My Super Estate

Chapter 3750's fear of relatives and friends

The third thousand five hundred thirty-six chapters of relatives and friends


Have to say, there is a fellowship, such an ability is enviable!

At this time, Wang Yang felt that this is really a magical method.

"Father mother, how are you ready?"

On the other side, it has already begun.

One hundred and twenty of near Xian Dao Lord.

Such strength is indeed surprising.

Even if he, the four-party dominant's name, spread out, at this time, it also feels a force.

This respect is divided, the soul is connected.

This is here, with huge trouble, avatars, of course, to find a way to solve it.

For example, at this time, the gods felt that this is a huge trouble, he is the first, found his father and mother.

"Yany, what happened?"

Wang Yi people, did not think of dreaming, it will have a day of becoming the god.

Nowadays, even, I have to open up my own universe, becoming a universe.

In this case, in the past, it didn't dare to have this imagination.

Even, they can help their sons, and they are already a biggest wish in peace and peace.

In order to make your son, you can make every way to do everything.

Just, unfortunately, their ability is limited, the resources are limited, even if they want to do it, and finally, there is no use.

Therefore, they have to drag their aged body. Work outside, give it to earn a point is a point, don't ask for it, at least, not to drag your son, don't need your own son to make your own pension.

It is said that the nursing children will raise their children to prevent the age.

But you always say that you are very good.

A lyrics used to give this pair of parents, drunk into the bone marrow, and drunk the soul.

Nowadays, there will be such a result, my son, unconsciously, have become the most top power of the universe.

It is myself, I don't know, I have reached this point in my support.

Nowadays, it turned out to create a self-avenue.

In their body, a great love, a boundless benevolent point, naturally, is showing.

Feel the breath of your father's mother, Wang Yang almost didn't cry.

Ren love, father mother, really, one heart, for yourself.

Even if they start self-avenue, they are actually for themselves.

At this moment, Wang Yang felt clearly, the father's mother was created, and now, it has been stable.

"Nothing, just, my own respect, now, I have already encountered trouble, I need you at this time, open up your own universe.

Even, on the basis of your universerance, open up the corresponding universe. "

"What? Your Book, I have trouble?" "What kind of trouble?"

In front of you, although it is your own son, but they know, this is just the gods.

This one is your own son, but strictly said that it is not a meat that yourself fall.

The son's book is that on the basis of the meat falling on him, step by step, is a son connected to his blood.

Hearing, the son's book, actually encountered trouble, they immediately couldn't sit.

"Nothing, as long as you are ready, you can solve it easily."

"Yes, it is said that it is!"

"Well, now you open up your own universe.

Don't worry, we are not anxious. "


Under the arrangement of Wang Yang, they act decisively.

Sure enough, they are prepared, very well, plus, with Wang Yang's help, plus once, have a lot of observation, opening up the universe country, such a process, which is extremely skilled.

Their upper star field did not be destroyed, and if you want to open the universe country, you don't need to be completely from nothing, step by step.

They are just, on the basis of their original star field, it will expand again and become the universe.

This process, because, it is in the quartet of the quarter, wants to smoothly, the whole process is complete, they must, to withstand the huge pressure from the quarterly star.

During this process, if it is the main upper star field, it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

Because, such a pressure is too big.

However, their preparation is too sufficient.

I saw that their body, naturally, an explosive momentum.

That is a unique temperament.

It is their avenue.

Two, the avenue of the body, actually, between each other, can be complementary.

Naturally, a battle is formed.

This is really very special.

At this time, they also opened the universe country, such a complementary momentum, which formed a perfect help.

In the blink of an eye, they are a pressure, naturally, let their own origin, smooth promotion, their upper star field, naturally become the universe of the universe, they have become a new generation of universers.

In this step, their actions have basically been here.

Then, under the arrangement of Wang Yang, the 18th Lord of the Star Field, which falls in their universerance.

Even the top of the 18th star field, but also in the newly opened universe.

It turned out that the 18th lords of the star far field are all the heritage of the Quartet, they, one by one, has created a self-avenue, only waiting for a machine.

Today, the opportunity is here, natural, that is, when they shoot.

Sure enough, the 18th lord is the Lord of the Star Field, ready to be very sufficient, just a moment, they will succeed, expand their host, expand into the universe country.

That's it, Wang Yang his father, the newly opened universe country, there is a universe star.

Just, Wang Yang's hand is really too big.

The newly opened two universe stars, still can't make him satisfied, he once again summoned other people, let them let them let them go, open up their own union.

In this way, people are not relieved.

"Yang Ge, you like this ..."

Wu Xiaobo's first is not trust.

"Reassured, I have a number in my heart.

Next, the enemy I want to face, I am afraid, most of them are the level of the fairy, the other, and the fairyland.

With my current soul world, even if I succeeded, I have changed the fourth mind, and I have no power to face.

Just just, the powerful spiritual realm will make me lose my ability to fight against.

Therefore, I have to step up this one of the opportunities, and I am going to expand my four-party star, and the opportunity to change the fourth mind, let my mind, improve to an extremely high level. "

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