My Super Estate

The 3010th chapter powerful Yin Ling

Chapter 2808 The Powerful Yinling Clan

The golden lion ancestor, weeping blood true demon, through arm spirit monkey...

The top three.

This is the basis of their three major forces, which can still forcefully occupy a place under the oppression of such powerful forces of the Yinling family.

Ordinary existence, stepping into this wild continent, the strength of one body, will inevitably suppress 90%.

The strength of one body, even one percent, cannot be brought into play.

Even if they belong to the Yinling family, when they gather, they form, and when they become scattered, there is no exception.

Walking on a wild continent, powerful as a ghost king, it is impossible to be safe.

However, it is just such a wild continent. When they set foot on them, the powerful of the three forces, one by one, also stepped forward.

It seems to be that there is no oppression at all.


As the three major forces, the Tongbi spirit monkey once stepped into this wild continent more than once.

However, every time I stepped into this wild continent, it seemed that I was carrying a god mountain.

However, this time, stepping into this wild continent again did not feel the mountain-like pressure.

The Tongbi spirit monkey was surprised.

He knew that the reason for this wild continent was so much pressure, but it was because the heavenly elephant born from the thunder and the thunder, separated by heavy space, formed a rule.

This rule is not broken, then, this wild continent, no matter who it is, must go downhill.

"We must act faster."

Blood Weeping True Demon said so.


It means that the general pressure here is broken because of your existence?

The arm-armed monkey was stunned.

He couldn't believe it.

You know, this wild continent is so terrible because of such a super gravity.

The creatures living on the wild continent have already adapted to such super-gravity. Their strength is not only not suppressed, but on the contrary, there will be some bonuses.

Outsiders are different. When you enter here, the super gravity is like a prohibition, which is directly added to your body.

Such super-gravity is a kind of prohibition imposed on himself, which imprisoned his own strength.

For example, the giant in front of you.

In the past, every time I stepped into this place, I would be attacked by this giant.


Good, very good.

According to legend, this giant is a fairy family, born to bathe in immortal energy, and is born with endless power.

Perhaps there is no particularly powerful talent, but its powerful physique is already desperate enough.

Today, I will try what kind of strength the desperate fairy family has!"

In the hands of the Tongbi spirit monkey, I don't know when, a Qingtian God iron appeared.

Optimus God Iron, a kind of God Iron that is made without knowing anything, is innately extraordinary.

Under the blessing of mana, this weight is beyond an imagination.

In the past, this Qingtianshen iron, in the wild, did not dare to take it out, and its strength was greatly suppressed.

But now, it can be used lightly like an arm.

Dancing the iron rods, forming a series of stick flowers, facing the giant, when the head was hit, a stick fell.

Instead, the giant had already grinned, snarled his teeth, roared, and slapped himself on the face.

It is a pity that nowadays, a monkey with a full arm that restores its strength, with an iron rod in hand, is really a god to block the gods, and a Buddha to block the Buddha.


The giant who once smashed the ghost king of Montenegro into a serious injury was directly smashed by the stick.


Cool, cool.

It's so cool, never been so fast!!!"

The Tongbi spirit monkey only feels that there is a transparent body all over him.

It's a pleasure that never happened.

"Go, today, Lao Tzu is going to hit a happy heart, to kill a comfortable one."

Every time he enters this wild continent, he faces the siege of giants.

Each time, I had to retreat helplessly.

There is no way, powerful strength is simply desperate.

Where is it now, one stick?

Bang Bang Bang...

There was a loud noise.

The seven giants who had just gathered around were easily blasted again.

This kind of strength is at most comparable to that of ordinary cosmic giants.

To say that such strength, it is absolutely impossible to make the Tongbi Monkey so excited.

It is true that in the past, he suffered the crime of this giant, it was too much.

Now, once he was able to avenge himself, he suddenly felt only a burst of unobstructed mind.

Going this way is not just an arm-armed spirit monkey, but also the lion ancestor, but also yelling and yelling.

The wild continent is the center of the confounded star field. Legend has it that the rules of immortals come, and there are endless opportunities.

Not only the lion ancestor, but other existences.

One by one, all ecstatic.

However, there is always an end to this joy.

When they really entered the center of the wild ancient forest, when they saw, in front of it, there were nearly five or six hundred strong people of the Yinling family.

Even the greatest joy is gone.

One by one, only heavy bursts in my heart.

"This, so much?"

Discussing lightly, naturally, spread among the three forces.

"How to do?"

The golden lion family has a total of seven near immortals.

This is a family of golden lions, which have accumulated bit by bit since thousands of epochs.

This is also one of the foundations of the Golden Lions, who can become the leader of the Beast Spirits.

However, at this moment, the existence of their seven nearly immortal levels is first of all nervous.

"Five or six hundred?

This Yinling family is too powerful!"

"Who said no?

You see, that is the master of the nine halls.

However, there are thirty or forty ghost kings outside the main hall of the Nine Great Halls. I am afraid that none of them is weaker than us."


The existence of Jinxian has as many as forty.

How can I fight this?

"Shizu, what shall we do?

The Yinling family is really too powerful, so there is simply no way to fight!"

The ancestor of the Yinling family has not yet appeared.

If this happened, would it still be?

In fact, the Golden Lion family is really very powerful.

Lion ancestors are not counted, there are still seven near immortals.

As long as there is such a presence in one Jedi, it can occupy a seat.

In fact, there are many types of beast spirits, even the existence of a near immortal.

What's more, it's the existence of one or two statues that reflect the world with hearts.

Even if it is a family of demons, the existence of near immortals alone cannot be compared with the family of golden lions.

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