My Super Estate

Chapter 3042 You, All Go!

Chapter two thousand and forty, you, all come on!

Weeping Blood True Demon, Lion Ancestor, Hall Lord, Tongbi Spirit Monkey, Pengzu, King Baixiao...

Looking around, in this Jianshan, in a short period of time, there have been gathered five or six ancestors of nearly immortal level.

This mystery is very big.

Looking at this mysterious realm, that kind of super gravity, it can be seen that this mysterious realm is the fairy species born from the thunder and the immortal elephant.

It is very likely that this mysterious realm was created when the ancestors of the Yin spirit exchanged yin for yang and subverted the universe.

Over the years, this mystery has already expanded to an extremely large scale.

At least, as far as Wang Yang sees, compared to a cosmic star area, I'm afraid there is not much difference.

Perhaps more than that.

This mysterious realm, gravity, is really too big. Just entering this mysterious realm, the strength immediately cuts again and again.

The wilderness continent is already suppressed by its strength. Entering this mystery, this suppression is even crazier.

For now, Wang Yang's strength, self-estimated, will not be much stronger than the major major world.

In fact, the strength of other existences entering this mysterious realm will not be much better than him.

It is for this reason that the size of the secret realm, with their eyesight, can't even see a careful one.

Jianshan is a special existence.

Any existence of a statue enters this secret realm. At first glance, it is the towering mountain.

The mountains are tall and powerful.

It's endless.

Such a big mountain, placed in the ordinary world, is also a very magnificent mountain.

However, in such a mysterious environment, it can never be considered tall.

On the contrary, such a big mountain, this mystery, is a bit much.

Perhaps it is the particularity of this mysterious realm. Such a mountain is extremely strong.

The Weeping Blood Demon holds a blood knife in his hand, called: Weeping Blood Demon Blade.

The Weeping Blood Demon Blade is the mortal warrior of the Weeping Blood True Demon who once penetrated into the real world, accepted the rules of the real world and tempered it, and got immortal spirit, imprinting the rules of the fairy road.

This is a very real, rare fairy blade in the universe.

In other words, fairy soldiers are not counted, but, with a little fairy gas, half-step fairy swords can still be counted.

Holding the Weeping Blood Demon Blade, he chopped off with a knife, even though he is the ancestor of the golden-winged Dapeng, with the speed of heaven and earth blessing, the power is immeasurable. Under such fairy soldiers, he is still beaten back and forth.

The blood-staining true demon is really fierce, and the battle is crazy. The 33,333 knives explode instantaneously, and the sky and the sky are full of knives.

The knife gleamed, and finally it turned into a weeping blood demon blade.

With a cut, Pengzu held a Dapeng three-faced knife to resist it.


Under the Immortal Soldier, the death scythe blessed by the world's speed road, directly broke into two sections.

It is also a loss, Pengzu is fast, otherwise, this Pengzu must be cut in half by such a knife.

In spite of this, the blood-like blade of light split over the towering mountain, but did not split the whole mountain in half.

On the contrary, after such a slash, it was only just above the Great Mountain and rolled up a few rocks.

There is a fierce battle between the main hall master and the arm-armed monkey.

The arm-armed monkey is the craziest kind of fairy. He inherited the hundred battle avenues of the true cents.

Born to be born to fight.

In battle, improve oneself, in battle, break through oneself.

Under such circumstances, the Tongbi spirit monkey looks forward to fighting every day.

It's just that on weekdays, there are too few opportunities to meet opponents.

It was difficult to meet a main hall master, this old ghost head, even dared to arrogant toward the lord of the Quartet.

In this case, stop holding hands.


The fighting spirit is high, and the big iron rod of the hand is directly transformed into a thousand rods, and each rod falls into it, there is a great potential.

The main hall, holding a sickle of death.

With the blessing of Death Avenue, immense power, no matter how the arm-armed monkey attacks, it will always be able to guard itself well at a moment after the thick.

Such a method is really amazing.

"Yeah, yeah...

Too deceiving!

That being the case, let me tell you today how great your grandfather is!!"

I saw that behind the Tongbi spirit monkey, there was an incomparably great shore, slowly emerging.

The arm-armed monkey suddenly became larger and merged with the existence of the incomparably great shore behind him.The big iron rod of the pillar of heaven crashed down.


The main hall of the hall was smashed into the ground from the sky.


The dull sound does not go away for a long time.


Good, good kind!

Now it's your turn!

What do you want to do?

Do you want to shoot?"

The main hall master was smashed by the arm-armed spirit monkey, and Pengzu was chopped by the blood-drenched real demon.

Although they did not die, but they wanted to be a demon again, I was afraid that there would be some difficulties.

So, now, you are left!

Baixiao God King, Lion Ancestor.

"What do you say?"

Shizu was hesitant.

Bai Xiaoshen is even more puzzled.

Wang Yang asked, but they did not know how to answer.

"what should we do?"

A voice suddenly sounded in the mind of Shizu.

This is the voice of King Baixiao.

"The sore blood demon, what is going on?

He is a demon.

Now, in the illusory universe, with respect to the human race and the demon race, the two races to fight for hegemony, and the galaxy bursts, and the sun and moon are upside down.

He weeps blood demon, as the demon's top existence, he even obeyed a human race?

Was he taking the wrong medicine?"


Probably, he really took the wrong medicine!"


King Baixiao almost did not explode.

Laozi honestly asked for advice, is this your attitude?

Could it be that you thought that I would be afraid that you would not succeed?

"Or, do you want to try it?"

Have you spoken by yourself, do you dare to answer quickly?

Could it be that you don’t take me in the eye?


You rats.

Being the pinnacle of the universe, it is a shame to face a human race so fearfully.

That being the case, today, let me meet you for a while.

Let's see if this universe is around you!"

Under the extreme anxiety, King Baixiao did not intend to take the matter of Shizu!

It is too hateful.

He was so arrogant and communicated with him that he thought of himself as an idiot.

That being the case, I will take the trip today.

Let's see if your lion ancestor has become a dog of other races.

It is worthy of being the ancestor of the Swan family.

The immense amount of light came as his wings fluttered gently.

There is no amount of light, no power, no storm, and no impact.

It seems that there is only a boundless amount of light.

However, at this moment, Wang Yang has been treated with all his heart.

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