My Super Estate

Chapter 3620 chaos

Third 480 chapters

Sky ant universe owner.

The ant family is a very large ethnic group.

In the legend, in the extreme ancient times, I have had a big antique, with absolute power, and hard to embrace the universe.

That is a peak of the ant family.

Just, the current ant family is only just in the legend of the past.

The ant family, the most born is endless.

However, the ant family, the same, is also extremely wisdom.

They have endless power among the same order.

It can be embarrassing.

However, for them, I want to get out of a strong, it is too difficult.

A episode, but most of the universe of the universe, support the facade.

Even if you open up your own avenue, you want to improve, it is also extremely difficult.

Because the ethnicity even has an extremely powerful quantity, it lacks the genius of the universe level, the avenue is difficult to spread extensive in the ethnic group.

As for, above the group, insert your own moral?

Don't think about it.

Such imprisonment, but let the heaven the universe owner, I don't know how long it is.

This time, he was heard that the Phoenix continent has a chairman who can make his strength greatly increase, so he resolutely, it is chosen to enter it.

Just, the ant family, natural, is an accepted ethnic group.

Under the order of the seven-line knife, he had to participate in the actions of the four-party countries.

The first battle, four hundred and thirty-respect the owner of the universe, was actually killed three hundred and forty respects, only the 90th universe land left.

The second time, the battle has not started, a good fishing action, actually, is passively destroyed.

More sorry is that these nine strengthenings are simply deceived, actually, and it is not very human with the strong people of this subsidiary race.

There is no plan to grasp the plan, and the trade is the implementation.

The ant family, it is a few universe owners to support the facade, in case, there is a three long two short, ant families, what should I do?

I don't know why, suddenly, there is an endless grievance.

"Ah, you are eight bastards, there is no life of our honesty.

In this case, you are all of these kings, all die! "

Said, violent, it is a blow, and moved towards his nearest monsters.

The ant family, natural, is to control absolute power.

Their power, no other properties, but their strength is very pure.

It is also such a pure force to make their strength, extremely overbearing.

The speed is not fast, however, once it is hit, it is basically dead.

Sure enough, that kind of demon, the strength is not simple.

At the usual, even the same is the universe, he also belongs to the strong.

However, at this time, there is no point at all.

When the absolute force, it is a bombing, it is directly blown away.

"The heaven, what do you do?"

Suddenly, it is a very tight situation, which is more tight.

Especially the strong people of the demon family are more biting teeth.

"Go to death!"

For other intensive, it may be reasonable to think about it, but for the monsters, it is the pain of the skin.

At the moment, only the two demon people, they directly shot towards the owner of the heavens.

I saw the demon law to cover the sky, a demon, it is the palm of the ancient demon, pressed toward the country.

Unfortunately, here is a Phoenix continent, with a strict rule limit, even if it is close to Immortal, and can only play a hierarchy of the universe.

If you want a palm, you will use the heavens of the universe, and the desire is extremely beautiful.

However, the same, it is extremely unrealistic.

"Hey, I am afraid that you can't come?"

In the heaven, there are some things that you have, you have something wrong.

However, people have already killed their gates, even if they have a big doubt, at this time, they don't think back fine.

Hit it again.

God Magic Wan Dao?

Go to your mother's gods.

The death of the death, completely, it is not a matter of life of the ethnic group, who will sell for you?

Originally, it was extremely reluctant to maintain the situation. Suddenly, an unexpected situation in the world of the heaven.

Suddenly, the Barboard space is more reluctant.

However, even if this is the case, the two demon stronies are still in violent shots towards the owner of the heavens.


Sure enough, it is a heavenly antian dominion, absolute strength, hegemony.

Two demon strong, even, or two near Xian Dao Lord.

However, when facing the National Labor of the Skye Universe, it actually, two or one, did not occupy the wind.

One is not paying attention, it is actually being owned by the heavens, and it is directly to interrupt your arm.

The screams of screams, let the whole box space, is shaking.


Such a result is absolutely never thought.

"Mix !!"

The worst result appears.

Three strong people, in the box space, big shot, extremely disturbed the operation of the big array.

Don't think about the idea of ​​dealing with the four-party national land.

Also pay attention to it, Mo is interrupted by the wave.

The monsters killed their eyes, and the heaven and anthrace is even more angry.

There is no scruple between the shots.

In the palm, the seven lines of knife, which is directly taken by a sudden shirt.

What do you count now?

At this time, self-insurance is the most important thing.

The cold blade, with a knife that broke everything, the demon palm that suddenly smashed, was squatted.


The black bear demon is almost not mad.

"Seven lines of knives, you are a bastard, isn't you tied?"

"Fart, you fight, how to think, think about me, what does it mean?"

"Seven lines of knives, you are eight eggs, my ant family, since then with you, out the relationship!"

Between the black bear demon and the seven-line knife, there is no one understanding, the heaven the sky is the universe, and it is also angry.

Both the ant family, for the various morality of the insects, never interfere, the big open door, the whole green light pass.

Now, I have seen my demon bullied without interlocking.

"What is the heaven, what do you want to do?"

The anger fire in the seven-line knife is not completely extinguished, the words of the heaven, the land of the universe, is more fire.

"Haha, seven lines of knives, your kind, people are not very familiar!"

The black bear demon family in anger, witnessed this process, suddenly, it feels that the body and mind have a good time.

However, he looked at the eyes of the heavens of the heaven, more cold.


Wars, once again broke out.

Just, it has expanded again.

The space is more unstable.

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