My Super Estate

3061 Mr. R.S.

Chapter 2853

"Humph, as long as time and time again, you will not believe that it will consume you!"

There is endless viciousness between the words of the main hall.

Wang Yangshen melted the demon tree, and his strength was too powerful.

With one-on-three, to cope with the strong men from the three closest immortals, there is no pressure, no reluctance.

This kind of combat experience, this kind of combat situation control ability, is really a bit scary.

Of course, he knows better that his ancestors of the Yin family have failed to return and have a great relationship with the prince of the Quartet.

The destruction of the underworld and the destruction of the confusing star field have a great relationship with the prince of the Quartet.

In any case, this time, it is necessary to kill the Quartet.

Under the support of the main hall's mana, the scythe of death crossed the most beautiful arc between the day and the land, like the crescent moon in the same round.

Desolate and awful.

The goal of the main hall is very clear.

With his own strength, if he wants to kill the Demon God Tree, it is impossible.

However, one's own attacks cannot be ignored easily.

As long as his attack does not stop, the Quartet's sovereign must uninterruptedly resist.

Even the other two, when they launched the uninterrupted attack, did not see it and missed the opportunity.

In this way, the relationship of cooperation will always exist.

The lord of the Quartet, his soul, cannot be supported without the support of the spiritual world.

Finally, collapse is already inevitable.

I don't want to kill you, as long as I support you longer, victory is mine.

"Okay, this is the time!"

You look at the flowers inside the house, but don't know, the flowers look at you outside the house.

The lord of the palace is calculating the lord of the Quartet, but he does not know that he is also within the calculation of the lord of the Quartet.

'The three major immortals exist, and each one of them is extremely extraordinary in strength.

The temptation of the fairy sword is too great, so that they can easily give up, it is impossible.

With the power of the Demon God Tree, it is most appropriate to kill one and stun the other two.'

Silently thinking in his mind.

Finally, Wang Yang's eyes were fixed on the main hall master who was naturally restrained by the Demon God Tree.

The main hall is a family of Yinling, naturally controlled by the Demon God Tree.

"You are the one!"

When the main hall of the main hall has worked hard, it will come to the Demon God Tree again.

In the Demon God Tree, a lot of demon purification air suddenly broke out.

A strong creative force is naturally derived.

The power of demon purification is greatly improved.The power of creation is quickly absorbed by a certain force in the Demon God Tree.

The demon god domain is transformed into a terrible prison cage, which directly covers the main hall of the hall.

What is even more terrifying is that within this envelope, the power has increased by several levels.

Before the main hall, it has been experienced several times, it can be said that it is experienced.

This is the basis of his bold behavior.

However, this time, he suddenly woke up.

It turns out that all the so-called'experiences' are simply what others have deliberately displayed in front of their eyes.

It’s just that I don’t know, and I’m stupid, so I will pierce it.

Within the Demon God Realm, various regular chains are naturally derived.

The main lord just had some movements, terrible rule chains, and shuttled back and forth quickly, but for a moment, the main lord of the hall was once locked.

He wanted to dodge, it was too late.

"Let me go, let me go!"

The main hall struggled hard, and the regular chain made various sounds of gold and iron impact.

'Dangdang Dangdang...'

The clear voice rang continuously.

However, if the main hall wants to escape, it is impossible.

Pengzu braked urgently, looking at the rolling Demon Demon Realm, his expression hesitant.

"You try it!"

Feeling the breath of King Baixiao, he suddenly turned back and looked at King Baixiao, most of which was confusing.

"Huh, why don't you go in?"

King Bai Xiao was alert and retreated.

Looking at Pengzu's eyes is extremely bad.

Just pointed to Pengzu: This guy, his conscience is dripping badly.

Pengzu seemed to see through Bai Xiaoshen's psychology. He snorted and stopped talking.

It's just that looking at the rolling Demon God Realm, most of them are unwilling.

At this time, the two major allies of the outside world were terrified, and the Lord of the Hall was in a hurry.

"Pengzu, King Baixiao, what are you doing?

I am inside, you are outside, as long as we work together inside and outside, we will definitely be able to break this Demon God Realm."

Wen Yan said that the two guys outside hadn't moved much yet, but Wang Yang was anxious.

Wang Yang doesn't know if the joint force from inside and outside can break this demon deity.

High probability is impossible.

However, the main hall's struggle has exceeded Wang Yang's prior judgment.

The huge consumption, even with the background support of the Demon God Tree, is still so huge for Wang Yang.

Even, he felt that his own soul had a feeling of lethargy.

This feeling is extremely bad.

If the two outsiders are shot again, I am afraid that they will be overwhelmed.

At this time, they must not be allowed to intervene again.


Pengzu, King Baixiao, come and let me see, do you have the guts to dare to die?"

It is said that if you have some intentions just now, you will have to go in and come together.

However, he flinched again.

"The god king, the fairy sword and the lord of the Quartet must have a close relationship.

As long as he is killed, the fairy sword may be yours."

"Fart, your Pengzu has the speed of the world, how can you try it?"

Baixiao God King consciously distanced himself from Pengzu.

He was able to see that this guy, the big bad guy in Tianzi No. 1, always bewitched others.

Conscience is really bad.

Such a bad guy, it is better to open a little distance.

Peng Zu's face was haggard, sometimes hesitant.

However, his body seemed to have been fixed by the body, but there was no movement.

As if it were in front, it was the purgatory volcano. When you entered it, you could not get out of it.

"Ah, you two jerks, cowards.

He is the lord of the Quartet, how powerful is the soul

As long as we work hard, we can definitely break his Demon God Domain.

You are still flinching.

You cowards!"

The main hall was angry.

These pig-like teammates are really too harmful and too deep.

If it were not for their existence and gave them great courage, how could they stay and deal with the demon tree like the demon god tree?

It’s better now, and I’m at a loss. These guys are so afraid of going forward.

However, no matter how the main hall shouted, no external force appeared.

At the same time, the Purification Avenue directly enveloped the main hall, and the majestic yin was quickly purified.

Moreover, this matter is still a straight line.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the shouting of the main hall disappeared.

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