My Super Estate

The 3040th chapter lion ancestor roar, the big brother appeared

Chapter 2838 The Lion Ancestor Chang Xiao, the Big Brother Appears

"Can my golden lion family be bullied by you and other ghost groups?"

There was a long roar, when it was a demon drop, and the ghost was superb.

The seven yin spirits retreated one after another, and the ghosts penetrated one by one, but it was that the method of communicating with each other was not so good to bear. It was shattered by the lion ancestor and broke immediately.

In response, the seven Yinlings were seriously injured one by one.

The powerful mana in the body, the loss of the power of the soul to suppress, and the rebellion immediately, even if the ghost body is strong, it is difficult to bear.


Finally, a black yin blood spit out with a huge amount of mana.

The injury calmed down.

"Huh, seven of you, but there are some doorways."

The soul is connected, and for a time, the mana is greatly improved.

Usually, the mind is connected, and if you want to get rid of it, you must go through many means. Otherwise, the magnificent mana, with their flesh and ghosts, is unbearable and suffers backlash, but in a moment.

However, even with such a strong backlash, can it still calm down quickly?

Such an approach, Shizu also took a look.

"Weeping Sedan, are you taking the wrong medicine?

Do you need to do more entanglement with this seat here?"

The seven yin spirits can communicate with each other. This is a special talent of the yin ghost group.

There are many similarities with that ghost king array.

Such special talents, even when the Yinling and the Ghosts are at their heyday, must be protected and not lost.

Now, it is at the time of the lowest valley of the ghost and ghost family. Such a special genius character is the most irresistible existence of the ghost and ghost family.

"Shizu, do you dare to bully the small?

When my ghost ghost family is nobody?"

If it weren’t for the blood-devil true demon to be entangled, the main hall prince would have to pounce, and he had to teach him how to live.


Lord of the Hall, most of your ghosts and ghosts are ruthless and innocent people.

These seven juniors must be steep with no righteousness, and they will be wiped out by this seat, which will be regarded as a clearing portal for your ghosts and ghosts!"

Huh, the ghost ghost family?

When your first ancestors were present, they still respected three points.

Now, your first ancestors have fallen, and the underworld has been destroyed, are you still so high above?

Could it be that no one cares about this world?

Shizu sneered, and did not show mercy.

There is quite a resolute trend.

"Shizu, how dare you!"

The master of the hall was furious, and across a very long distance, he was chopped off in a hurry.

The black scythe of death seems to contain infinite power, and the mighty avenue of death is transformed into a long river running through the beginning of the universe.

Yinling Avenue turned out to be a branch of Death Avenue, which developed from Derivative Avenue.

The ancestors of Yin Ling fell, and Yin Ling Avenue, since there was no Taoist who suppressed everything. From the perspective of power, they lost a little power and control, but they improved a lot.

Otherwise, with the means of weeping blood and true demon, the main hall of the hall is confronted independently, it is still difficult, but can he be distracted?


In front of the real blood crying demon, do you dare to let go??"

The lion ancestor looked up to the sky, roared with great magical powers, and displayed more domineering, endless divine light, manifesting a golden world of the side, with infinite creatures, endless ideas, gathered together to achieve a side of heaven.

Heavenly Dao has a sense, and suddenly, infinite power comes through the air and blesses the body of the lion ancestor.


The lion roared with supernatural powers, fighting against the death scythe with strength against strength, showing a bit of contend.

With the blessings of heaven, the power was greatly increased, and the sickle of death actually had a slight decline.

In the end, it is a rush, and it is difficult to achieve the general trend.

However, in this way, since the Lion Ancestor, the two main halls and the real demon of the weeping blood have revealed their true form.

In the past, even if the two killed or killed, they were mostly blocked by the avenue. Even if they were close, it was difficult to find.

"Everyone, this fairy sword, but there is only one handle, if everyone is still hiding, do not plan to come out.

At that time, this fairy sword has returned to the Lord, but you don't have any share!"

The main hall master and the real demon who cried blood, the lion ancestors knew that their appearance was not worth mentioning.

However, they showed up, and the other bigwigs did not plan to come out.

In this way, it is a bit improper.

Could it be that you still want to be the cardinal?

"Haha, don't you look down upon the invitation of the lion ancestors?"

After laughing for a while, Wang Yang, with Sun Dasheng and Sanshou God of War, has already appeared.

"It's you?"

"Lion Ancestor, meet again, the style is still the same!"


Facing Wang Yang's greetings, Shizu just sneered.

If it were not for restraint, a cosmic giant in every area, the avenue is not yet complete, dare to be so pretentious?

I'm afraid I'm not dead.


Shizu, you are a bit behind!

One of the human race avenues hasn't been completed yet, so dare to be in front of you, so ridiculous?

Shizu, you are like this, but you look down on it."

In the void, white!

All Bai Le dissipated, and what appeared before him turned out to be a birdman.


This birdman looks familiar.

Yes, is this the true king of the clouds?

No, the true king of Yunxiao is just the completion of the avenue.

In contrast, this guy has too much strength.

"King Baixiao, why do you still have such luck?

Not afraid of suffering the liquidation of the universe's will?"

"Huh, your lion ancestor is still able to walk in the universe, how can my Baixiao God King not compare to you?"

"Hey, do you dare to compare with this seat?

Otherwise, let's try and see who is stronger?"

"Try it, try it when you are afraid of this seat?"

The two guys, without any precursors or preparations, shot directly.

Unexpectedly, their shots were not directed towards each other. On the contrary, they were still in a certain direction.


The powerful force directly broke the void.

Such a fierce blow, no matter who it is, hits head-on, it will be torn apart.

Such an attack is simply not acceptable to ordinary people.

It's just, can it still be hidden here, can it be an ordinary person?

I saw Jin Yaohang's knife light, and it passed away.

The attack of the two powerful men was directly hit.


"Well, Shizu, you are falling behind more and more!

Faced with a human race that didn’t even have a great road, was it so cautious?"

"Huh, what do you do in this seat, you don't need your Pengzu to worry too much."

But in my heart, I have already scolded: two bastards, if you want to find death, don't touch me!

For the human race in front of which there is no perfect road, Shizu keeps a twelve point of vigilance.

How did the Yin Ancestor die?

However, how did the Blood Devil and the Hall Lord match, he could see clearly.

Weeping blood and true demon all follow the rules, can they be ordinary characters?

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