My Super Estate

600 Undercurrent Surging

Chapter 593 The Undercurrent Surges

"Brother, what should I do?"

The Xeonwang robbery of the God of Food, the experience time is not very short, it lasted for three days and three nights.

Although the vision of heaven and earth only passed away in an instant, for those who are interested, such a long time is enough for them to come.

Xuan Ming, the second old, is such two people.

Like Blood Lord, it was completely attracted to the Xeon King Tribulation.

The supreme creation is not only the creation of the robber, but also the creation of the Hunyuan Venerable.

According to legend, the strongest creation contains the enlightenment of the marauder's martial arts. As long as someone obtains it and refines it by himself, he can naturally feel the strong martial art from it.

"Brother, now this Xeon Xianqi has been acquired by the kid, what shall we do?"


Xuan Ming's second old man, Xuan Ji Zi, Ming Ji Zi, and the two brothers are the famous evil Taoist wandering in heaven, and even were once wanted by heaven in the world.


The two brothers hadn't shot yet, Blood Zun suddenly jumped out, and confronted Wang Yang for a while.

"This, this is Blood Lord??"

The name of Blood Respect, once passed on in Tianjie Aluminum for a while, confronted with Tota the Heavenly King without a Qiang, and has long allowed Blood Respect to spread the Quartet.

"Brother, what should I do? Blood Zun shot, let's shoot quickly, otherwise, we will have no chance."

"By shooting, you know it, are you blind, haven't you seen Xuezun's shot?"

Do we dare to fight in front of Blood Lord?

Are you afraid of being remembered by Blood Lord?

Damn, the God of Food is not famous for martial arts, even if he achieves the Xeon King Realm, our two brothers are very likely to get this Xeon fortune from his hands.

This bastard, actually gave such an important thing to someone, damn, he really was damn."

Xuanjizi scolded loudly.

Their two brothers, who have cultivated to the level of Hunyuan Venerable, have reached a limit, and their potential has been exhausted. It is basically impossible to take another step.

Supremacy is their only opportunity.

In the past few years, their two brothers have been wandering in the heavenly realm, and have been rushing around for this matter more than once. They are already staring at them.

However, no one thought of it, the God of Food suddenly realized, doing things even more simply, even such a treasure of fortification, his mother's asshole, can even give away.

For two people, for a time, it was really hard to vent their hatred.

"But, elder brother, otherwise, what shall we do, we have been staring at the God of Fortune for so many years, we have been waiting for this day, don't we just give up like this?"

Ming Jizi was not reconciled. For this day, they followed the God of Fortune for decades, only because they knew that their talents were limited and it was difficult to walk too far on the road of monasticism.

However, their talents are good, their roots are good, their strength is extremely strong, and the two brothers joined forces to even fight the Xeon King.

This is also their bottom line.

Isn’t it just about giving up, Xuan Jizi, didn’t say much, he just looked at it, and he also believes that the people who come here this time will definitely not only have two brothers.

"The God of Food God's talents are really amazing. With delicious taste, he can still survive the Sixty-nine Thunder Tribulation.

Ha ha, this is the most powerful, this seat wants it."

Fire Cloud Evil God's eyes were shining, staring at the battle between Wang Yang and Blood Sovereign. There was no fear in his eyes, and some were just endless fighting intentions.

"I have heard for a long time that the invincible grandmaster is terrible. Now it seems that this is the case. I want to see if they can guarantee their lives at my speed."

Fire Cloud Evil God also just came from the martial world.

Wujie, which is also one of the seventy-two holes, ranks extremely early.

"Well, yes, this blood respect has some means to control the blood of others with voice. This method is similar to the blood demon of the demon world.

Could it be that he is a disciple of Gorefiend?

However, he just said that he is the son of the devil?"

The existence of Blood Sovereign, he also attaches great importance to the existence of Fire Cloud Evil God.

"Yes, this boy in the realm is extraordinary. I heard that he has inherited the emperor Ziyang. Well, let them see. This is to see if they are qualified to be opponents of this seat."

Fire Cloud Evil God can also be said to be a different kind of martial arts.

In the Grand Master's realm, he did not practice to the invincible grand master. From then on, in his hands, he had a great commitment to defeat all invincible grand masters and strive for the world's first person.

After entering the Hundred Yuan Realm, he even struggled for it. It really is not to mention that since he entered the martial world, his peerless talents have been fully exerted. From then on, he is unstoppable and his strength is extremely terrible.

"Well, let them fight, and then, I will defeat them by then."

Four invincible grandmasters have been connected to Shenshui Manor. In this era of unobstructed internet, it has long been known.

Fire Cloud Evil God is here.

"Oh, okay, this time just came, I will try the world with a sword.

I want to go the invincible way, defeat all the enemies, come to this place, but it is really right, Du Gu Jiu Jian, I want to see, in this world, who can block my sword?"

"My Sky Sword, waiting for your challenge."

"Haha, okay, to cultivate the invincible way and defeat the invincible person is the strongest person in ancient times.

According to legend, the first person in the Fengshenbang list, Dragon God, is from this place. Originally, he only came to the Dragon God's hometown to pay his respects, but did not expect that there would be unexpected joy here.

Not bad."

For a time, around the Shenshui Manor, there was a lot of fighting spirit rushing into the sky, blood entangled, not letting go of each other.

"Boss Yang, these four weeks are really strong enemies!"

Abing said,

"Yes, the sharp gun is invincible. These four weeks, so strong fighting intentions, there are excellent masters around."

As the invincible grandmaster, Luo Jian naturally felt it too.

The magic gun nodded invincibly and said, "Yes, these four weeks are really not too calm.

You see, the powerful battle and blood are entangled in the sky above Shenshui Manor, and they have condensed into a strong battle platform.

This is a true invincible battle platform, fighting the world by force to prove the invincible way.

This is an invincible road that many aspiring invincibles walk together."

Looking down at the invincible finger of the sharp gun.

I saw the Shenshui Manor volley, the void was distorted, and a battle platform formed by the endless blood appeared out of thin air.

It was formed by condensing blood without enemies.

Among them, there is the road of invincibility, as long as you board this battle and defeat the endless strong, it will inevitably achieve the road of invincibility, thus triggering the robbery of the ninety-nine strongest king.

Legend has it that this is the real road to invincibility between heaven and earth."

Pointing at the invincible battle platform that gradually emerged in mid-air, the Sacred Invulner said so.

After hearing this, everyone was shocked.

This time, it's really a dark tide!

No one knows how many dark tides are lurking under this calm current??

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