My Super Estate

3064 Mr. R.S.

Chapter 2862 The Quartet Star Zone is going to make big moves again

Back from the Sifang Star District, led by Shura Shengjun, a large group of demons gathered together.

"The Lord of the Quartet is back!"

Here, basically, it is all at the level of the cosmic sovereign.

More, it is still the universe overlord.

At that time, the sword master of the Quartet Star Zone, once shot, directly beheaded and killed one hundred top cosmic overlords.

It is like cutting off the backbone of the Demon Race, even though it has 1,200 universe overlords, one by one, they are pressed, and they dare not dare to publicize them.

"Sifangxing District, I have never heard of that before, the sword master has become a giant.

Who gave the order this time?

Could they not figure it out with half intelligence?"

Ancestor Demon was very angry.

This time, if it is not a good life, perhaps, stay in the Sifang Star Zone completely.

His life was saved by the three kings of Shura, Black Lotus, and Six Dao.

But at this moment, he still roared loudly towards the three of them.

"Huh, Patriarch Patriarch, what is your name?"

Asura Shrine could not hear it at first: "If there is a species, you will call the Master Weeping Blood Devil.

Do you think we would do such a thing without the order of an adult?"

Crying blood true demon?

There was even greater resentment in the heart of the Demon Patriarch, and at this time, he had to be quiet.

No matter how angry he is, it doesn't make any sense in front of such an adult.

That's a real immortal, and it's simply not comparable.

Killing yourself is no easier than killing an ant.

"Now, what should we do?

The Sifang Lord is back."

The ancestor of the Heart Demon had some lack of confidence and said, "Know that the Sifangxing District has gathered a large number of powerful human races.

What if they attack us at this time?"

At this time, everyone is fighting.

Even, everyone is preparing for the next era, arranging all kinds of backers.

At this time, once the human race came over, perhaps, all his own arrangements and all preparations were done in vain.

"No, what the ancestor said was very reasonable.

We and the human race never end.

Don’t forget the ancestor of Xuan Ming, but he was killed in the Xuan Mingxing area by the lord of the human race.

At that time, even desperate demons had already shot.

Now, there is no trace of Desperate Devil Land."

The ancestors of the demon, the black lotus sage, the six sages, one by one, all stared nervously at the Shura sage.

"Our universe, even the universe star zone, must be preserved, otherwise, our luck will be greatly reduced.

In the next era, we have no chance!"

How many demons can hold a cosmic star zone?

Every Devil, even if it is only one ten thousandth of the luck point, the small amount is also a number that cannot be ignored.

Give up now?

Will that be less luck?

It’s okay to have less luck.

However, in the next era, without the luck of luck, when you enter the universe, you will immediately suffer the whistle of the universe's will.

From time to time, it is clear, see if you can't see it?

Can't enter the universe, what do you preach?

Can't preach, how can you improve your strength?

Think so.Old demon heads such as heart demons and ancestors, one by one, looked even more ugly.

This is not to give everyone a way to live!

"No, now, the Sifangxing District brings together a large number of strong human races.

Once they attack us, none of us can withstand it.

We must think of a way, otherwise, we will die!"

"Yes, we can't sit still.

You know, we will launch an attack, but according to the command line of the high level, they cannot ignore us!"

"Sura King, your Shura family is the oldest tribe of my devil. This time, no matter what, you must ask the high-level to come forward, otherwise, our life will not be easy for anyone."


Asura’s face is the ugliest.

"What are you arguing about?

The human race hasn't fought yet, are you scared?

Are you still lawless demons?

Are you still a demon who is not afraid of the earth?"

After hearing that, everyone shut up.

However, from their expressions, it can be seen that they haven't even heard of the words of King Shura.

Are you still afraid?


If you don’t have that tough backstage, you don’t have strong strength, it’s up to you to be afraid.

Really when everyone is a fool.

On the surface, no one spoke.

However, one by one, all with a pale face and bright eyes, just staring at Shura Shengjun.

Shura Shrine took a deep breath!

He really could not bear the anger in his heart, and he couldn't wait to kill all the bastards.

These bastards...

Seeing that this is how the two sides confront each other.

Suddenly, violent vibrations came from the void.

I saw all kinds of avenues, shaking myself.

The endless light of the avenue shines everywhere.

The avenues are looming, the light of the avenue is hazy, and some subtle illusions can be seen between them.

"Here, this is the Quartet Star Zone??"

In the voice of the Demon Patriarch, there was fear.

"It's not wrong, this is the Quartet.

how is this possible?What are they doing?

How could the avenue shake?"

At this moment, the Demon Patriarch was the most nervous.

He was afraid that the Sifangxing District gathered a large number of strong human races, and then, they were killed.

At that time, he was completely finished.

But what's going on now?

The Sifangxing District hasn't been killed yet, and now it's such a big deal?

"No, this, this is the Quartet Star Zone, and someone broke through again."

"It’s not wrong. Before this, this seat has been seriously calculated. They have only twenty-three cosmic kingdoms in their four-sided star zone.

Now, this, this is already the 24th seat.

Damn, someone broke through again!!"

Patriarch Patriarch's words were excited and incoherent.

In fact, at this moment, no one could sit, one by one, all stood up excitedly.

They absolutely did not expect that they are still worried about the coming of the Sifangxing District. As a result, others have already directly made such a big move.

It was scary to death.

How could this happen?

Nobody knows.

Because no one spoke.

None of them knew how to describe their mood at this moment.

However, such a big action did not stop.

On the contrary, the big movements in the Quartet Star Zone have a feeling that they cannot stop.

Because, there, more and more violent.

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