My Super Estate

The 3039th chapter yelling heroes, big brothers took to the stage

Chapter 2837 The Yinling succeeds the hero, the big brother takes the stage

Three strong races: beast spirit, demon spirit, monster.

Nine strong: three beast spirits, three demon spirits, three monsters.

Look at this, ah, the camp is so big!

Three strong people, nine strong people, can't deal with your ghost family, seven strong people?

No matter how you look at it, there is no suspense in this battle!

In this camp comparison, no one would think that the Yinling tribe would prevail.

Conditions are not allowed!

However, the reality is that the Yinling clan wins by one-on-three against the three strong clan.

The Yinling family, the seven strong men, and the three strong men and the nine strong men, he won.

The three beasts were killed by them.

The three strong nations and the nine strong men are now only eight.

Nine went one.

"Such a battle has actually won.

These three strong families, I think, all eat dry food.

None of them has a little skill."

The main hall master and the blood-devil true demon are still fighting happily. Wang Yang and Sun Dasheng and the three-eyed God of War are all ready to serve as audiences.

Above Jianshan, they watched a good show.

"It can't be said that the seven ghosts are connected with each other.

Although, it cannot be said that the spiritual power is directly seven times, but it is normal to turn one or two or three times.

If it is more powerful, and it will be five or six times, then it will be called a tendency against the sky.

The golden rooster, Yanghuo Avenue, looked like it was the way to the Yang of cultivation. In fact, more is still the way of the soul.

Encountered by these seven yin spirits that doubled their spiritual power, they were sorry for the masses of the people before it died."

It is worthy of the name of the God of War. Sun Dasheng, with his own preferences, is in the midst of scourge and misfortune. The three-eyed God of War has made a changed analysis.

Finally, I gave my own summary: "There are no hopes for the two of us, the seven ghosts."


The summary of the three eyes, although authentic, is too sad.

Sun Dasheng pointed at three eyes and almost wanted to yell.

"Golden Lion, those seven ghosts, they are going to shoot at the Golden Lion.

At this time, the good show started!"

Sun Dasheng is the most excited.

Golden rooster, dead is dead.

Who left you without a strong backstage? You will be sorry for the people without dying.

However, it is different now!

The golden lion, he is not alone, there is a lion ancestor behind him.

The chaotic star field exploded, the golden lion family, fell blood mold, the entire ethnic group, the accumulation of tens of thousands of epochs, once consumed all.

Now the golden lions are really two or three big cats.

Such a cosmic giant of the Golden Lion family, even at its peak, is also a very powerful strength, not to mention that the Golden Lion is now declining to its limit.

Seven ghosts, did they even want to shoot at the golden lion?

I'm afraid it's not Shou Xinggong who hangs up-to death!

The seven Yinlings are going to shoot at the golden lion. At this moment, invisible, they have attracted a lot of attention.

Many people know the background of the Golden Lion.

Shizu entered this secret realm, and many people saw it.

Seven great spirits, very powerful.

However, even dare to shoot at the golden lion, could it be to provoke the lion ancestor?

Are they not afraid of the lion ancestors swallowing them all?

Perhaps, behind them, there is also a powerful presence?

This is a trap, a trap for the lion ancestor?

Various ideas flashed through everyone's mind quickly.

However, no one knows what it is.

The strength of the golden lion is strong enough. After all, it is a cosmic giant. In the unreal universe, any era is the top existence.

It's just that the powerful him, now, has no such confidence.

Because, the seven Yinlings are so perverted.

Under such perverted strength, the Golden Lion became the weak in the eyes of others for the first time.

In particular, when the cold and cold sickle showed a ruthless scent towards him, he felt more that he really became a weak person.

This time, even he felt that he was a weak man.

"Damn, this time, it's dead, it's dead!!"

Back and forth in my heart, there is only such a thought.

In his mind, he could not think of more thoughts.

The cosmic giant, the soul power is extremely powerful, in a single thought, the galaxy reverses, the world hangs, the sun and moon are dark...

What a powerful spiritual power is this?

The powerful spiritual power opens up a spiritual world.

Only one thought is turning, it is simply something I can't believe.


A leader, as if stuck in the machine, can't turn back and forth.Suddenly, there was a loud sound in the ear, like thunder, like the sound of the sky.

The inner world, all the haze, all swept away!


The golden lion roared, and suddenly, he only felt that he had a kind of transparency throughout his body.

It was a feeling of complete awareness.


The cold voice made him awaken quickly.


What appeared was his ancestor.

Faced with the cold eyes of the ancestor, he dared not refute or resist.

He had a very deep understanding of the situation just now.

It is clearly the power of the soul that is suppressed.

The idea of ​​turning a little is because of the result of your own resistance.


The appearance of this person in front of me surprised many people.

Especially the Seven Great Yinlings.

They used to be the leader of the confusing star field, and they knew too much about the forces of the confusing star field, especially the leaders of all parties.

That is a character of the real overlord level.

"Well, the confusion star field has been destroyed.

You Yin family, are still so arrogant and arrogant here, you are not afraid, the whole is extinct?"

Just say not to practice fake handles.

Shizu is also not a merciful man. His front hoof is raised and pressed toward the front.

Within the secret realm, it was originally super gravity.

Being in it is like carrying God Mountain at all times.

Now, to bear the power of the lion ancestor, it is crushing the world.

The seven Yinlings, even if they are connected with each other, are fart under the absolute power.

If there are no powerful figures in the Yinling family, I am afraid that these seven Yinlings will die.

"The main hall is still entangled here by the real blood-stained demon.

What kind of power will appear behind this Yinling family?"

Wang Yang is most curious.

At the beginning, the underworld was completely destroyed by the Yin Ling ancestor.

Hades, what power can there be left?

This issue, Wang anode is concerned.

At the end of the epoch, the ghost was born.

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