My Super Estate

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Chapter Two Eight hundred and Thirty-Six Chapters

Black demon king, red demon king, two peerless demon kings, joint shot.

Even if you are a man or a ghost, you must show a prototype.

Whether the seven Yinlings are really connected with each other, or whether they are really strong in the spiritual world, this test will inevitably test a true and false.

Bang Bang Bang...

Three times in a row, two flying swords were directly beaten.

"The soul is connected. The seven ghosts are really connected. What should we do?"

Two peerless demon kings retreated one after another.

The white demon king also retreated.

The souls are connected, the seven ghosts, and their strength must be recalculated.

Too close, I am afraid that they will be won.

"Hum, and look at my supernatural powers!"

The three demon kings, all withdrawn, three demon spirits, three beast spirits, one by one, but did not intend to give up.

Yes, this thing is such a nonsense.

At the beginning, the four parties, together with the three black worms, had a total of five parties. When they saw Wang Yang appearing, they were united as soon as possible.

As a result, at the time, there were only three black worms.

Now, the three black worms have been killed by Wang Yang, and the remaining Quartet forces have begun to be demons again.

Of course, from their number, it is clear that after they came in, they didn't know what was going on. The Yinling family, which originally had only three statues, has now become seven statues.

Even this fairy sword, just after it was born, they wanted to occupy it.

This appetite is not so big.

"watch out!"

Three beast spirits, three demon spirits, jointly shot.

This is also the top six strong in the world.

With six battles and seven battles, it seems that there is no such thing as a loss.


Is this the way to deal with the strong?

Looking at the three beast spirits, the three demon spirits, one by one, still unwilling to give up, the three black and white peerless demon kings, sneered one by one.

Each of the three beasts is extremely large.

Silver wolf, golden rooster, and a golden lion.

Between the three, there seems to be a sense of communication between the hearts, all opening up, a burst of red beast fire, all spit out.

In an instant, Jianshan was swallowed up by a terrible sea of ​​fire.

"Huh, don't think that you can communicate with each other. Our three beasts, let us teach you how to be a man today!"

I saw that the three beast fires, I don't know the reason. Originally, the three beast fires that should be distinguished should be merged into one.

What is most confusing is that the three groups of beastfires are integrated into one body, and the quality has been greatly improved.

Such a situation is simply a miracle.

This flaming sea, covering the area, is really too big.

What can we do if we are connected?

If you can't stop this kind of fire, then you will be swallowed up by the fire.

Finally, what about the powerful spiritual power?

Still unable to escape.

Is it really?

I'm afraid it's not obvious.

I saw that the Seven Great Yinlings suddenly burst into a terrible yin ghost mist.

Ghost mist, extremely cold.

The horrible ghost ghost mist turned into frost.

The mortal spirits of the three great beasts turned into a sea of ​​fire, and once covered by this ghost mist and frost, they were directly destroyed.


Such an ending??

The three great beasts were scared back.

Such a situation has exceeded their expectations.

This is simply not comparable to the average ghost king.

"You want to run away?"

The three beasts retreat one after another, turning around and wanting to leave.

It's just that they were covered with a layer of ghost fog, and in their ears, they remembered the eerie voice of the ghost ghost king.

"you guys……"

Suddenly turned around, I saw that these seven ghosts were only staring at themselves.

"you guys……"

At this end, it was discovered that the three demon spirits who had fought side by side with each other had all fled.

"What do you want to do?"

The devil, and his own beast, are not one.

The demon abandoned him, turned around and left, as if he seemed to be unable to say anything.

Could they still blame themselves, they abandoned themselves and fled alone?

Mozu, this is ruthless and innocent.

Do you count on the demon to be loyal, are you stupid, or is your brain flooded?

"Two people, we can only fight."

"Yes, we will fight with them!"

The beast spirit inherently bears the animal nature, but there is no fear.

Now that there is no escape route, then a bite is coming.

"Golden Rooster!"

The first shot was actually the big cock.

Big cock roars in the sky!

Between the universe of heaven and earth, the endless qi of the sun comes together quickly.

Behind it, there is a round of white sun hung high.

The terrible heat and terrible power seem to be the fall of Zuyang.

Looking at it from a distance, I feel a warmth in my heart.

It's just that this piece of warmth seems to be poisonous, and immersed in it, you will find that unconsciously, the spiritual world has been swallowed up by this warm sunlight.

If you want to recover, it is impossible.

The avenue of this big rooster looks like the way to the sun, but it is actually the avenue of the soul.

"This big cock is not easy!"

Looking at it from a distance, Wang Yang also had to admit that this big cock is extremely simple.

Sure enough, I saw the seven ghosts. Under such warm sunlight, it seemed that it also corroded the soul.

The big cock is worthy of a master of fighting, knowing deeply that the opportunity is fleeting.

The sharp chicken mouth gleamed with a shiny metallic luster.

Oh oh...

There were roars of chickens, a rooster spread its wings, and a big rooster had come to a yin spirit.

The chicken mouth glowing with metal luster, towards the ghost, pecked hard.

This time, once implemented, even the cosmic giants will be pecked to death.

It can be said that this is the trick of the big cock.

Under such an attack, in the past, he was unfavorable.

But, is such an attack really useful?

Seeing that this blow will be implemented.

Obviously the soul's spirit was corroded by the sun, and suddenly, his eyes were opened.


Suddenly opened his eyes, the big cock was startled.

It is a pity that it is already impossible to retreat.

I saw the cold sickle, swept across, huge body, looking at the extremely majestic big cock, that's how it was slaughtered by a knife.

"Now, it's you!"

Under this knife, it is said that the true spirit is pinned to the void, the road is immortal, and the universe giant that is difficult to kill has become a joke.

For this knife, Yin Ling is extremely confident.

In fact, the big cock did not come alive again.

"Who are you?"

Carrying a sickle, his eyes locked on the two beasts.

One of the three great beasts has gone, and there is no need to keep the silver wolf and the golden lion.

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