My Super Estate

The 3082nd chapter of the death of the demon ancestor

Chapter 2880 Death of the Demon Patriarch

The status of the ancestor of the devil is definitely very high among the demons.

This high status is not due to the fact that the ancestor of the devil is a cosmic giant.

The so-called cosmic giants, for some tribes, or a cosmic star area, are absolutely supreme, and it is their Dinghaishen needle.

However, it is simply not enough to look at the pinnacle of big people in the universe like human races and devil races.

The so-called cosmic giant is simply a joke.

Because, the duration of these pinnacle clan is too long, very long time, one by one era, just like a super-large incubator, endlessly, for these pinnacle clan, cultivate countless Qing genius characters.

Among these geniuses, they have experienced, fighting one at a time, and finally, it seems to be a Gu Gu, raising a Gu Gu one by one.

In contrast, the so-called cosmic giants are not even Gu Gu.

How can the devil pay attention to a so-called cosmic giant?

The ancestral ancestor's status is high, only because his avenue of psychic demon has played a great role in playing with and controlling the soul.

For the next era of the Devil's layout, preaching the universe, the effect is too great.

The human race already has a Quartet of stars, the Demon Race, and can no longer lose the ancestor of the Devil.

Among them, the strong relationship, once, intentionally or unintentionally, has the senior level of the Devil, so mentioned to the Devil Ancestor.

But, at this moment, he could not care.

In other words, when it really matters to himself, he can't do what he thinks is just like water.

Under the horrible sword spirit, he struggled to ignore himself.

He couldn't look at his heart demon star zone, that's how he was cut by a sword without being indifferent.

Mozu is ruthless and innocent. To say that he is a trillion-dollar Demon inside the heart demon star area, it is absolutely impossible.

However, after the disintegration of the Heart Demon Star Zone, his way of doing things will be rarely improved for thousands of years.

This point, like a glacier, made his heart cold and icy.

He lost the calmness he should have.

He can't do it, what he is after is his heart.


Everyone who manipulated and played with their hearts, the ancestor of the demon, he was confused.

So he died.

Sword energy like a long river, in a mighty way, splitting...

Patriarch Patriarch's speed is very fast, but Wang Yang's sword spirit is faster.

Out of the Wanlong formation, he rushed out of everything. He wanted to return to the Heart Demon Star Zone. He wanted to control the Heart Demon Star Zone. With the power of a star zone, he resisted the attack of the Four Kingdoms.

However, he overestimated himself.

Not only did he overestimate his own strength, but also his own speed.

His people haven't returned to the Heart Demon Star District. The mighty sword-like spirit has already hit the Heart Demon Star District.

"Do not!!!"

The Demon Patriarch is desperate.

He knew that with the power of the instinct of the Demon Star Zone, it was absolutely impossible to withstand the attacks of the Quartet.

In fact, it is.

Feeling the mighty river of sword energy, the heart demon star district reacted instinctively, and a huge devil rushed out, and he wanted to resist the mighty river of sword energy.

Unfortunately, all of this is suddenly.

The horrible sword is devastating.

Under the terrible sword spirit of You, the heart demon star zone seems to be a huge watermelon, which was split in half by the watermelon knife.

The heart demon avenue that supports the whole heart demon star area is directly split into two.

"Do not……"

The Demon Patriarch only felt that his heart was like a knife.

The most important thing is that his own spiritual world is connected to this heart demon star zone. At this time, the heart devil star zone has been split into two halves. Similarly, his heart world is also suddenly, unknown A sword qi flying from directly cut it in half.


Word by word, it seems to tell everyone how he gritted his teeth.

But is it useful?

He doesn't think about it, how many attacks has he launched on the Quartet?

If not, is the Sifang Star District, time and time again, and the current Sifang Star Realm?

Do you not allow others to do fifteen when you have done the first day?

Really hegemonism.

Unfortunately, Wang Yang is not afraid of hegemonism.

It doesn't matter if you gritted your teeth, or you yelled, since you have already done the first day, don't blame me for the fifteenth.

Retaliation will only lead to, never will.

Zi Meng Meng's sword qi long river suddenly split into two.

Sword Qi Changhe, it seems like an everlasting galaxy, bit by bit, all floating in it, the entire heart demon star area, all swallowed.

Suddenly, a small tributary suddenly separated and rolled towards the Demon Ancestor.

The process was beyond what Wang Yang expected to be smooth, and even the Demon Patriarch had no sense of resistance.

A generation of Xiao Xiong, his magnificent blueprint, one hundred steps, even one step did not take off, it is directly to die before leaving the school.


The weight of the Demon Patriarch is too great.

At least, all the people present, no matter which cosmic clan they came from, they have realized an important issue.

Patriarch Patriarch, has been selected as the leader of the next generation of demons.

Is the next generation of evangelists.

Otherwise, the complicity of the six major tribes will not be chosen in this demon star area.

But now, it is dead.

The so-called people, one by one, are secretly arrogant in their hearts.

This time, things are really big.

"Long Aotian, what shall we do now?"

The ancestor of the demon will be killed by the human race.

It was so unexpected.

However, in his identity as the ancestor of the Devil, he was killed by the human race in this way. Those who have disappeared into the void and there are no known how many eras exist.

At this moment, can they still sit?

"We have to think of a way, otherwise, the big guys behind the devil might come out.

The devil is not particular about it. In case, he will involve himself and others in it, and there is no place for grievances."

The king said in his mouth, but in their hearts, they were already certain.

It is inevitable to be implicated.

"But what can we do?

Do you dare to go out?"

Long Aotian only felt like he was eating a lot of shit, and only felt the uncomfortable waves.

Who did you mess with?

Why is it so unlucky?

"Everyone, you all talk about, what should we do?"

At this time, everyone has forgotten what the Quartet is.

How to live, at this time, is what everyone should pay attention to.

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