My Super Estate

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Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Five

"Do not!!"

Patriarch Ancestor is the luckiest.

Because, the four princes, only he is still alive.

Don't ask why he is still alive.

Asked, he has only one reply: telepathy.

It was at that moment that a thought suddenly flashed in his heart.

He backed off.

Then he was still alive.

Somehow, he was still alive.

Just because of that inexplicable telepathy.

The ancestor of heart demons created the path of heart demons, and a strong heart is his fundamental, even the heart is so powerful that he can manipulate the point of his life and death.

This time, because of the powerful spiritual power, he was alive with the four great princes who were with him, and the other three were already dead.

However, at this moment, he was not so happy in his heart.

On the contrary, he was very unhappy.

Even, there is a feeling of fright.

Now, he just wants to leave quickly. As for the three people who are traveling with his own people, he doesn't want to control it, he dare not control it anymore.

He just wanted to leave quickly.

The sword that was chopped straight against his nose was still chilly.

As long as he closed his eyes, he could clearly feel that his physical body had been split in half.

"Do you want to leave?"

Patriarch Ancestor wanted to leave quickly, but the horrible voice was still ringing in his ears.


The ancestral ancestor who played with all living beings with terror all the year round was screamed in shock.

It is really incredible.

However, the chilly sword still cracked.

At this moment, he felt the death.

No, he clearly felt that the embrace of death exuded a temperature.


Suddenly there were three attacks, and the attack came directly.

It turned out to be the god of death, the king of Shura, the king of blood prison.

They have succeeded in getting rid of Daluo Emperor Zun, Taiyi Divine Emperor, and Wang Yang's deity.

In the same way, before leaving, they quickly shot, and directly blocked the terrifying sword light.

The strength of the human race is really too strong.

The three monarchs also want to leave.

Patriarch Patriarch?

Who is that?

Does he have anything to do with him?

However, they also know that this time, the losses of the Demon Race are really too great.

The cosmic overlord, and still, the top cosmic overlord, directly folded a hundred (27 on the ninth level, and up to 73 on the eighth level).

The whole demons, an era, all the accumulation, at this moment, all are lost.

There is simply no reason to speak.

All the details, all the accumulation, all turned into running water.

What about the next era?

Could it be that the next era, the Tang Demon Clan, will directly retreat from the pinnacle of the universe?

Or, simply, let the human race become the pinnacle of the universe in one fell swoop?

Really, dominate the universe?

If this is the case, that is the biggest loss of the demon.

Even with the super adaptability of the human race, perhaps, without two or three epochs, the entire universe is the only human race.

This era, they want to become immortal, it is no longer possible.

If they want to become immortals, they must also grow the demons. In the Jedi, they will sleep one epoch, one epoch, and spread their avenues in one epoch.

Waiting one era after another.

Of course, if you can, getting a fairy sword and improving your own way is also a very good choice.

However, in any case, strengthening the Demon Race, and ensuring that the Devil Race is carried forward in the universe, are all important things that all Devil Races must pay attention to.

The ancestor of the demon created a avenue for the demon, and, unconsciously, controlled the mind and manipulated the souls of all beings.

It is the only person to preach.

Ancestor Demon cannot die.

Before leaving, the three holy princes, like the spirit of the heart, flashed such a thought in their hearts.

During the crisis, they shot quickly.

"Sovereign Lord of the Quartet, hand over the Immortal Sword, otherwise, you have no way out!"

The fairy sword, even under everyone's eyelids, disappeared.

It's just that we didn't take such a large number of people into our eyes.

"Fuck your dog stink.

Are you blind?Immortal sword, Lao Tzu did not come close, it disappeared, you dare to say, this is Lao Tzu taken?

Could it be that you think Lao Tzu is bullying?"

Fairy Sword, where did he go, of course Wang Yang knew.

But, I know, what can I do?

Do I know that I will tell you?

Who do you think you are 1

Besides, do you have any evidence?

If there is no evidence, dare to talk nonsense, be careful that Lao Tzu accuses you of slander.

"Huh, guys, don't all of us listen to him talking nonsense.

Just now, he is the closest to the fairy sword.

Not him, who is it?"

"Yes, just now, as he and Immortal Sword are the closest, how could it not be him?"

Weeping blood true demon, the main hall, the king of the sky, and the ancestor.

On the scene, the six great immortals and lion ancestors were the most unlucky. They were struck by magic light directly, and they just hit a soul.

In the entire universe, the lion ancestors disappeared without a trace.

He can still leave some legends and titles in the universe, just because he is the ancestor of the Golden Lions, and the Golden Lions have not yet broken through.

Therefore, the name of the lion ancestor can still stay.

It is like the first ancestor of the Yinling family.

However, he has been completely distracted, and he wants to return to the progress, I am afraid that it is not possible for an era.

What's more, this is against the will of the universe, and will inevitably suffer the liquidation of the universe's will.

The hope of returning is extremely slim.

The monkey with the arm is really standing on the same front line with Wang Yang.

He will not forget what his father said to himself.

"Well, you guys, how much do you want to bully?

Or, you think, everyone, know your evil intentions?"

Seeing that Wang Yang was persecuted by the four great immortals, the Tongmu spirit monkey stood up immediately.

"Huh, the arm-armed monkey, do you want to put a hand in?"

Peng Zu stared at the Tongbi spirit monkey, killing in his heart.

"Everyone, since they are so ignorant, we will take them all down. Let's see if they are so stubborn and not so afraid of death!"

"it is good!"

"Do it!"

The four great immortals, one by one, are all clamoring.

Crying blood true demon is directly staring at the arm-armed monkey.

"Crying blood true demon, do you want to find death?"

"Huh, the fairy sword is the key to success.

Today, no matter who comes, it will be impossible to change, this seat is determined to seize the fairy sword."

The Tongbi Spirit Monkey and the Sifang Kingdom Master, these two guys, are really afraid of crying blood.

However, in the face of Cheng Xian, no matter how afraid, there will be no meaning.

As long as they can become immortals, even if they are enemies with heaven and earth?

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