My Super Estate

535 Suppression

Chapter 529 Suppression, Transform

"Yes, here is the Jiuqidong Mansion I arranged..."

The sound of the Dragon Bodhisattva sounded in the cave house.

Slowly, the figure of Jianglong Bodhisattva appeared in this so-called Jiuqidong Mansion. The monk hat was still so rotten. The robes on his body were still broken, and he held a broken willow leaf fan that made people want to vomit. , Holding a greasy gourd covered with oil.

The image of Jianglong Bodhisattva is always such a poor professional household.

The difference is that the former dragon was the descendant of the dragon, and now the demon is gone. The true elements in the body quickly form a variety of mysterious magic symbols through a certain mysterious power, forming a unique body. Mana.

"Lord Venerable Dragon..."

Looking at the broken professional household in front of him, it was not only the master of Qiankun Cave, but also the master of the East, the master of the magic knife, all of them gritted their teeth.

"Amitabha... the three donors, you are wrong, the monk is not a false dragon, but the Venerable Dragon is already a past tense, and now it is the Dragon Buddha, don't make a mistake."

"Bah, it's still the Dragon Bodhisattva, you don't look in the mirror, just like a broken professional household like you, also worthy to be called a Bodhisattva?"

Obviously, knowing that there was no hope of escaping, the three of them broke their courage and uttered a curse at the Bodhisattva Dragon. If they could scold the inner devil again, it was really good news.


Faced with the evil words of the three people, the Bodhisattva Dragon is also smiling, unmoved, as if it were a real Buddha.

"The thief monk, let us out soon, otherwise, the uncle will break your ruined cave house directly."

Jianglong Bodhisattva really has a good temperament, and he was unmoved in the face of the malicious curse of the three people.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, from his mouth, weirdly chanting verses.

"As I heard: At one time the Buddha was in the Shewei Kingdom. Only a tree was given to the Solitary Garden, and there were more than two hundred and fifty people in the Big Bhikkhus. At that time, when the world respected the food, he wore a bowl and clothed in the Shewei Wei City. In his city. Begging for the second time, return to the place. Meals, collect the mantle, wash the feet. Sit down and sit."

"The elder must be bodhisattva. In the public. From the seat. He leans on the right shoulder. The right knee is on the ground. The palms are respected. And the white Buddha said. Hope for the world esteem. Man. Good woman. Sending Amituo Luo Sanliu San Bodhicitta. Where should Ying Yun live, Yun He subdued his heart. Buddhist words. Good Zai Zai. Xu Bodhi. As Ru said. All Bodhisattvas. You listen to it now. You speak as Ru. Good man. Good woman. Sending Adodoro Sanliu three Bodhicitta. Should live as if to subdue his heart. Only. World esteem.


A large section of Vajra Sutra came out, and with the blessing of the mana in the body, a chanting sound suddenly sounded throughout the wine-colored cave mansion.


Buddhas and demons are born to face each other, whether it is the master of Qiankun Cave, the master of the magic knife, or the master of the East, the real elements in their bodies are biased toward the devil’s path. If it is just an ordinary monk, even the Vajrayana is called the Sutra Ancestor, however, in the face of such a big devil, there is no use.

However, now that this person who reads the Scriptures is replaced by a bodhisattva, it is quite different.

Under the blessing of Mana Bodhisattva, every word of the Vajra sutra is manifested in the sky and blessed in the wine-colored cave house, forming a very terrifying large formation.

"No, this thief monk wants to lay a large diamond array..."

The well-known Qiankun Dong suddenly changed his face and shouted.

The voice is full of anxiety.

"Damn, he wants to suppress us. Everyone shoots quickly, and we can't let him put this Vajra into a big battle. Otherwise, we won't be able to get ahead."

Buddhism is compassionate and fights with demons. It is the best way to seal the town. The time and space near Shenshui Manor is the most obvious example.

"It's good, get out of it quickly. Once this damn Donkey Kong array is successfully deployed, there is a legend that can call a trace of Buddha's power. When that happens, we will inevitably lose everything."

"There's so much nonsense, let's go quickly!"

The Eastern Archbishop yelled, and behind him, a golden sun rose brightly.

"The will is true, the dharma is born by itself, this, is this your dharma dharma?"

Cultivating into the magical realm is not only capable of cultivating into the strongest fighting body, the true meaning of martial arts in the body, but also can be evolved into reality, and cultivated into a phase containing the magical power of your body.

It is also because of this that the martial arts strong kings who have reached the magical realm can all cultivate their own life magic weapon, integrate the magic weapon with the phase of the law, and form an extremely powerful magic weapon.

"Magic Moon Yantian..."

The master of the East has already shot, and the master of the magic sword dare not slacken, nor dare to procrastinate, and immediately release his appearance.A round of black magic moon, infinite amount of magic light, fully resisted the crackdown of King Kong.


It was such a big move to watch the two shot, and the Master Qiankun Cave was completely dumbfounded.

This is how to do?

I have just stepped into the Xeon King, but the Xeon War Body has just been stabilized. Where can I cultivate my own law?

"What do you stupidly do? Hurry up to resist the law..."

Feeling the increasing pressure of the magic circle, I saw that Qiankun Cave Master was still stupid there, but he didn't shoot, and the two of them were furious.

At this time, it wasn't anything polite, and I felt that the pressure on my body was increasing, and suddenly, the two of them screamed at the Qiankun Cave Master who hadn't had any movement.

"You bullshit, do you want to kill us?"

"Don't fuck, you'll be quicker..."

"Bastard, are you going to let us all be suppressed by this abominable monk?"


"Me, I just made a breakthrough, I didn't practice the Fa at all..."

With a crying face, the Lord Qiankundong almost didn't cry.

"What? You didn't cultivate into the Fa?"

Both were stunned.

I haven't cultivated into Fa, you bastard, you haven't cultivated into Fa, what's your name!

In other words, you haven't cultivated into a Fa, that is to say, you are a nonsense at all. How can you dare to find the trouble of the Bodhisattva?

"Ah! You haven't practiced Fa Fa, you bastard, you haven't even practiced Fa Fa, you didn't practice Fa Fa, what did you jump in front of the Bodhisattva?"

For a time, both of them had the thoughts of killing Qiankun Cave Master.

In other words, you haven't even practiced the Fa, and you are so arrogant in front of the Bodhisattva, do you feel your life...

Regardless of the scolding in the hearts of the two, the Vajrasattva formation of the Dragon Bodhisattva has gradually improved.


Finally, the Donkey Kong Circle was completed, and a golden Buddha appeared in the sky.

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