My Super Estate

The 3029th chapter where the fairy sword

Chapter 2827 Where the Fairy Sword Is

"Go, we find the three-eyed God of War and talk again."

King Jinpeng, King of Gold Wings??

Isn't it a member of our human race? Isn't Hongmeng's purple smell fragrant?Are the treasures on them bad?

Keep them still, and then, let them trouble us?

Are you stupid?

Decisively, kill them again.

That's it, the two who came out of Dapeng Jedi and wanted to get a first-line opportunity, looking for some opportunities to improve their strength, were slaughtered by Wang Yang.

"Three-eyed God of War, your death is here!"

Contrary to Wang Yang and Sun Dasheng's expectations, the situation of the three-eyed God of War is very bad.

Immortal blood is the key to guiding the search for the immortal sword. I don't know who said it.

Then, the three-eyed God of War was inexplicably spotted.

There are all kinds of mysterious places in the confused star field.

Hundred battles ghost land, wild land...

In addition to this, there are many.

These places have a special feature. They can exist and are supported by a super-strong rule.

Their existence is very old.

Stray star field, exploded.

However, these special places are still there.

At this time, in a wild continent, there was a battle of life and death.

A god with a third eye on his forehead was chased and killed by the three strong men.

The strength of the God of War is very powerful, even in the wilderness continent, where the gravity is super strong, you can dodge back and forth calmly and shuttle quickly.

However, such a powerful God of War, at this time, can only escape quickly.

The three behind him are too high and deep.


The three-pointed double-sided knife, with a gorgeous arc, cuts down the sword light towards that side, and severely cuts.

Between the two, they are all powerful, and after the battle, they are strong against strong, who is strong and weak, there is no suspense.


The three-eyed God of War only felt that an unbearable force came from the three-pointed sword.

Powerful power, coming over, is unstoppable!


The God of War was injured.

However, he was not frustrated. On the contrary, his eyes were still staring forward, and his face was even smiling.

Because, his speed is faster.

"No, he wants to escape!"

True King Yun Xiao yelled, and got up quickly and left.

However, he wanted to chase, but the injury on his body involved him.Brows lightly wrinkled, depressing the injury in the body, and then raised his head to find out that the three eyes had left quickly.

"Hurry up, don't let him run away!"

There is still a little time to resolve the injuries in the body, otherwise, it is easy to fall into the root of the disease.

What's more, those three eyes are also ruthless enough to fight and be seriously injured by themselves, but also to escape quickly by their own strength.

He took the lead.

"Okay, hurry up!"

The followers around the true king of Yunxiao are all one by one. They are not simple, they are all high and deep, all around, they have a light sense of perfection, and they are integrated with the surrounding void.

Each one of them turned out to be perfect.

The most important thing is that they don’t know what kind of opportunities they have. Generally speaking, they have successfully entered the eleventh step of the difficult journey.

This kind of Daoxing is much stronger than the average cosmic giant.

No wonder, in the face of the three of them, the three-eyed God of War, who has always refused to lose, was beaten and fled in embarrassment.

"Humph, you can't escape!"

The three-eyed God of War quickly escaped in front, and behind them, there were two cosmic giants constantly chasing and killing.

The distance between the two is getting closer.

"damn it!"

Scolded in my heart.

The three-eyed God of War only felt like he was in bad luck.

How can one be stared at by someone alone?

"No, this barren continent, gravity, is really too powerful.

Although, their gravity is also super powerful, but their way of doing things is higher and deeper than me, their mana is stronger, and their lasting ability is afraid that they are much stronger than me.

We leave from this wild continent!"

In fact, by comparison, the wilderness continent, various complicated terrains, and super gravity, are much more clever in evading, moving, and so on.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Favorable terrain and complicated environment can help people avoid hiding, and can move around in front and back, left and right.

However, in the same way, the super gravity makes the wild continent increase its consumption to a great extent.

What's more, this wild continent is not completely safe.

Fleeing fast, suddenly a huge behemoth was killed ahead!

The fierce face, sharp teeth like a sword, the eyes like a vow to be shoulder to shoulder with the sun, the towering body like a mountain.


There was a strong smell of odor, which came across the face.


Even if he was eager to escape, he was smoked by such a breath, and he almost didn't spit it out.

It's just that there is ruthlessness before and there are tigers behind. What should I do?

The three-eyed God of War is a little flustered!

"Here, where is this?"

Having just set foot on the wild continent, Wang Yang had no problem, Sun Dasheng almost didn't fall to the ground.

"How could it be so heavy?"

Sun Dasheng, but there was no moment to calm down.

For him, he was uncomfortable all the time.

What's more, he just walks, he wants to jump, where can he stand such high gravity?

"This is a wild continent."

"How could there be such high gravity?"

"In the legend, this place is a place where the heavenly celestial elephant is crushed to suppress the ancestors of the Yin Ling.

In this place, gravity is indifferent to people.

No matter who it is, if you enter this place, if you have no super listening power, you break the rules.

Then, they must bear extremely strong gravity.

Moreover, this gravity is subject to different strengths according to different people."

Returning to the wild land, Wang Yang's whole person is different.

The Yin Ancestor was once suppressed here.

Now, the entire messy star field has exploded. Today's wild continent is already in chaos, and it is not in the universe.

"Huh, three eyes?"

Suddenly, Sun Dasheng yelled and ran quickly towards that front.


Haven't walked a few steps, and heard the strange cry of Sun Dasheng again.

This place is really a difficult place for him.

Three eyes?

Wang Yang was startled.

Of course he knew who the three eyes were.

Just, the three-eyed God of War, is he here?

Does he know that the fairy sword is here?

Sun Dasheng, he is so anxious, what is he doing?

Could it be, the three-eyed God of War, what is the danger?

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