My Super Estate

The 3081st chapter dragon array? ?

The second eighty-seventh chapter Wanlong formation??

This Wanlong array is somewhat famous.

At least, before, there were nearly a hundred giants in the universe. None of their strengths was more powerful than that of the Great Sun Angel.

More than one hundred statues, the strongest Dao Xing, did not enter the twelfth step.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t be watching, the big burning angel, in front of his own eyes, quickly took down the five cosmic giants under his command and let them be slaughtered.

It can be said that a hundred so-called giants are not big enough to kill an angel alone.

However, one person can kill all of their big-burning angels, it is so simple, being directly killed by Wang Yang is to flee again and again.

Even a strong man like Da Zhi Angel was beaten by Wang Yang repeatedly. As a result, these more than one hundred cosmic giants formed a so-called Wanlong array and jumped out of a Tyrannosaurus rex, his own full sword , Can't even split it!


Tyrannosaurus strong tail.A sweep, brought a strong cosmic storm.

I only feel that the void is distorted, the stars are shaking, all the stars are in the cosmic storm, flickering and flickering, just like a small boat in the ocean waves, drifting with the waves.


The domineering power is directly bombarded, and Wang Yang no longer wants to dodge it, it is no longer possible.

The powerful strong wind formed a terrible storm. Wang Yang wanted to evade, and the void was already as hard as that ten thousand years of ice, and he was just a bedbug in that ten thousand years of ice.

Wanting to struggle, she brushed her head and broke the bloodstream. As a result, she didn't get any results, but left a pool of blood.

Finally, the strong dragon tail, like an iron pillar, smashed hard.

Wang Yang only felt that his body seemed to be covered with an iron layer of solid wood, and was smashed down by the huge iron pillar. Finally, what he left behind was only the hegemonic pain.

Yes, it is a kind of domineering pain.

Wang Yang’s immortal body has always been his greatest strength.

No matter what kind of attack you are, physical or energy, as long as you hit him, naturally, there will be a strong vibration.

This is unchanged forever, unless that kind of high temperature incineration, extreme cold and freezing, otherwise, it is impossible to escape this law.

However, as long as he has not escaped this law, Wang Yang can transform this attack into energy that strengthens his physical warfare.

This is also the reason why his strength has improved so fast, but his physical battle never fails to keep up.

The cosmic overlord is a powerful physical battle body, a high-level Taoxing, and a strong spiritual force. It is definitely not your high-level Taoxing, you can break through as simple as that.

However, Wang Yang has always been regarded as his golden card's immortal body of the biggest card. This time, it has no effect at all.

A powerful force, like a blender, is rampant in his own body. If he wants to transform again, it is impossible.

In just a moment, Wang Yang was already seriously injured.


The strength of the body rolled, and the blood in my heart could no longer be suppressed, and it just spontaneously spewed out.

With a spit of blood, the whole person seemed to be a lot better. The domineering power in the body, along with the blood, spit out directly.

However, Wang Yang as a whole is very unhappy.

After quitting 30,000 miles from a distance, far away, they opened the distance.

Opening the distance, Wang Yang only realized that he underestimated the world.

I saw, looking around, there were still more than a hundred cosmic giants, and they still came from various cosmic clan.

Even, they have not moved.

What chaos, what is the Dragon Island that rises and falls with the Yuan, what Tyrannosaurus Rex, there is no.

There are only more than one hundred giant giants.

"That is to say, just now, I entered the center of their large formation?"

This Wanlong team can't move at all?

Wang Yang seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

Since you can't move, then, if I just knocked your ancestral ancestor's nest directly, you can't stop it?


For Wang Yang, as long as the person is not dead, is he still a wound?

"Haha, okay, a big dragon, today, I can see it.

It's just, I don't know, can you move so freely with this powerful Wanlong formation?"

It seemed that the entire universe sounded Wang Yang's laughter.

For others, the laughter of Wang Yang haha ​​has no effect at all.

This quartet is really too powerful.

With his strength, he quickly arranged into a Wanlong formation, and even if he didn't kill him, he would have lost his chance.

Next, the question I want to think about is not how to kill him, but how to protect myself.


At this time, what mobile things do you think about, are you stupid?

However, others don't want to, and there is someone who has to think.

Listening to the laughter that sounded in the ear, the ancestral ancestor suddenly changed his face.

"not good!"

The Great Dragon, which cannot move, is the biggest flaw.

However, your own demon star zone is beside you.

However, without the protection of the large array, can you protect the heart demon star area?

Could it be that this is how you watched?

The ancestor of the devil has always been a master of the mind.

However, even so, when he faced his own affairs, he still fell into a very passive state.

He was embarrassed.

"Haha! Heart Demon Ancestor, this time, you manipulated the sidelines, more than 100 universe star zones, and launched a war to attack my human race. Now, I will let you see that your heart demon star zone is directly given. What kind of feeling is it!"

Wang Yang laughed, toward the heart demon star area, it was attacked.

I saw that a sword of gas seemed like the Milky Way on that day, vast and endless.

The terrifying sword spirit, heading towards the heart demon star area, was cut off.

Under this sword, nothing can be saved.

Even if it is a star zone, there will be no exceptions.

"Do not!"

The Demon Patriarch was anxious.

The kind of feeling that I had before myself was gone.

Powerful, mighty, like the water of the Tianhe River, he knows that this time, his heart demon star zone can't resist.

Looking at it like this, he absolutely wouldn't allow it.

At the moment, he can no longer care about the Wanlong formation, he wants to protect the heart demon star area.

Then, he detached from the Dragon Array without permission, and flew directly towards the heart demon star area.

"I want to protect now, don't you think it's too late?"

Wang Yang just sneered.

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