My Super Estate

The 3037th chapter sword mountain

Chapter 2835th Jianshan


Staring at the big mountain ahead, no matter who it is, there will be such a thought in his heart.

"With the heart in the world?"

Such a feeling is really too familiar and unconscious, Wang Yang just flashed such a thought.


This is Jianshan, Immortal Sword, right here!"

The excitement sounded suddenly, very harsh.

"Which idiot is this?

He is afraid that others do not know, is this where the fairy sword is located?"

With this in mind, Wang Yang slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

This is another race that has never been seen in the universe.

Wood family.

Trees, in the universe, this is the most common kind of creature.

The most common shrubs, tall trees, and even common vines, etc., can be counted as wood creatures.

However, most of these ordinary woods are instinctive creatures without any consciousness.

They only have life, but they do not form self-awareness.

Before ordinary creatures, there were many other types of wood-based creatures.

As the master of Shenshui Manor, Wang Yang has planted all kinds of elixir and various kinds of magical medicines with his hands. There is no end to the self-consciousness of the birth of wood-based magical medicines.

For example, the personalized God Tree he planted himself.

For example, I once stood in the wilderness continent, I don’t know how many epochs, and I have never fallen down. The locusts are all wood-based magic drugs. They have a strong consciousness.

However, the wood-based magic medicine formed human beings, and the wood-based life that has two legs and can run around has never really been seen.

This guy is not simple.

The first impression, Wang Yang had such a thought in his mind.

"It's just a mountain, and it has the characteristics of "inviting the world to the heart;"

Sure enough, it is indeed the location of the fairy sword, and it naturally fits with the road."

The wooden life yelled, as if finally waking everyone up.

It turned out to be another big bug.

This worm is very huge. Some of them seem like snakes. Nine heads are constantly dancing.

Its strength is extremely powerful, and Wang Yang feels like a sword.

This is a dangerous signal.

There, I saw only a sword and suddenly appeared.

"Fairy Sword, Fairy Sword appeared!"

Unexpectedly, all the news about the fairy sword in this secret area has been leaked.

With the appearance of the fairy sword, none of them felt a trace of accident. On the contrary, all of them exclaimed, with a frenzy in their eyes.


Sure enough, the fanatics, one by one, could not bear it, and rushed towards the Jianshan quickly.

One, two, three... fifteen, sixteen...

Just to see, they have already reached sixteen.

"so much??"

Sun Dasheng doubted whether his flamboyant eyes had deteriorated.

In his own memory, the direction of the entrance is that there are absolutely not so many strong men entering.

Except that at the beginning, together with the three black bugs, they jointly attacked Wang Yang, and finally, because the secret entrance was opened, and the first four forces entered, a total of fifteen strong men, there were only a few people. .

Lion ancestor, weeping blood demon, arm-armed monkey, main hall...

However, the True Demon of Weeping Blood is still entangled with the main hall of the main hall, and has not separated. The Monkey Monkey has disappeared, and the Lion Ancestor has also not seen it.

So, how come there are so many strong ones?

"Wan Gui Xiao Yin!"

The fairy sword has only one handle. There are as many as fifteen or sixteen strong parties. Everyone wants to occupy the fairy sword, and no one will give in.

None of these guys is weak.

Of course, if there is an existence above the completion of the avenue, no one knows (characteristics, if you have the heart, you can store it).

The confounded star field is worthy of the base camp of the ghost ghost family.

The confounded star field has been destroyed, and the Hades are also destroyed by their ancestors.

However, with the opening of the secret realm, there were also seven powerful yin spirits.

"The fairy sword is ours, who will die?"

The seven Yinlings are extremely domineering. With a single blow, they will repel all their existence and prevent anyone from approaching.

They even want to occupy the fairy sword.

"A ghost ghost king?

Do you think that it is still an era of confusion in the star field?"

Seven Yinlings, want to occupy the fairy sword?

how is this possible?

"Everyone, kill all these ghosts!

The fairy sword belongs to all of us. Why should they be occupied by their Yinling family?"

everybody is good for something!

For the strong, it's a big deal.

Language is a necessary way to communicate.

This time, it was the tribe of three demons who spoke first.

"Yes, the Immortal Sword is all of us. Anything is occupied by their ghosts?"

Do you dare to occupy high-quality resources?

Believe it or not, I killed you?

"What nonsense do so much, kill them!"

The demon is a violent breath, the beast, and there is no good bird, it is very explosive.

This shot is murderous.


The demon tribe is even more direct, a flying sword, like the light, slashing towards the ghost.

The sword was cut off, even if it was void, it was left with a faint black line.


The Jiaorou tribe shot so decisively, and the Yinling was furious.

The sickle of death, towards the flying sword, was hacked off.


The flying sword, which is faster than the light, was even split.

"What a powerful spiritual world!"

In front of this scene, how can everyone not know.

The flying sword, which is faster than the light, will be blown away by the sickle. Only the spiritual world of the spirit is strong enough.

"No, they have seven spirits and their hearts are connected.

Otherwise, their spiritual world cannot be so fast!"

The Black Demon King put forward different opinions.

He believes that these seven ghosts are most likely to be connected with each other, otherwise, it is impossible to have such a powerful spiritual world.

Everyone is a cosmic giant. Why are you so good?

"I'll try!"

The Red Demon King doesn’t believe in that evil, he wants to try and see, is this Yin Ling family really such a powerful spiritual world?

Another flying sword, like light, quickly flew out.

This time, it was shot towards different ghosts.

Similarly, the Black Demon King also shot.

One psychic world is powerful, it is impossible for two statues to be equally powerful.

Flying sword is to have super speed.

If, Feijian is really so easily interrupted, what should Feijian do?

Bang Bang Bang...

A series of loud noises, two flying swords, were beaten again.


Their seven ghosts are connected with each other. What should we do?"

This time, you can be sure!

But what should I do?

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