My Super Estate

The 3032th chapter of the fairy sword, the secret realm

Chapter 2830 The Land of the Immortal Sword, Where the Secret Realm Is

How about the strength of the wild giant?

Wang Yang personally experienced this problem and deeply reflected it.

In the wild continent, these wild giants are the protagonists.

The wild continent is huge. This wild ancient forest only occupies a small corner.

Similarly, the giant in the wild ancient forest is just a small branch of the wild continent.

In the beginning, the Taiyi Divine Emperor was brought back, and once went deep into it and experienced a profound experience.

What's more, he used to be ingested into a special existence by an inexplicable force. In that existence, from the perspective of the first protagonist, he participated in a level at his own level that was absolutely impossible to experience fighting.

In this battle,'he' suppressed a fairy.

The vast expanse of the spiritual world will be seen through the wild continent, roughly.Knowing deeply, how huge is the number of wild giants in this wild continent.


Can control the wild giants, Wang Yang was greatly surprised.

Real King Yun Xiao was shocked when he felt the huge spiritual power.


Manipulating the barbaric giant is his own hole card, and he must not be allowed to destroy it.


In a hurry, Yun Xiao, the real king, bit his tongue and burned the blood in his heart, turning it into a huge force like the sea, blessing it in the spiritual world.

Let the spiritual world suddenly increase in power.


The inner world of the soul was tumbling, and the majestic power, like the tide, was rushing towards the barbaric giant along the connection between the netherworld.


Burning your blood, and want to resist?

Can you resist it?"

Wang Yang sneered.

At least the same level of existence in one's own spiritual world is more than twice.

Can you increase your strength by 30% by burning your blood?

With a sneer, the power of the soul turned into a flood.

This is like the gap between the Yangtze River and the Xiangjiang River.

No matter how fierce the water of the Xiangjiang River is, in front of the Yangtze River, it can only recognize itself as a younger brother.


Burning the blood of my heart is already desperate. With such a strong resistance, the real king of Yunxiao directly fell bloody mold.

In the first place, there is blood from the heart.


I thought, what kind of strength do you have?!"

Yun Xiaozhen is injured, Sun Dasheng is the most happy.

He was anxious and laughed directly.

The three-eyed Ares eyes were cold.

"Monkey, are you okay!"

"It's okay, what's wrong with my grandson?"

"Very well, so, then, today, let me slash this bastard!"

Three-eyed God of War, what a hero?

Since his debut, he has always chased and killed others. When was he chased and killed like this?

Today, don't give this heart away, give it, in the future, you have to hold back a sickness!

"Okay, you can attack with confidence, these wild giants, and these two wastes, I am all inclusive."

Sun Dasheng turned his head, looked at Wang Yang, and asked, "Hey, Brother Wang Yangming, how is it? I have no problem with my old grandson's proposal!"

Wang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Monkey, you can cut this and then beat it. It's really useful!

You said that, what can I do?

2nd Brother, you can do it directly, there is absolutely no outside force, disturbing you!"

The three-eyed God of War ranked second at home. Generally speaking, kind people call him the second brother, and among friends, there are also called the second brother.

Before, Wang Yang had never called it that way.

However, now, the three of you, almost, are the three strong men who came out of their hometowns.

If your own four-square universe star zone can't withstand this era of catastrophe, it will be your hometown. I am afraid that no one can survive.

By then, the three of you are really the same brother.

"it is good!"

Carrying the three-pointed two-faced knife, the three-eyed God of War, and facing the King of Clouds, launched a fierce attack.

This style of play is really too fierce, the attacks are continuous, and there is no place to breathe.

In terms of strength, True King Yunxiao is no weaker than the three-eyed God of War.

However, he just had a mental confrontation with Wang Yangming, but he suffered a big loss.

Now, in the face of the fierce attack of the three-eyed God of War, there is a feeling of being unable to help.

A person with bad luck and lack of strength is directly divided into two halves by a three-pointed two-sided knife.


The super-gravity of the barren continent allowed two halves of corpses to smash down from the midair, directly hitting huge movements.


Sun Dasheng came to the real king of Yunxiao curiously and carefully checked it.


Wang Yang pointed to the two followers and said, "Look, they have been hit by the avenue.

If they can survive, I am afraid that they will start competing for the position of master.

Very likely, they will become the next true king of clouds."

The biggest problem in cultivating a derived avenue is that it has an end.

At the end, the master is the greatest resistance.

Even if you have super powerful talents and extremely terrible opportunities, as long as you walk on the road of Derivative Avenue, then you will naturally be blocked by the master.

On the contrary, your talent is very high, and the benefits that the Taoist master gets from you are also higher.

It is even possible to make great progress.

Now that the real king of Yunxiao is dead, these two followers will naturally be hit by the avenue.

If they pass by, then they will naturally compete with each other for the position of master.

One avenue has one and only one master.

"Did you kill them?" These two, but not simple, take the derivation avenue, but their strength is not much different from the master.

Such a talent is simply going against the sky.

Such two existences, if you don’t kill them, you can’t be sure, when will they bite back at themselves.

"No, where the fairy sword is located is a secret realm.

It's not too peaceful in the mysterious environment. Take them two, maybe, there will be unexpected magic."

"Okay, then, let's go!"

The three-eyed God of War is a party.

He didn't even want to kill, he killed himself, as if it shouldn't be.

That being the case, then everyone is so good.

The so-called secret realm is in the deepest part of the wild continent.

There is a huge god mountain.

From a distance, this huge mountain has a special feeling.

As if, this is a huge god.

"Is it here?"

Seeing this place, Wang Yang stopped.

"what happened?"

"nothing much."

Shaking his head, it means nothing.

Is that really true?

No, it's just that such a place, what's the use of it?

If you don't want to give up the fairy sword, you should come, or you should come.

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