Chapter 2851

"Everyone, at this time, the Mozu invaded.

This is Yangmou.

For our human race, there are Quartet astral worlds. Once they are successfully saved in the era of catastrophe, then, in the next era, our race will surely have a super holy place.

As always, a new era is opened up, and the universe is derived from all beings.Each race can only be preserved by a very small number of people, preaching the heavens in the universe.

Even the weakest race has only one evangelist.

In such a situation, congenitally lags behind.

Our human race, after the dedication of countless ancestors, has accumulated bit by bit under the accumulation of blood and tears, each time, at most, there are only three thousand.

Compared to this, our human race, the huge number, and the vast majority, will be reduced to blood of other creatures."

The human race is inherently too balanced.

In many cases, equilibrium means mediocrity.

Mediocre, and backward, is there any difference?

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

The everlasting truth.

If there is a holy place of the human race, the Quartet Star Realm stands in the universe, and the world will not fall, and the world will never die.

Then, the human race is truly the only one in the universe.

At that time, it was the heyday of the entire human race.

Perhaps, at that time, it was possible for my human race to become the master of this universe.

The human race is already strong enough and has truly stood at the pinnacle of the universe.

Now, the human race wants to go further, wants to be the master of the universe, monopolize the luck of the universe, and exterminate other Taoism. How can other races accept it?

In this sudden Demon invasion, vaguely, Wang Yang saw some shadows of existence standing behind him.

"Seek skin with the tiger!!"

Compared with the Demon Race, the Human Race has too much advantage.

Relatively gentle life is too gentle, relatively, not so bloody living environment, has far exceeded the devil do not know how many levels.

In contrast, the violent nature of the Demon Race is even more unacceptable.

The kind of raw swallowing is even naked, so that there is no room for survival.

"Damn, these guys, even if they seek to hide from the tiger, they will come forward to stop us.

It is obviously impossible to go directly.

So, what do we do next?"

Wang Yang can think of it, and Daluo Emperor Zun can also think of it.

Taiyi Divine Emperor, of course, is not too bad, but also thought of it.

However, when I thought of it, what should I do afterwards? This question requires everyone to think deeply.

"Yes, behind this thing, there is obviously the shadow of the Demon Patriarch.

But behind this matter, is there really only the Demon Patriarch?

I don't think so about this problem.

So, how do we all do it, go straight into it, or maybe you will fall into the trap they set.

Besides, up to now, one hundred cosmic star regions have fallen into the magic tide, and there are already more than a dozen cosmic star regions that have sent support staff.

Those people, but our core strength, must not be lost."

The words of Taiyi Divine Emperor aroused everyone's affirmation.

Regardless of feelings, these forces are the most powerful forces in the major universe.

Once the loss is too great, the major cosmic stars are basically abandoned.

Don't think that a cosmic star zone, with a powerful cosmic giant, can run wild in this universe.

If the cosmic giant wants to increase its strength, it must also have the support of its backbone. Otherwise, Daoxing, a rare move for thousands of years, will also make people crazy.

Obviously, Wang Yang knew the importance of this matter very clearly.

"In this way, as far as the current situation is concerned, there will definitely be a shadow of the demon ancestor behind this matter.

Originally, we all have to set our goals on the ancestor of the demon, and believe that for the next era, he has a major advantage in preaching to the devil.

Now that he has jumped out, then I will go for a walk in person.

Anyway, this time, he must be killed."

"Okay, that's it. Lord Sifang, your strength is stronger than ours. If you go for a trip, we are all at ease.

Now, with such changes, none of us know what will happen in the end.

We are watching here and we can worry."

"it is good!"

The Heart Demon Star Zone is a staring place, completely like a hell.

There are endless phantoms.

Unrealistically, no one knows how many.

Here is the old nest of the ancestor of the demon. Any soul that enters this place, whether you are a person or a demon, as long as your spiritual world cannot be absolutely pure, it will inevitably be impacted by the endless devil here.

Never end.

Here is a devil's cave that no one should enter.

However, if you enter the heart demon star zone and go deep into it, then you will find that, apart from those so-called heart devil do not look, this is no different from other star zones.

Similarly, here, there are a large number of creatures, one by one, the strength is extremely powerful.

They are a family of demons.

Is the real demon.

In the deepest part of the Heart Demon Star Zone, there is a super huge planet. Around it, the dark gray chaotic air currents are tumbling and rolling, all of which exude powerful magic.

Here, it is the original god star of the heart demon star area.

There is a hall of mind demons in God Star, the origin of mind demons.

Normally, there is absolutely no outsider except the Heart Demon Patriarch in the Hall of Heart Demon.There is no outsider who can walk out alive after entering the Demon Hall.

However, at this time the hall of the demon, at this time, has gathered a large number of souls.

What's more, these creatures are not just demons.

Zerg, demon, orc, protoss, and even ancient elves, dragons, and ghosts.

It can be said that here, there is a gathering of the overlords who once dominated an era.

However, nowadays, they have disappeared, and the entire universe has been respected by the human race.

As the host, the Devil Ancestor naturally sits on the throne.

"Everyone, the Quartet Astral World will surely become the holy place of the next era, human race.

Once they are successful, the human race must become the eternal ruler in the universe."

"Huh, the Quartet?

What a big name.However, can they survive this era of catastrophe, two more!"

In the presence, they were once the dominant clans in the universe.

Who, once, haven't really dominated the universe?

As a result, today, they can only go out in some cosmic Jedi.

Could it be that the other races, if they emerged from a Quartet, could become the eternal ruler in the universe?

Are you kidding?

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