My Super Estate

The 3011th chapter powerful weeping blood devil

Chapter 2891 The Powerful Weeping Blood Devil

"What a powerful Yinling family.

What a formidable ghost family!"

Five or six universes exist on the Avenue of Perfection.

Forty-seven Ghost Kings.

This kind of strength has already scared some of the strong men who haven't had enough confidence to soften their legs and feet.

You know, there is an ancestor behind the Yinling family.

It was a statue, once in the universe, leaving an immortal legend.

Such a existence is a legend of a house.

A truly immortal existence.

With such an existence, who can know what kind of power they can have?

Once in a while, it was still just rectified and angry, and when the time came, one by one, naturally, I had some retreat thoughts.

It is terrible.

In contrast, the real devil crying blood, acting, it is really too calm.

There are five or six hundred giants in the front, one by one, all of which are on the road to consummation.

Such an existence, as long as there is one, can set off endless waves in the universe.

It can be said that such an existence, ordinary times, even if it is an era, it is impossible to appear a statue.

This is a level that can only be accumulated in a very long time, a little bit, in order to have some possible success.

However, such an incredible existence here has actually five or six hundred statues.

However, it is such that five or six hundred statues are enough to stir up the existence of the cosmic romance, and the true demon of weeping blood is not even in the eyes.

Even if, among them, there are forty-seven existences of this fairy, it is the same.

"Local chicken tile dog."

For these Yinling clan, weeping blood and true devil, gave such an evaluation.

"Don't move, no one else, otherwise I will be very unhappy!"

Weeping blood true devil's eyes, glance at random.

However, all the ghosts that he was staring at were all stiff.

I don't know why, at this moment, they all seem to feel that they have been stared at by others.

It's him??

The main hall deserved to be the main hall.

His strength is extremely powerful.

However, the most important thing is that his perception is also extremely powerful.

His eyes felt that a sea of ​​blood appeared in his own spiritual world.

That is a projection of ideas.

It's him……

In the confounded star field, the devil family has the biggest heritage.

Crying blood true demon!

"He, he is so powerful!"

As the main hall of the Yinling family, after the first ancestor, he belongs to the most powerful.

Similarly, his power is also the most powerful.

It can be said that he is the entire Yinling family, except the first ancestor, the most powerful one.

Such a powerful man, of course, will not be willing to be stared at.

The powerful idea, directed towards that sea of ​​blood, is directly impacted away.

He wants to break this sea of ​​blood.

Crying blood true demon?

Great reputation!

In my heart, there was a sneer.

Today, let the Lord of the Temple see how powerful you really are!


The powerful idea brings together all the power of the soul.

Although he wanted to try the quality of the blood devil, he still tried his best to do it carefully.

But, can you change the ending with all your effort?

The main hall of the hall is absolutely powerful, and the existence of near immortals is only the fourth step above the Avenue of Perfection.

In Daoxing, there are still strong and weak differences.

The main hall is absolutely the most top-notch existence under the immortals.

In other words, it is definitely one of the most powerful characters in the existence of Jinxian.

But this time, what did he encounter?

Just being glanced at by the other party, and then, throwing a mind into his own spiritual world and turning into a sea of ​​blood?

Can't you shake the blood a little bit with all your efforts?

Is it so powerful!!

The main hall was shocked.

He did not believe that all this would be true.


The screams rang repeatedly.

I saw that the strong men of the three forces had already killed towards the strong men behind them.

The three major forces, each of which is only about one hundred strong men.

The combined forces of the three parties are no more than three hundred but less than four hundred.

Such a force is nothing to the Yinling family at all.

You know, they are in absolute advantage only in quantity.

Nine Great Hall Masters, there are forty-seven near immortals.

So many powerful people do not know how much stronger than the three forces!!

With such a strength comparison, would anyone still dare to shoot them?

Don't be funny!

The strong of the three forces, in the eyes of the main hall, is a joke.

But what happened after the sound of ghosts in the ears?

Open your eyes and glance around.

I was shocked to find that a large number of powerful people around me didn't move at all.

The Master of the Nine Great Halls, except himself, can now glance left and right. None of the others can move.

It's not that they don't want to move, nor that they don't want to move.

There are strong signs of struggle on their faces.

They are struggling, with black sweat on their faces, constantly flowing.

As a ghost family, the whole body is sullen, born with a refrigerator.

How could it feel hot?How could there be sweat?

It is a pity that the main halls of the nine halls, all one by one, are covered in black sweat flowing from the face.

I felt it clearly on my cheek.

"No, they are all suppressed!"

The main hall was shocked!

No, there was a panic in his heart.

He clearly felt how powerful that sea of ​​blood was!

With his own strength, he launched the impact with all his strength, and even failed to break this suppression, on the contrary, it still sprayed ink-like blood.

The terrible things can be seen in general.

"what do you want to do?"

The main hall only felt a burst of despair.

He can turn his head, and his strength is already very good.

However, he wanted to move.

The idea of ​​full strength, launching the most violent impact, just let his head turn.

It just regained consciousness in his head.

But what I saw was such a desperate scene.

"Do not!"

When he felt that a ghost had been successfully beheaded by the Demon Race, he was even more sad and angry.

"The ancestor saved lives!!"

At this time, he knew that he must call for salvation.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this time, the entire Yinling clan, since tens of thousands of eras, all the accumulation will be turned into nothing.

Since tens of thousands of eras, they have experienced too much.

Even if he is always sitting in the underworld, he is sheltered by the underworld and can handle things of the Yinling family.

However, the outside world has encountered too many disasters.

Every time, he tried his best.

Even, several times, he had to use his own life yuan to get out of the underworld.

Seeing that the Yinling family is growing stronger day by day, he was pleasantly surprised.

