My Super Estate

Chapter 3621, Phoenix God, self-recognition??

The third thousand four hundred zero chapter Phoenix god flames itself ??

The siege is under the attack.

As long as the means is high, even if you don't waste a soldier, you can turn the sky.

Such a famous saying, ancient times, countless, just, really able to integrate, successfully implement, how many people?

I'm a lot of power, a collection of buildings.

However, can really become the top of the heavens and the earth?

I looked at the end of the eye, Wang Yang said that I was very satisfied.

There is no such legend, with your own strength, you want hard, it is obviously impossible.

The gods of the gods, before, there is already a consensus, it is indeed.

At this point, no matter whether Wang Yang is willing or not, he must admit that it is really going to go in, I want it, I am not easy.

However, because of the front, it will be retired after it is.

It is obviously impossible.

This time, it is a phoenix god, the next time, the Phoenix fairy medicine.

Once I gave up, I have an excuse to give up.

Three times four times, I am even a chance, I haven't.

To this end, Wang Yang decided, absolutely could not give up.

Therefore, when the phoenix gods appear, and he realized that he had begun to find a way when it is absolutely ambush.

Your own strength, plus it, you can freely extinguish Phoenix fire, facing more than 400 universers of the country of the country, still can respond.

The enemy, since a situation dare to arrange such a situation, there must be a good policy.

God Magic Wan Dynasty, is currently, the alien is dealing with yourself, the only way to work.

Since the layout, such a valid approach is absolutely will never give up.


Seeing that it is necessary to come to the front of the phoenix god, it can get the hand, Wang Yang is in an exclusive representation, stop going forward.

"There is a trap in front, we have to think of the good fortune."

"Then we do?"

Most urgent, mean the most concerned.

Feng Jiu, is the most actual map.

"Reassured, some people are bait to us and want fishing.

It means that in our fish, the bait will always be in front of us.

In this universe, there are many strong people.

However, most of the strong people are in the control of the top ten strong nationals, as long as the top ten strengthenings are determined, there will be no variables. "

Wang Yang's tone is extremely affirmative.

This affirmation, giving a lot of confidence.

Anxious Feng Jiu, it turned out to be calm.

"Exotic, the four-party landlord, never hate, and the gods are the most effective ways to our most.

Therefore, we will wait, to play a good show, and finally, you can make this layout, completely chaos. "


Looking at this scene, Luo Jian felt, I really admired an extreme.

"Brother, you are so powerful!"

It is two different concepts.

Although, the effect is similar, but the meaning is different.

For Luo Jian's praise, Wang Yang said that he can accept it, he smiled slightly, said: "Don't worry.

The eyes of the evil dragon, I have already enlighten it too deep, even if it is dark, it is not completely outlined.

However, only these people, the heart has grievances, always affects them. "

The magic is still there.

However, the whole god of the gods, is already broken, and it can be broken.

The battle in it is more intense.

In the case of grievances in the heart, in the absence of intentional guidance, the war will only become more and more chaotic.

On the contrary, Wang Yang is not so urgently.


The horrible Phoenix screams, I saw, a huge fireball, suddenly the bombings, it is directly to fly.

The battle with the Huang Zombie Huang, Feng Jiu completely falls in the wind.


The horrible roar is like a resentment in the heart of the Zombie Huard.

The demon is in the end of the big array, and he is a bad, he doesn't want to rest.

The Lord of Long Long is very perfect.

However, for him, it is not so important.

Just get a Phoenix god flame, you can wash your own thunder.

Chengxian, I am not far away.


Feng Jiu was seriously injured.

However, the phoenix gods are really important, she will never give up.

"It seems that we have a long time!"

Originally, Wang Yang was trying to rest again, some people show their own performances, they should respect others' labor results.

Just, now it seems that this leisure is no longer lasting.

"Every space, pay attention."

I have to say that the Lord, the Lord, who is doing people, it is desirable.

The gods of the gods, have been messy into a mess.

He turned out, it was still at all, pay attention to the movement of Wang Yang.

Wang Yang just had a little movement, he immediately reacted quickly.


Wang Yang only felt a smile: "You own, it has become a group, even if you pay attention, what can I use?"

Your own masterpiece, Wang Yang said that he must know how to appreciate.

"Hey, we will never let you get a Phoenix god!"

The main attitude of Long Long is still so resolute.

He said herself, it will never let the four-party national owners get a Phoenix god.

The four-party landlord is already strong enough, let him get such a treasure, will be more unable to get a day.

"is it?"

Before the gods of the gods, the gardens of the gods.

I saw that the gods of the gods of the gods were naturally, which formed a juncture, divided into the outside world, and divided into two parts.

Just, the current domain space is extremely fragile.

Fragile, Wang Yang is just a remembering, which is enough to let Wang Yang are a boy-root space, which is broken.


The big array is broken, and the person who is a burst is naturally not good.


When I came to a strong, Wang Yang gently looked up and turned down.


This is a stone person.

The real stone man is not the Holy Spirit, the whole body is constructed from stone.

It belongs to a single member.

Ling people are one of the top ten strong people.

To say, this stone, the strength is absolutely not too weak.

However, under such a foot, dead.

"Now, you think, can you stop me?"

Step by step, come on the Lord of Longlong.

Said, Wang Yang is gently waving toward the phoenix god.

The scene that can't believe is that it appears.

Gently, the phoenix gods, actually, accidentally, came to Wang Yang.

It seems that this phoenix god flame has been recognized.

It's too unexpected.

Grandless eyes, the main point of Wanlong, did not be scared.

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