My Super Estate

3069--Andrew Barnett

Chapter 267th Chi Chi


Destruction, blood, howling, broken...

The four-star zone has been completely shrouded in horror.

The screams never broke.

In the same way, there is the kind of howling of the mountains and rivers that belongs to the strong.

In the four-star district, a very old tune was formed.Sad melody, shouting boldly.

There is no sign, the opposite side of the black cloud star area, it is a big kill.

"Black Cloud Ancestor, how dare you?"

The anger of the four star master!

Seeing that the era was about to happen, he was thinking about ways to find a Jedi and try to survive.

As a result, you are killed.

Isn't this not letting me live well?

For a time, the four-star master yelled and went towards the Black Cloud Ancestor.

How could the Black Cloud Ancestor be afraid of him?

In the starry sky, the two are big shots.

For a time, a powerful shock wave, like a wave, spreads indiscriminately in all directions.

Along the way, all the stars seemed to be eternal stars, and they were all destroyed by overbearing forces.

A powerful cosmic country, not knowing what is going on, is there.

This cosmic country is Pingyang Cosmic State.

Usually, this cosmic country, because it is close to the demon, often launches wars with the demon.

High-intensity wars have made the entire universe kingdom shrouded in belligerence.

At ordinary times, Pingyang Cosmic Kingdom acted extremely aggressively and shouted, killed and killed.

This is true for Demon Races, as well as other races.

Of course, they did this. For a time, the gathering of luck was extremely powerful. For a time, Pingyang Cosmic Kingdom was extremely powerful.

In a very short period of time, it already has the strength to open up a cosmic star zone.

Even, there have been rumors, they have had such an idea recently.

However, just now, the four-star master was holding the sword of the four Mings, and toward the black cloud ancestor, a sword was severely cut.

Where can Heiyun Patriarch be afraid of him?

Facing the slashing sword, Black Cloud Ancestor severely cut it with a knife.

A sword and a sword, a powerful force, will directly suppress the entire void.

Under extreme compression, there is fierce expansion, and finally, an explosion.

The powerful shock wave generated by the explosion,

Pingyang Cosmic Kingdom is in front of this shock wave.

The Lord of the Pingyang Universe, watching the battle in the starry sky, was already terrified.

Staying in his own cosmic country all the time, feeling the waves of residual power, he had to mobilize all his powers, even the power of the entire cosmic country, with the will of the cosmic country to resist the power from the depths of the starry sky Shock.


All people, pay attention to it, a powerful force strikes from the depths of the universe.

Everyone, mobilize strength and block me!!"

I felt that the powerful force from the depths of the universe, the Lord of Pingyang Universe, was shocked.

In any case, he will not let his cosmic kingdom be destroyed.

He had already felt that he was born out of nothing, and it was in front of him to open up the avenue.

In any case, it cannot fail at this time.

"Stop me!!"

At this moment, the face of the Pingyang cosmic sovereign, the face is already awful.

He was absolutely unwilling to give up at this moment.

"no way!!"

With a fierce face, he would not give up even if he didn't fight for this life.

At this moment, no matter what you are doing, no matter where you are, as long as you are a member of the Pingyang Cosmic Kingdom, you must mobilize your own power to stop this wave for the Cosmic Kingdom.

The universe is their home.

The universe is all about them.

The universe is their root.

A powerful force came surging, even in the universe, you can still feel a sense of panic.

"Ah, block me!!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people are desperate.

How many fathers were there when they saw their son.

How many ancestors, when they saw their children and grandchildren.

How many kings are there when they see their subjects.

At this moment, they sublimated.

They disregarded everything and burned themselves.

In any case, even if you burn yourself, you must not let your son, your children and grandchildren, and your subjects be extinct.

Always leave a little seed.

Even if it is burning itself, it is at all costs.

Suddenly, the entire Pingyang Cosmic Kingdom was enveloped by a thick layer of blood mist.

This thick blood mist formed a strong defense.

This is the entire universe. I don’t know how many fathers, how many ancestors, how many kings, they are burning themselves, the power they release.

At this moment, the entire Pingyang Cosmic Kingdom has already done everything.

It is a pity that such a move does not bring any hope to Pingyang Universe.

From the depths of the universe, the two powerful forces were entangled and rushed towards the entire Pingyang universe.

It seems to be a knife, smooth and powerful, passing by.


This is how a cosmic country that is about to be promoted to a cosmic star zone is without any resistance.

Strong power, hit down, nothing.

In the universe, only a strong light can be seen.

Then, there was no more movement in the entire universe.Falling into absolute silence again.


Take the initiative.

This is a decision unanimously issued by everyone, but there are changes ahead, and the plan of the monument seems to be somewhat inappropriate.

"Wang Qing, you lead ten people in Xiao Yun, set off, and support the four-star district.

Fundamentally, the message from the four-star master, the Black Cloud Ancestor, has entered the ninth level. He has a deep path and powerful strength. You should pay attention to your safety."

No one objected to Wang Yang’s safety.

In the four-star area, there is already a message. The star owner of the black cloud star area is that Daoxing has reached nine steps.

This is the most powerful presence under the giant.

At this time, he could send his own son.

His son, Wang Qing, everyone knows that his way is not so high.

However, he still sent it out.

At this point, it can be seen that he is not so biased towards his own son.

The development of the Quartet Astral World has let the world know that there is a Cosmic Star Realm after the Cosmic Kingdom and the Cosmic Star Region.

Moreover, the universe astral world can even survive the era.

The temptation is too great.

At present, in addition to the Quartet Star Realm, there are Daluo Star District, Taiyi Star District, Three Eyes Star District, and Dasheng Star District.

If all the benefits are given to his son, I am afraid that they will be separated from Germany.

A black mirror, naturally opened.

I saw in the Xuanguang Mirror, the army of Wang Qing who had already gone out.

In the universe, at a speed comparable to the speed of light, the army naturally rushed towards the side line and quickly rushed away.

It's just that no one knows if it's too late.

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