My Super Estate

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Chapter 2863 Blessings on Avenue

There are big moves in the Quartet Star Zone.

At this moment, no matter where you are, as long as you are in this universe, you can clearly feel it.

It is often said that there are many ways.

Only at this time, did you really see how many avenues there are in this illusory universe.

The avenue, or the incompleteness, varies in height.

Or, completeness is like a pillar of heaven, standing on top of the earth.

It's just that, whether it's a broken avenue with different heights, or a avenue that's perfect like a pillar of heaven, it's like a sky.

At this moment, they all exude dim light.

The avenue may have different attributes.

However, the avenues of different attributes also exude jade-like luster.

Among the dim light, one of the most special star areas naturally emerges.

The dim light, like water, fluctuates up and down and fluctuates.

The Quartet Star Zone, like a paper boat, fluctuates with the waves.

Wang Yang discussed with everyone and launched a war against the devil.

It's just that the wood cutter does not mistake the sharpener.

If you want to start a war, you must first practice your internal skills first.

This time, enter the confusing star realm, plus before, destroy the desperate demons.

One by one, to Wang Yang, it seems that there is not much benefit.

However, for the Quartet Star Zone, it is of great benefit.

The powerful luck descends from the sky. The Sifang Star Zone is extremely extraordinary, and all of them exist like monsters, and they are all opened.

One by one, the strength has been greatly improved.

When Wang Yang returned, he was surprised to find that in the Sifangxing District, the most backbone group of people, one by one, had already opened their own avenues.

There is only one thing that is lacking: breaking the ground.

In this case, of course, Wang Yang must first preside over everyone's openness.

The Quartet Star Zone is already the most special one in the universe, with 23 universes.

However, this is the case, this time, there are still more than a dozen high-level star domain masters, and they all open up their own avenues.

The general master of the upper star field, in a cosmic star area, no matter what kind of talent you have, will be suppressed by the entire cosmic star area.

A cosmic star zone, the largest limit, can only accommodate ten cosmic nations.

Unless, there is a cosmic sovereign who dies outside, otherwise you have no hope at all.

Or, you have enough courage to leave alone, from which you have lost the protection of the cosmic star area, and you are alone to withstand the storm attack from the cosmic void.

However, the void of the universe, a level, represents a height.

The level of the cosmic star zone, a powerful void storm, without the ability of the cosmic star zone, you are not a cosmic country, do you think you can withstand?

Without super strength, you can't be promoted from the star field to the cosmic country quickly, you just wait to be destroyed by that terrible cosmic void storm!

Therefore, those who have the courage to leave the universe and leave alone are top-notch. In this way, the survival rate is not 30%.

In contrast, the Quartet Star Zone is too powerful.

The Sifang Star Zone actually broke a star zone and could only accommodate the iron law of ten star zones.

Looking at the masters of the dozen or so high-level stars, whether it is Taiyi Divine Emperor, Da Luo Emperor, or the three-eyed God of War, or Sun Dasheng.

One by one, they are all envious.

"Grandma, if I had a lot of geniuses in Dashengxing District, my grandson, how comfortable it would be!"

It was hot eyes, and Sun Dasheng couldn't help but whispered.


Sun Dasheng's whisper, but can be said to have exhausted everyone's sadness.

Genius is so rare in this universe!

Level by level, brushing back and forth, can really grow to the end, how many more?

What's more, at the level of the master of the upper star field, traversing the two great realms and opening up your own avenue?

Which is so capable?

They are the cosmic sovereigns, even the cosmic supremacy. If there is no cosmic kingdom or even a cosmic star area to support it, can your morals be raised a little bit in ten thousand years?

In fact, no matter how many universe masters, 10,000 years, 100,000 years, it is not always possible to open up the road of self.

How many cosmic overlords, their way of doing things, if there is no super genius figure in their own universe, their way of doing things is also invisible for thousands of years.

The avenue is out of nothing. It is too difficult to open up the rules of the avenue.

The master of the upper star field, open up the self-avenue?

Things I dare not think about.

However, this Sifangxing District, too amazing, one by one, do you eat chicken essence?

One by one, it seems to be playing around!

"Okay, let's start, let's watch it seriously!"

Seeing that everyone was troubled, Emperor Luo Luo quickly uttered a voice, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

Indeed, over there, more than a dozen masters of the upper star domains in the Quartet Star District, one by one, have all started to act!

I saw that among the dozen or so masters of the high-level star domain, there were four other members of the Sirius five-member team besides Sirius.

Cang wolf, flower wolf, grass wolf, snow wolf.

There is even Wang Yang's son.

No, it should be said that the upper floors of the Sifangxing District, many children, are on this boundary.

One by one, even if it has not been included in this rank, it is not far away.

More than a dozen masters of high-level star domains, and at the same time opened up the universe, such a feat, this is the first in the universe.

For a time, the Avenues of the Heavens flashed together, and the dim light of the Avenue exudes a jade-like luster.

"This, this, what is this situation?"

There are several cosmic giants here, cosmic overlords, that is too much.

However, they all exclaimed.

"How is it possible, how can we not control our own avenue?"

"How did that happen?"

"Roar roar..."

For a time, it was really lively.

Cosmic overlords, and even cosmic giants, are even more powerful than cosmic sovereigns because they have their own avenues.

The avenue is their foundation.

Now, even their own avenues are not under their control. For a time, the screams continued.

It's just that all this can't affect those who have already started to act.

They were there, exercising their groundbreaking feats, and opening up more living space for the human race.

In order to cultivate more human beings.

For a time, the entire Quartet Star Zone was covered by a hazy layer of jade light.

A special pattern, naturally, blessed on it.

For a time, the Sifang Star District, especially the Sifang Universe, which is the core of the Sifang Star District, had a big promotion at a time.

Endless Avenue, blessed on it, endless chaos, naturally rolling, endless vitality, comes from chaos.

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