My Super Estate

3035 Mr. R.S.

Chapter 2833 The Secret Realm

The secret realm is above a giant mountain.

This giant mountain looks like a fairy elephant from afar.

The blood of the wild giant contains a trace of fairy charm.

The Zerg, in order to devour energy, continue to ascend, reaching a limit, and naturally, they will begin to split.

However, the avenue of the black worm can't suppress the special kind of rhyme in the blood of the wild giant.

Under this special Tao Yun, all the Zergs were all turned into a sea of ​​fire by the horrible Tao Yun.


In the void, there was a scream of the black worm.

All the insects are all horrified by the rhythm, and they are directly repulsed.

Looking at the black worm that was burned to death by a group of blood fires, Wang Yang was very bland. Such a result, he already had a prediction.

However, for other people, for example, the strong people of the four major races, such as the ghost ghost family, the demon family, the orc family, the demon family, etc., are all scared out of a cold sweat.

The barbaric giant, as a member of the barren continent, can even be called the host of the barren continent.

Faced with the barbaric giants, their four strong tribes have always been less concerned.

Even more, there are many bad things, more than once, if you want to deal with these seemingly brainless giants, just shoot directly.

Even, they want to take this savage giant to take blood, pump the bones, and make a chance.

Now, their four strong clan, a total of fifteen strong people, coincidentally, is directly scared out of a cold sweat.

However, that drop of blood did not disappear.

On the contrary, the three black worms, the Zerg cosmic kingdom owned by the three black worms, and even the cosmic star area, all the energy is absorbed by this drop of blood, which is directly reversed.

This drop of blood, nine-color fairy light, is extremely bleak, and the energy contained is extremely weak.

There is a little bit of rhyme, but the energy is too weak.

This time, all three worms, even three zerg cosmic stars, were all absorbed by this drop of blood.

This drop of blood seems to have recovered a bit.

It seems that the drop of blood used to be dead, but now it is alive.

Such a drop of blood.

It seems that there is a great connection with the god mountain that looks like a fairy.

As this drop of blood came alive, Shenshan shook violently.


There is a movement in the secret realm!"

The movement of the fairy elephant mountain attracted everyone's attention.

There is a special Tao Yun.

Faintly, there is a kind of fluctuation in the void.

The fluctuations there attracted the attention of many people.

It is definitely not just a few around.

"The fluctuation of the secret realm!"

In a certain place, outside the wild continent, a strong presence suddenly turned his head to look over the wild continent.

There is a wave that is attractive enough.

"The secret realm is the fluctuation of the secret realm!"

Then, this special existence leap forward.

A strong presence is not just one.

The confusion star field is really famous.

Every epoch, I don’t know how many creatures are attracted by the confusion star field.

When an era comes down, there will always be one or two of those countless powerhouses. Under the chance, they will stay.

Normally, there is no movement, it seems to be a Jedi, there is no dynamic movement.

This time, the mountain from the wild continent, that kind of shock attracted not knowing how much there was.

"Shall we go in?"

Sun Dasheng is the most anxious!

Looking at the God Mountain, a black vortex formed completely, and he could not sit still.

"Don't hurry!"

In contrast, Wang Yang is much more bland.

"What, don't worry?

How could it not be urgent?Those guys have already entered, we will not enter again, I am afraid, fairy sword, nothing will happen to us."

"No, Immortal Sword is ours, it's useless to anyone."


Even the three-eyed God of War turned his head and looked at Wang Yang. His eyes seemed to be looking at a problem child.

Are you sure you have no high fever and are not confused?

"Brother Wang Yang, you are not a fool!

Immortal sword, in this mysterious realm, if you don't go, there will be nothing for us.

How could it be ours?

In my opinion, by then, we will not even feel some Dao Yun of the Immortal Sword.

No, this is a superpower!"

Just now complaining, at this moment, say nothing!

I saw that before the black vortex, I didn't know when, a figure appeared.

"True Blood Devil!"

"He didn't die?"

When this presence appeared, Wang Yang was shocked.

At that time, this statue existed, but the blood was drawn directly by the ghost tree.

It was really tortured to death.

At the time, Wang Yang thought he was dead.

It now appears that he was not dead.

"you recognize?"

"Yes, this is a terrible existence.

Legend has it that he has opened the door to heaven and earth, and half of his feet have stepped into it.

But, he was beaten back again.

Because, his physical body is extremely terrible, legend is that it was tempered by the rules of the real world."


Not called out, but in my heart, I was already shocked.

"Spirit Monkey?"

Sun Dasheng didn't call out at all.

This turned out to be a holy spirit, or a monkey-like holy spirit.

"Haha, okay, okay, the Tongmu Ling monkey has already appeared.

This time, we have entered this mysterious environment, and we are not afraid of having no allies."

Only children want to fight alone, and adults are all about alliances.

Because of the relationship between the true immortals and the allies, the relationship with allies is extremely firm.

Nor is he afraid of not taking himself.

Everyone has people in the background. Why don't you bring yourself?

"you recognize?"

Sun Dasheng's eyes glowed.

This is the holy spirit of the monkeys, a real kind.

For Sun Dasheng, who was raised naturally, this is his brother.

"Relax, there's nothing wrong with it.

This is our ally.

At that time, I will introduce you to know."

Everyone has a backstage, knowing the roots, forming alliances, and adding a guarantee.

The human heart is fickle.

However, the tree behind has a deep root, and before you change your heart, you have a bit more scruples.

"Damn, why hasn't he died yet?"

It turned out to be the lion ancestor.

At the beginning, the lion ancestor of the golden lion family who confused the star field.

It's just that the confusion star field has already exploded, without the protection of the confusion star field, this damn lion ancestor, how could he not yet die?

"It doesn't make sense!

Lion ancestors are old antiques that do not know how many years ago.

Such a presence, there is luck in him?


No luck exists, no Jedi refuge, and it will definitely suffer the liquidation of the universe's will.

This is a constant law.

Iron law.

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