My Super Estate

Chapter 3610 Kill

Third thousand three hundred and ninety-eight chapters

Evil dragon!

A heterogeneous of the dragon.

Not only just with the strong talented blood of the dragon, the same, but also the talent of the dragon.

Among his eyes, among the born, there is a bad fairy.

Have to say, this is a very variable ability.


The four-party landlord, this time, how do you die? "

The talent of the evil dragon, even if the Dragon is inside, it is impossible to admit, because his birth is now, it is a level of the universe. It is not enough for 3,000 years.

It can be said that there is no four star boundaries, there is no four-party national owner, he is in the universe, the talent is the strongest.

Such talent can be said that the world is unparalleled.

However, this is the talent, but actually, be surpassed by a family.

He is extremely dissatisfied.

He has always thought that he was humiliated.

"go with!"

I saw that the evil dragon is a huge behemoth with a million feet.

Just, his eyes are flashing with extremely terrible light.

That kind of ray, faint, actually, and a silky nine color light.

It turned out to be, nine colorful light.


The prestigious name of the four-party dominion is too strong.

Even if there is an excellent number of people, there is still a pressure of the main people of Walong, when I really face the four-party landlord, the universe owner is a fear.

In particular, when the four-party national owner, it can be freely, when the kind of phoenix is ​​the kind of phoenix, the fear is not from autonomous, and it is in my heart.

In this case, even if there is an order, who can really be afraid of death?

However, I saw that the evil dragon was just a sweep, and suddenly, it was the Bayu Cosmark, and it quickly formed a battle.

That kind of unhealthy scene is, it is directly to reach the highest realm of a mailing.

The most important thing is that they come from different races, there are demon people, and there are magistrates, but also there is an arms, and there are insects.

Such various races, no tens of thousands of years, even if it is the universe, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a level.

But they did it.

For a time, the Bayuo Cosmine, all the strength, all integrate.

A punch is invincible towards the gun, and suddenly, it is to play a row of mountains.


When the fire is invincible, the face is changed.

To know, he is close to the immortal, even if there is a rule line, but he can still kill in the country of the three or four hundred universe.

Even in the case of full defense, occasionally issued an attack, it is directly to kill.

However, at this time, in his heart, it flashed a dangerous information.

He knows that he has encountered an opponent.

I don't dare to neglect, under the pressure of the rules, even if it is close to Immortal, withstand the attack of the universe, it is also to die.

Dead, small life, there is no.

Dare to neglect.

It can't be negligently.

At the moment, all the power gathered, went toward the gun in his hand.

The so-called gun method has long been within his consideration.

Because, every attack is the most perfect gun method.

The skills are extremely, the law is the law, the law is extremely, and it is the ultimate, and the magical is to the extreme, and it is the avenue.

The enemy of the fire is invincible, and I have already exceeded the gun method and I don't know a few levels.

A shot of a gun, suddenly, it is an endless potential to launch.

Before, it was such a shot to achieve a double kill.

However, the same shot, his body, even, has already emerged.

However, the result is completely different.

Because, he did not achieve his goal.

Not only didn't achieve the goal, even, the power of an explosive force came, and the whole person was blown away.

If it is usually, such a force, he certainly does not affected anything.

However, in such a rigid continent of the sky, the fire is invincible, even if there is a strength of the Lord of Immortal, there is no use.

Because of his flesh, his defense has long been restricted to a level of the universe.

Then, there is such a case.

One of the immortals of the Tang Tang, actually, was opened by a miscellaneous team that appeared from where they appeared, and smashed the body.

"No, they have problems, they have big problems!"

The fry is blown.

The fire is invincible, and the mouth is also shouting loudly.

He must remind Wang Yang and Luo Jian, otherwise, if you lose, you must be yourself.

Oh shit!

This situation, even if it is Wang Yang, it is also an unexpected.

Actually, there will be such a situation.

The fire is invincible, and the hall is close to Xian Dao, even if it is compressed, but his eyes, his experience, his skills, is it, is it eaten by a dog?

How can this case like this?

Actually, was defeated by a miscellaneous team?

"Reassured, I will give you a breath!"

When I came to the fire, I was directly extinguished by the phoenix god fired on him.

Take out a few of the gods, it is directly to enter the enemy in the enemy.

Soon, the gun is invincible, it has been recovered as early.


A big drink.

I just was invincible by the arms of the fire, and they were once again surrounded.

"I am afraid that you are not?"

I saw that Wang Yang naturally burned the flame flame, holding a purple softener in his hand, like a spirit snake, flashing a little cold.

Between the blink of an eye, it will be the boss of the eight universe, all of which are shrouded.

Eight people combine?

Since this, then, I will be directly monitored, what will it?

Wang Yang feels that such a situation is worth trying.


Just still, the wind, eight sides, one hit, is a team of miscellaneous teams that have been successfully hitting the gun, but they are killed by Wang Yang.


Millions of gentle evil dragons, accidentally shocked.

He knows that this kind of battle is, but it is the most strange magic.

Using this kind of magic, he didn't know how much strong enemy killed.

"But see, you can't make this kind of power?"

He is in his eyes, and it is also a flash.

Then, it can be clearly seen, and it is the eight universe owner, and it quickly formed a battle.

"Is this a battle ??"

Wang Yang only felt an accident.

This time, more evil door.

It turned out to be two zombies, two ghosts, three bugs, a mighty giant.

A hidden team that is unlikely to be combined.

The most important thing is that it is the kind of battle.

Different teams, different races, actually, is so proficient in a battle?

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