How could it be allowed that, at this moment, all of them were killed?

Chapter 2891 The Powerful Weeping Blood Devil

"What a powerful Yinling family.

What a formidable ghost family!"

Five or six universes exist on the Avenue of Perfection.

Forty-seven Ghost Kings.

This kind of strength has already scared some of the strong men who haven't had enough confidence to soften their legs and feet.

You know, there is an ancestor behind the Yinling family.

It was a statue, once in the universe, leaving an immortal legend.

Such a existence is a legend of a house.

A truly immortal existence.

With such an existence, who can know what kind of power they can have?

Once in a while, it was still just rectified and angry, and when the time came, one by one, naturally, I had some retreat thoughts.

It is terrible.

In contrast, the real devil crying blood, acting, it is really too calm.

There are five or six hundred giants in the front, one by one, all of which are on the road to consummation.

Such an existence, as long as there is one, can set off endless waves in the universe.

It can be said that such an existence, ordinary times, even if it is an era, it is impossible to appear a statue.

This is a level that can only be accumulated in a very long time, a little bit, in order to have some possible success.

However, such an incredible existence here has actually five or six hundred statues.

However, it is such that five or six hundred statues are enough to stir up the existence of the cosmic romance, and the true demon of weeping blood is not even in the eyes.

Even if, among them, there are forty-seven existences of this fairy, it is the same.

"Local chicken tile dog."

For these Yinling clan, weeping blood and true devil, gave such an evaluation.

"Don't move, no one else, otherwise I will be very unhappy!"

Weeping blood true devil's eyes, glance at random.

However, all the ghosts that he was staring at were all stiff.

I don't know why, at this moment, they all seem to feel that they have been stared at by others.

It's him??

The main hall deserved to be the main hall.

His strength is extremely powerful.

However, the most important thing is that his perception is also extremely powerful.

His eyes felt that a sea of ​​blood appeared in his own spiritual world.

That is a projection of ideas.

It's him……

In the confounded star field, the devil family has the biggest heritage.

Crying blood true demon!

"He, he is so powerful!"

As the main hall of the Yinling family, after the first ancestor, he belongs to the most powerful.

Similarly, his power is also the most powerful.

It can be said that he is the entire Yinling family, except the first ancestor, the most powerful one.

Such a powerful man, of course, will not be willing to be stared at.

The powerful idea, directed towards that sea of ​​blood, is directly impacted away.

He wants to break this sea of ​​blood.

Crying blood true demon?

Great reputation!

In my heart, there was a sneer.

Today, let the Lord of the Temple see how powerful you really are!


The powerful idea brings together all the power of the soul.

Although he wanted to try the quality of the blood devil, he still tried his best to do it carefully.

But, can you change the ending with all your effort?

The main hall of the hall is absolutely powerful, and the existence of near immortals is only the fourth step above the Avenue of Perfection.

In Daoxing, there are still strong and weak differences.

The main hall is absolutely the most top-notch existence under the immortals.

In other words, it is definitely one of the most powerful characters in the existence of Jinxian.

But this time, what did he encounter?

Just being glanced at by the other party, and then, throwing a mind into his own spiritual world and turning into a sea of ​​blood?

Can't you shake the blood a little bit with all your efforts?

Is it so powerful!!

The main hall was shocked.

He did not believe that all this would be true.


The screams rang repeatedly.

I saw that the strong men of the three forces had already killed towards the strong men behind them.

The three major forces, each of which is only about one hundred strong men.

The combined forces of the three parties are no more than three hundred but less than four hundred.

Such a force is nothing to the Yinling family at all.

You know, they are in absolute advantage only in quantity.

Nine Great Hall Masters, there are forty-seven near immortals.

So many powerful people do not know how much stronger than the three forces!!

With such a strength comparison, would anyone still dare to shoot them?

Don't be funny!

The strong of the three forces, in the eyes of the main hall, is a joke.

But what happened after the sound of ghosts in the ears?

Open your eyes and glance around.

I was shocked to find that a large number of powerful people around me didn't move at all.

The Master of the Nine Great Halls, except himself, can now glance left and right. None of the others can move.

It's not that they don't want to move, nor that they don't want to move.

There are strong signs of struggle on their faces.

They are struggling, with black sweat on their faces, constantly flowing.

As a ghost family, the whole body is sullen, born with a refrigerator.

How could it feel hot?How could there be sweat?

It is a pity that the main halls of the nine halls, all one by one, are covered in black sweat flowing from the face.

I felt it clearly on my cheek.

"No, they are all suppressed!"

The main hall was shocked!

No, there was a panic in his heart.

He clearly felt how powerful that sea of ​​blood was!

With his own strength, he launched the impact with all his strength, and even failed to break this suppression, on the contrary, it still sprayed ink-like blood.

The terrible things can be seen in general.

"what do you want to do?"

The main hall only felt a burst of despair.

He can turn his head, and his strength is already very good.

However, he wanted to move.

The idea of ​​full strength, launching the most violent impact, just let his head turn.

It just regained consciousness in his head.

But what I saw was such a desperate scene.

"Do not!"

When he felt that a ghost had been successfully beheaded by the Demon Race, he was even more sad and angry.

"The ancestor saved lives!!"

At this time, he knew that he must call for salvation.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this time, the entire Yinling clan, since tens of thousands of eras, all the accumulation will be turned into nothing.

Since tens of thousands of eras, they have experienced too much.

Even if he is always sitting in the underworld, he is sheltered by the underworld and can handle things of the Yinling family.

However, the outside world has encountered too many disasters.

Every time, he tried his best.

Even, several times, he had to use his own life yuan to get out of the underworld.

Seeing that the Yinling family is growing stronger day by day, he was pleasantly surprised.

How could it be allowed that, at this moment, all of them were killed?

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