My Super Estate

Chapter 3611, Controlled Care

Third Thirty Article 199 Control Family

"what happened?"

A miscellaneous team can be arranged into a strong war array, and it can also be said that it is accumulated and constantly training.

But now, this is not very reasonable!

Different races, even, all different ethnic groups, how to do it, can be arbitrarily arranged to fight, and can you still do one heart?

This issue is a question worth more.

The four square stars, in the universe, it is extremely famous.

It is famous, not only the four-party star beloot itself, but also the miracles created by the Quartet Star.

On the basis of opening the universe, on the basis of opening up, it is a huge innovation.

This is a miracle.

Four-party star boundaries, there is a hundred and sixty cosmologies, which is a sign of a star.

However, not all the stars have such a scale!

The nine strengthening, the newly opened star, there is no so much?

A star, you can accommodate a hundred and sixty-cosmologists, with five near-fairy director, it is a miracle.

However, in order to say, in addition to these high miracles, it is also a miracle in other aspects.

For example, the Quartet, the powerful guard team, strong battle.

Four-party star boundaries, the horizontal universe, it is impossible to have Wang Yang walk in the universe, and it is impossible to only have a few high-level in turn.

In fact, when many high-rise high-rise high-level high-rise in the universe, the guards of the Quartet stars were also in the universe, leaving a big mission.

A powerful battle, but also a few beautiful battles, which will have a strong propaganda of the prestige of the Quartet.

However, even if this is the case, it is impossible to do it. Every team can form a perfect battle!

In fact, in the four-party star, you can form a perfect battle, and reach the level of all one, there is only one.

It is a small water for the captain for the captain.

That's it, it is also a quarterly starry, I will have greatly presented great names.

As for different races, different ethnic groups, casual combination, can make a perfect battle?

Don't think about it.

Luo Jian. "


"I am responsible for cating it in front, you pay attention to the quartet.

Different races, different ethnic groups, even blood, culture, speech, and action guidelines, all of the races, the random composition of a battle, actually, can form a perfect battle.

Inside, there must be a greasy. "

"it is good!"


This, Wang Yang can be relieved.

Zombie, yin, insect, mammoth giant?

The zombie is mixed, is the energy of the Yin property, the insect is also an overcast, the mammoth beast, is a pure yang attribute.

In this case, it can also form a powerful battle.

Even, can you form a perfect battle?

Deceive ghost?

It is to know that the two of the two attributes of yin and yang, that is, from the eighth floor of the high-day, that is extremely great.

Just just the seventh floor, the rules of the real world are two or two incompatible.

Even, it is extremely serious to repel each other.

The avenue between this different attributes, that exclusion, has reached a point that cannot be imagined.

In this case, it is extremely difficult to make a battle.

Want to make a powerful battle.

Even, it is still a perfect battle, it is simply an idiotic dream.

"Brother, found!"

Wang Yang's movements are very fast.

No matter who you are, no matter what kind of battle, as long as you shoot, I will kill.

No matter what strength, anyway, you can't be stronger than I!

With this thought, Wang Yang broke the quartet.

Another battle, actually, all were quickly killed by him.

Similarly, that absurd feelings are getting stronger.

Here, there is a monsters, there is a magic, there is a god, and there is a dragon, and it is even the elf, the beast, the blood family, etc.

It can be said that this is a wide range of five hundred.

Such a team, don't say random combination, even if you have a very long time, special training, you can do it, all unknown.

However, reality is so magical.

No matter who is, as long as standing out, eight people, the horse is a powerful battle.

Even, you can make a sense of all hearts, perfectly fuse.

It's just a day.

"it is good!"

This kind of scene, the Lord of Longlong, is of course not seen.

Even, it is very clear.

He noticed that there is rhythm, even, there is a powerful result of the battle, and it has been forced to have some people to deal with it.

It is really dealing with it.

The strength of the four-party country is really very powerful.

Eight Zouzhan, the country, form a perfect battle, even if the gun is invincible, and it is also playing a flesh war.

However, such a powerful strength, in front of the four-party country, actually, just a round, it is directly in seconds.

This kind of strength is really terrible.

However, this has a strong strength, and his four-party country, it will not be better.

He is a flame burning flame, which is the best empirical.

"Hey, I don't believe it.

You can extinguish this terrible phoenix god, but you can ignore this powerful flame? "

The Lord of Long Long does not believe that such a horrible flame, in the body, the burning, will not have any impact on him.

Even if it is the price of all the deaths of these three or four hundred universe, as long as he can change his four-party national land, then, he is absolutely beneficial.

"not good!"

Suddenly, the Lord of Wanlong found that the Si Fang Dynasty was actually killed toward the evil dragon.

This is found.

Millions of women?

There is a fart!

In the case, as long as it is the universe owner, basically, there is such a huge body.

However, in the usual, all the forms are pressed by powerful power.

The so-called million feet of the body, for those who are below the universe, it is an absolute homomizedness.

However, there is no role in the same level.

As long as the four-party country is killing near the past, the strength of the evil dragon is definitely dead.


At this moment, under the main trade balance between Long Long, there was a decision.


"I said withdrawal!"

The Lord of Long Long is extremely excited.

The strength of the evil dragon is very amazing.

As long as he gave him, his growth must be unlimited.


"Hey, want to go?"

Objective Eight Road, listening to eight parties, is the basic skill, Wang Yang may not have it.

At this time, I did what I want to retreat?

is it possible?


A big drink, Suddenly, I saw that Wang Yangcheng became a light shadow, and he continued to shuttle before the union owners.

At very fast, the three or four hundred universers, actually, the whole was killed.

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