My Super Estate

Chapter 3751, all parties are anxious.

The third thousand five hundred and thirty-seven chapters are all in a hurry.

The four square stars will always be in the universe, the most dazzling aura.

Its existence is always attracting everyone's gaze.

However, on this day, the quarter-star boundary, suddenly, there is a ray that bursts out.

Then, it can be clearly seen that the quarterly star, clearly has a lot of volume, and expand quickly.

"what happened?

How can this four-party landlord, how will it expand so quickly? "

"Is it, is his four-party national owner, in carrying out the fourth mind change?"

"It's impossible, the soul is transformed, the quarterly star boundary is inevitably out of the fire, and there will be no phenomenon in this speed.

In this case, it is, once, there have been several times.

However, how it is possible, the Quartet is already a hundred and sixty-cosmic countries, and his four-party landlord is crazy, and it turns rapidly? "

"Crazy, the four-party country, he is crazy."

"God, quartet star, expanded quickly."

"The four-party national owner, did he not plan to carry out the fourth mind?"


The existence of the quartet is already the focus of the spirit of the whole universe.

In such a case, the Quartet is a sudden, how to make this movement, how can these people from the universe? Is it shocked?

Of course, the same thing, different people, have different attitudes.

The quarter-star boundary, expansion quickly, and for those who are weak, that is a legend.

Legend, I am too far away, I saw it, I met, as long as I thought it was, I will do it, after the meal, I said, I have no effect.

However, for those who have already gone to a certain level, this thing is too big.

"Okay, this time, I am afraid, the whole universe must riot."

"The death, the four-party country, is he crazy?

The quartet is so powerful. He is already in the universe, the strongest person, he actually, let your universe star, expand quickly? "

"What do he want to do? Want to, in one person, destroy the nine strengthen?"

For a time, the cool breath, in the universe, there is a sound.

They all know that at this time, it is finally going to happen.

"The old old, the emperor, has already fallen!"

In an unfilled family, the argument with the zombie is divided into two veins.

In the usual, the bones and zombies are all turning into the emperor of the ethnic group.

However, this time is an accident.

Because this time, the bonus, hindrance, the mourning, the power, all into the bone body.

In this way, this respected bone, although it is just a common near-fairy, but his strength, actual, becoming the first person of the unmanufacturing.

Although the zombie is extremely unwilling, in such cases, they can only default, let the bones, continue to become an unsteady.

I have to say that I don't die, it is one of the first-class intensive universe, and it is really a terrible.

I saw that at this time, in this world, including the bone, with the zombie, together, there is still one hundred and threety-seven.

These existence, they are all in the universe, the most terrible existence, every respect, is close to the immortal.

However, at this time, these most terrible existence, one, all lift the head.

The bone and zombie family are both a dead spirit.

Whether in any time, they should not feel different expressions.

However, at this time, in the void around them, there was a sad atmosphere.

"We don't have any other way?"

This is, a purple gold zombie emperor.

In the unsteady, it is the old age.

In the usual, this respect is old, it can be a saying of Jiu Ding.

Even if it is an unstead, there is no one doubt in addition to the .

However, at this moment, this respected, who had been unfolded, and he had an old and old, he had to ask.

At this moment, it was really, revealed, helpless in his heart.

"The emperor has already fallen!"

The emperor is an unmanifestation.

In the usual, even the big thing is a big thing, it is impossible to shake the status of the emperor.

However, in today, the emperor actually fell.


Most importantly, this is already an unfilled family, in a very short time, the second emperor that has already fallen.


"How, the corpse is afraid of death?"

"Yeah, I am afraid!"

I unexpectedly, Zijin Zombie Huard, actually admitted.

I heard the words, the scene, and it was quiet.

Yes, who is not dead?

Can alive, always good.

"But we have no way."

"Yeah, we have no way."

The four countries, the strength is already extremely terrible.

Even if it has been deeply chaotic, I don't know how many era of the rules of the rules, one by one in his hand.

Now, his strength will be upgraded again and will be more invincible.

Then, the dragon has been killed.

Do you not alive?

"Take action!"

"Okay, even if it is dead, we can't let the unsteady, that is, destroy in our hands."

At this moment, everyone's look is very firm.

Creating pain, has been decided.

Even if you die, you have to let the four countries, not good.

Then, it can be clearly seen that the top of the group, black hell, naturally, constantly blooming the rays.

It can be clearly seen that a family, even a zombie family is all such a black hell, all of which are shrouded.

A vitality, naturally, is fast consumption.

Similarly, the black hell in the sky, the light of bloom is constantly strengthening.

It can be clearly seen in this hell, there is such a door.

This door, before, never close.

But at this moment, this door, turned out, naturally, started.

A low scream, naturally, it is from this door.

Even, in the faint, you can hear the sound of a sound of bone.

The horrible momentum is in this black hell.

This feeling is like it is, in this black hell, there is one or two very horrible existence.

At this moment, they did not die, they actually, in order to make this black hell quickly recovered, they actually sent a mad, sacrificed their own.

The entire ethnic group, including one hundred and thirty-dozen near Xian Dao, they actually, collectively go crazy, want to sacrifice themselves, all this only, let this black hell in the existence, rapid recovery.

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