.

"So, what kind of universe is that?

Why, it's totally yin?

Could it be a universe controlled by a ghost?"

In the universe, at the end of every cosmic era, there are Yin soldiers crossing the border.

These shadow soldiers ravaged the universe.

All creatures, including human races and devil races, all powers are contracted.

Those top powers are all gone.

This is a feast of ghosts.

Similarly, it is also the period of decline of cosmic overlords such as human race and demon race.

But one piece of the universe, all controlled by the ghosts?

Have you seen it?

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