My Super Estate

3041 Chapter Two 839

The second line of eight hundred and thirty-nine

"You guys, keep talking.

Have you finished?"

After Pengzu appeared, the first time he spoke was cold.


Pengzu's body is still there, but Wang Yang clearly felt that the powerful force suddenly attacked himself.


Wang Yang scolded.

However, at this time, Wang Yang must also stand up.

Even in Wang Yang's mind, he secretly thought, at this time, he was staring at himself, even sneering secretly, at the time when he was crying for the true demon of his own words.

Weeping blood is the real demon, and he obeyed to himself, but it does not mean that he is really so loyal to himself.

On the contrary, in the true devil's heart of weeping blood, I'm afraid, all the time, I'm thinking about a problem.

How to kill yourself.

As a true demon, even, once stepped into the existence of the real world, it can be said that he is the most top-notch existence in the universe.

It can even be said that he is the greatest, most honorable, and most incredible existence in the entire universe.

On top of his head, it is impossible to tolerate that someone is pressed on top of him again.

Wang Yang is a human race?

Now crawling on his head, drinking five or six, gesticulating.


Why are you crawling on his head, drinking five or six, gesticulating?

Besides, who is the real demon crying blood?

He is a demon.

It is the most top and most noble existence of the Demon Race, and it is the existence that all the Devil Race must admire.

A demon clan's top-notch existence is crawled by a human clan on top of his head, just shit and urine?

What a joke?

"Huh, want to see my joke?

Go early!"

Wang Yang sneered.

Crying blood true demon wants to see his own joke, Wang Yang can already imagine.

But how is it possible?How could he give him such a chance?

A Pengzu?

who are you!Dare to come here and be arrogant?

I saw that behind Wang Yang, I didn't know when the world appeared.

Wang Yang directly fell down with a punch!

It seems that the layers of the world have been smashed down, and no matter how solid the void is, they will be punched out of a hole.


Wang Yangmeng's punch directly hit him.

This punch hit the void.A powerful force seems to have been lurking there long ago.

Wang Yang's punch was directly there, on that potential power.

The two forces are directly an explosion.


Pengzu was a little surprised.

This time he shot, it was just a random attack, and he did not have his own real ability.However, this random shot is also unbearable for a cosmic giant!

Otherwise, doesn't this make him very faceless?

But what is going on now?

This kid can stand up?

"Good boy, since that's the case, then you will take another try!"

How proud is Pengzu?

Goldwing Dapeng, Kulai has the highest speed.

This is recognized by the heavens and the world. No one has ever dared to challenge them in speed.

Such honor, generation after generation, has long been inscribed in their bones.

In such an atmosphere of extreme honor, they have already formed the habit of not seeing people.

So, his pride is justified.

Even, because of the arrogance brought by speed since ancient times came first, their hearts are extremely distorted. They think that they are first in speed, then in other respects, they are also first.

Therefore, as long as they take action, they must fight for victory.

The fierce name of the golden-winged Dapeng, even in the heavens and the world, is widely circulated.

"Cry blood real demon, beat him down to Lao Tzu!"

Seeing this shameless thing, he still had to shoot. At the moment, Wang Yang was not angry.

You have a near immortal, do you want to face, do you still have to face?

Sneak attack, even if you are, now, even want to be angry and angry?

Your face has already been eaten by the dog!

No, even dogs will not eat you. Your bastard is just a way of cheating!

No, let the dog go, wrong, weep the blood demon, let the weeping blood demon deal with you!


The blood is so angry!

Is Laozi eaten by you?

In other words, do you think that I don’t dare to take you?

It's just that Qi is angry. For Wang Yang, a guy who doesn't play cards according to common sense, the real demon of crying blood really doesn't dare to shoot at will.

Finally, in the screams of Pengzu, he shot honestly.

"Crying blood demon, you are a bastard, what the hell are you doing?"

"Are you crazy?"

"You are a demon, you actually listen to the words of a human race, and fight with me in life and death?"

"Ah, damn weeping blood demon, I can't spare you!"

I feel that my own scream is of no use at all, and Pengzu will no longer report any hope, just arouse the strength of the whole body, and shoot towards the real demon who weeps blood.

The strength of the true blood weeping blood is straight and very powerful.Every move, every trend, played his prestige, only two fights, Pengzu directly beaten back again and again.

The powerful force is even more overbearing, and it directly shocks him.

However, the speed of Pengzu is really very fast.

Under such circumstances, even if the blood-staining true demon is powerful, he can really suppress him, but, in itself, there is no way to take him.

This speed is really too fast.

"Haha, the lord of the Quartet, this time, the real demon crying blood can no longer be separated.

Let's see how you can escape in front of Lao Tzu!!"

The True Demon of Weeping Blood was dragged down by Peng Zu, and now the Lord of the Hall was happy.

Damn weeping blood demon, you, as a demon, even if you listen to a human race, it is a shame for the devil.

Now that you are crying, the true demon has been dragged down by Pengzu, then, if Lao Tzu takes another shot to deal with this human race, no one will cut his hand.

"Well, Lord of the Hall, aren't you, forget that I'm still here?"

The main hall has just shot, just when he was satisfied, he thought that he could kill this human race with his own shot.

However, what happened to him that the Tongbi spirit monkey didn't know what kind of wind was blowing, and regardless of what he did, he shot towards himself.

"Are you crazy?"

That is angry!

You damn thing, you a holy spirit, even help a human race to fight to death, are you sick?

However, no matter how the main hall curse, the arm-armed monkey is still fighting.

Carrying a big iron rod in his hand, dancing, it was a rupture, and every punch and every foot was blessed with all kinds of avenues.


Through-armed spirit monkey, you are afraid of you as a seat?"

That anger!

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