My Super Estate

The 3036th chapter inside the secret

Within Chapter Two Eighty-Fourth Secret

Crying blood true demon, lion ancestor, arm-armed monkey...

A powerful presence is so familiar.

However, when this presence appeared, Wang Yang suddenly glared at his eyes.

"Fuck, this thing, he didn't even die?"

Wang Yang almost didn't curse.

Looking at the existence of this statue, Wang Yang was only a little close, and did not riot.

Wang Yang's mood swings are extremely intense.

The main hall flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was already in the secret realm.

The Wild Continent was originally the place where Hades is located. He can say that he has been extremely deep in understanding the Wild Continent.

This Xiangshan has a secret area and has always been a place of great concern in the underworld.

Now, there is a mysterious fluctuation from the direction of Xiangshan. Immediately, he flew quickly.


Someone here?"

Just came to the entrance of the secret realm, there is a feeling: someone is staring at himself.


Wang Yang was shocked and quickly withdrew his sight.

"Huh, don't you?"

The main hall hesitated.

However, in contrast, the temptation of the secret realm is more attractive.

"This, is the legendary Hades Lord?"

Sun Dasheng Monkey was anxious, staring at Wang Yang, and in his tone, anxiously.

According to legend, the underworld is the home of the soul after death.

In the universe, Hades is famous.

There are infinite legends.

The Nine Great Hall Masters of the Hades are even preached as the supremacy of the ghost clan and the ruler of the Hades.

After anyone dies, he will be under his jurisdiction.

"Brother Wang Yang, don't say that, you know him too!"

These are the most top-notch existences in the universe.

It is a real cosmic giant.

Existence above the completion of the avenue.

This kind of existence, as long as one statue, can dominate the entire universe, the existence of all life and death of the two races.

If it were not for the attention of the universe's great will, their existence, I'm afraid, had already upset the entire universe.

Now, such an existence has appeared one after another.

I have to say that Sun Dasheng is a little bit excited.

"Haha, brothers Wang Yang, you have to introduce them to me!

These are all the most top-notch existences in the universe. If we can recognize their existence, our strength will definitely be greatly improved."

"Yes, if there is a chance, I will introduce it to you."

In the mysterious environment, gravity is greater.

Just entering the mysterious realm, the main hall master only feels that there is a mountain like his body.

That super gravity makes him seem extremely difficult even to fly into the sky.

"Yo, Lord of the Hall, did you not die?"

Just now, I heard a familiar voice in my ears.

"It's you?"

The main hall master with the tall crown cut off, at this moment, there is no style of king at all.

On the contrary, when I saw the two in front of me, I was scared back again and again.

"Yeah, there is no downfall, are you disappointed?"

Weeping Blood True Demon reveals fierce light, staring at the main hall owner, with infinite hatred.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Well, this is a fairy realm, do you think you can live here?"

The blood-staining true demon was merciless, and the scary blood mist quickly enveloped the main hall.

The horrible blood mist has an extremely fierce atmosphere, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, like the devil coming.


The master of the hall, how to say, is the master of the underworld, and it is in the universe. I don't know how many eras there are.

As for his own strength, how could he come from Xinxin without a fight?

Facing the rolling blood mist, he chose diametrically opposed ghost mist.

The terrible ghost fog, in the ghost king array, showed a bit overbearing.

Seeing this ghost mist again, even if it is a confident blood-staining true demon, is also a little more cautious at this time.


Ghost fog and blood fog are indistinguishable from each other.

You come and go, it's hilarious.

For a while, the ghosts roar again and again.

Between the two, it looks like blood mist and ghost mist, but between this blood mist and ghost mist, all kinds of magical powers are revealed.

It was really the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Or sword light, or sword spirit, or big seal, or fist seal.

All kinds of magical powers are turned upside down, and time and space are disordered.

This mystery is an existence with super gravity, which is even more terrible than the wild continent.

But here, they played out in time and space.

The strength of the two is simply so desperate.

"damn it!!"

A glance at a distance, Shizu turned around and left.

"Two lunatics."

While walking, he still scolded in his mouth!

However, after scolding, turn your head carefully to see if the two guys behind you have heard what you said.


Shizu suddenly glared, looking at the direction of the entrance.

"Sovereign Lord!!!"

That's called gritted teeth.

He never imagined that in this place, he would actually see that damn human race.

Angrily, he seemed to have forgotten even the idea of ​​escaping.


Wang Yang fell from the entrance, and immediately felt the super gravity on his body.

"It's you!"

The horrible roar suddenly sounded in his ears.

Quickly lowered his head and looked at his feet.

"What are you doing?"

"Haha, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, hell has no way to come in. Today, this seat wants you to come and go."

The main hall laughed suddenly, and even abandoned the blood devil, and turned to Wang Yang to attack.

"It's you??"

On the contrary, seeing the arrival of Wang Yang, weeping blood true demon, like a cat stepping on its tail, jumped directly.

Where else will he control the life and death of the main hall?


Do you want to go?

how is this possible?

Wang Yang shouted.

It was very magical, and the blood-stained devil really stood still.

"what do you want to do?"

"Huh, the main hall, but your enemy, do you want to dump me?"


Weeping blood is really demon mad.

What is my enemy?

Do you have evidence?

Be careful I sue you for slander.

It's very magical, so mad, but this guy didn't even open his mouth. On the contrary, he shot directly, the huge blood fingerprint, and attacked fiercely towards the main hall.

"You are going to die!"

The lord is so angry!

You said, you are also a real demon crying blood, a near immortal existence.

How can you be drunk casually, you are so honest?

Are you still a demon?

What's more, you are the devil, and he is the man, you have to be so obedient?

Weeping Blood Devil sneered: "You damn ghost king, even dared to shoot at him, you are afraid that you have never died."

For the thoughts in the heart of the main hall, he was just a bullshit.

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