My Super Estate

Chapter 536

Chapter 530 Desire to be Crazy

"Hey, what's going on?"

Three powerful, three mighty kings, this kind of existence, even in a land like the earth where the mixed element prohibition, faced with this kind of existence alone, one may still be able to eat, but, three, Wang Yang also Shouting stomachache.

But what does this mean?

The three are so powerful, just a sip of wine, and they will be gone directly?

Does this look at my seventy-two changes?

Just kidding, this is the three powerful, true Xeon kings, the Tianwuhou who was once invincible in the first place. Before facing the king, he would have to eat in the face of such existence.

As a result, what is happening now?Such a god-like existence does it disappear?

Not only was the empty monk, but also Master Fang Ming, seeing such a scene, he also wanted the Buddha's heart to be unstable, almost shocked with a cold sweat, and his calm face turned into an egg-like appearance now.

"One hand covers the sky..."

The invincible magic gun looked dignified, so said.

"What do you mean? Do you know something?"

The scene in front of me was too weird, and Wang Yang was also deeply shocked, and even had a state of recurrence of heart disease.

"Once I saw in the family classics, some peerless powers, they can open up an independent space in the endless chaos, the seventy-two caves are like this.

It’s just that the sky is too big to be feasible for ordinary people. Therefore, there is some lack of strength. They open up the sky, which is completely not enough. However, in order to collect a large amount of the power of faith, they live in other people’s sky and open up another space. The space is too small to be called Dongtian. Therefore, they call this space Dongfu.

Qiankun Cave is such an existence.

In fact, whether it is Dongtian or Dongfu, they are some peerless masters, in order to collect a large amount of the power of faith, in order to seek the gods into immortals.The difference is that Dongtian is a complete and independent world. No matter anyone, as long as they live in this cave, they naturally provide a force of faith for the cave developers.The cave house is completely like a parasite. They rely on propagating various miracles to deceive mortals to provide them with the power of faith.

However, both Dongtian and Dongfu exist for the power of faith, but there is nothing wrong with this.

However, there are some real powers, but they apply this magical power to combat.

For example, in the world of Buddha’s palm, legend has it that Qi Tian, ​​one of the seven great sages in the demon world, could not fly out of his palm at all.

In addition, the ancestor of the earth immortal, the prince of Zhenyuan, in the legend, the world in his sleeve, in fact, can also be counted as a hole in the sky.

Their power, the hole they opened, was not for collecting the power of faith, but for fighting."

"You mean, just a sip of wine from the Dragon Bodhisattva, and the three people including Qiankun Cave Master were turned into nothingness. In fact, just the mouth of the Dragon Bodhisattva directly opened a hole in the sky?"

Wang Yang was completely shocked.

The so-called I am crazy.

Wang Yang didn't believe it all the time, but now he believes it.

It is really terrible, just a sip of wine, and it opened up a hole in the sky, how terrible is this magical power?

For a time, Wang Yang did not dare to think down, but this idea is really terrible.

The shocking color in Wang Yang's tone, Invincible Gunshot heard, but he didn't show it on his face, as if he didn't see it.

"It may not be so terrifying to open a side hole with a sip of wine, but it is certain to open a side hole house.

Otherwise, the Dragon-Long Bodhisattva now disappears and will be unclear."

Wang Yang looked deeply at the invulnerability of the sharp gun and said: "Lao Yang, you can't see it. Your old Yang family is not simple!"

"Ha ha."

Faced with this problem, Invincible Gunslinger did not give a positive answer, but just chuckled.

"The sharp gun is invincible, you actually know so much?"

The empty monk was also surprised.

The world in the palm of the Buddha and the heaven and earth in the sleeves of the ancestors of the earth immortals are all secrets of great power. Where can ordinary people know?

"That is to say, the Dragon Bodhisattva has suppressed them?"

Wang Yang did not hold on to all kinds of secrets, and there are many secrets in this world.

For example, no one knows that the world has not changed, and the seal has not been opened. In this world, there will be seventy-two holes in the world, and it will not know that the existence of the god Buddha, let alone know, has been countless times on TV. The characters in the movie are also possible in real life.

Countless people once argued about whether there are aliens in the universe, but when the seal was broken, it was discovered that some people could open the sky alone. It is also a legend that there is a fairyland.

All of these are secrets. The reason why they are secrets is only because our strength is not enough. We do not know that qualification. When the strength is reached, the so-called secrets are no longer secrets.

"It's impossible. Dongfu can only be counted as opening up a space independently. If it can suppress everything, it must also have enough strength. Otherwise, even if it is Dongtian, under the powerful force, it will be broken."


In the mouth of the Bodhisattva, there is a continuation of the mantra, a statue of six golden Buddhas, which appears in the air in the middle of the cave.

"Jianglong, you want to suppress us, just think..."

The Lord of Qiankun Cave shouted.

The same as the supreme king, even if he wanted to suppress himself, the Lord Qiankun Dong would never agree.

"Damn, this Vajrasattva formation not only has a repressive effect, but also a fertile effect. This bastard, he wants to ferry us."

The Eastern Teacher exclaimed and shouted loudly.


The Master of the Magic Knife was also in a panic, the domineering Daogang all over the place raged everywhere.

"It's useless, your knives and gangs can't be put together as one, and the power is too scattered."

The magic knife master's swordsmanship is supernatural. If it is a group battle, it is naturally invincible. However, for singles and solo fighting, such scattered power has no effect at all.

"What about then?"

Of course, the Master of the Magic Knife knows, but his magical power is completely prepared for group battles, and it is absolutely impossible to conquer the whole body with the sword.

"Well, if I knew, I wouldn't be suppressed like this now."

The Eastern leader now regrets his intestines, originally intended to guard against the dragon, and as a result, he even came to the door by himself.

Isn't this the death of the cottage with the lantern?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was in the heart of the Eastern Church Master, and he stared fiercely at Lord Qiankun Cave.


Unlucky child, Lord Qiankun Cave lay the knife again.

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